Investigation of adjustment methods of the PID controller for low-damped elastic systems
Students Name: Sapiha Roman Vitaliiovych
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: The object of the study – computer model of the electric drive with equivalent dual-mass mechanical part. The subject of the study – the influence of the method of adjustment of the classic PID-controller on fluctuations of intermediate variables in the system separated by a pair of complex-conjugate poles. The goal of the work – reduce fluctuations of the end output coordinate (speed), as minimization of fluctuations of the intermediate – elastic moment. This work is aimed to show the procedure of the adjustment of the PID-controller for low-damped elastic system. One of the cautions concerning the use of PID-controllers is to avoid using it in systems with fluctuating nature of the conduct. In the terminology of automatic control theory these are the systems separated by a pair of complex-conjugate poles. That’s why it is interesting to compare different adjustment methods of PID-controllers that are such unsuitable considering the theory. For computer experiments there have been used the model of the electric drive part of the turning mechanism of the mine excavator EKG-5 with equivalent dual-mass mechanical part. Elasticity in the form of a long shaft with weight makes the parasitic fluctuations into the speed coordinate, which makes it possible to achieve the desired fluctuation nature of the processes in the object of the study. The system is of the fourth order as it can be instable in case of incorrectly selected parameters of the control system. Analysis of configuration results fulfilled with the help of the popular methods gives the possibility to estimate the optimal choice of configuration method for such systems.