Design of switched reluctance motor with external rotor and capacity storage for wheel drive of electric vehicle
Students Name: Vano Vasyl Romanovych
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
Institute: Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2019-2020 н.р.
Language of Defence: ukrainian
Abstract: At the first chapter of the explanatory note,the existing systems of motor-wheel’s electric drives formodern electric cars wasdescribed. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of typical electric motors as a motor-wheel electric driveusing. The basic usage advantages of switched reluctance motor with an external rotor as an alternative to improving existing systems re given in this chapter. The main goal of up described improvement is to reduce costs and increase reliability in modern electric vehicles. The nominal data of the motor-wheel drive was calculatedalsoin this chapter, which are based on the calculation of the already existing electric vehicles’indicators.Such approach allows makingdifferent comparators of the efficiency of such electric drives. All calculations were formed in the terms of reference for the design, which includes the nominal speed, torque and supply voltage, as well as recommendations were formed on the external dimensions of the future motor-wheel. The second chapter highlighted the main modernization directions of existing computer-aided design systems of SRM with inverted construction and with capacitive energy storage. The structural scheme of such system with the list of necessary stages of calculation is described in this paper. The main developing methods of modern computer-aided design systems are described and formulated, so for the further operation possibility vs modern operating systems. As well as methods of improving user interaction with the software environment are described in second chapter.The theoretical recommendations for the choice of independent calculation parameters are given at the end of this chapter. The calculation listing of the stator diameter with theoretical information and guidelines are described as an example. All design techniques described in this chapter correspond to the theoretical foundations and features of the electric motors with an external rotor design. The calculation of SRM added the computer-aided design system is given in third chapter. The calculation results of this process includes value of the initial data of the operating characteristics of the motor, the calculated and approximated data ofmagnetization characteristics, the current and voltage characteristics on the storage capacitors. All calculations were based on the terms of reference, which were formed and calculated in the first chapter of the explanatory note. Through the calculation, the main attention was paid to the recommendations on dimensional values, and conformity of the calculated data of the electric motor with the set technical requirements. The main result of this type of design is the calculation form, which is created in the calculation process and contains a description of the main design dialog with the entered and calculation data, which were described in this chapter. Another important result of the CADS of SRM with an external rotor is the output file creation. This file describing the main parameters of the designed SRM with an external rotor, intended for further analysis in the computer-aided research system of the SRM, which allows investigating SRM and which described in the next chapter of the explanatory note. The fourth section discusses the features of the computer-aided system for characteristics studying of the SRM. The main advantages of using computer-aided research systems were described in this chapter. Among them, there was an advantage in reducing visibility, because the system is based on mathematical calculations with sufficient physical interpretation, so there is no need for field experiment. This chapter also described the features of calculations in such systems, considers the block diagram of such a system and its main stages of calculation. Methods of calculation results forming with computer-aided research system using are considered in this paper. Researching results of actually designed SRM with external rotor are given in fourth chapter. During calculation was choosing electronic commutate scheme with series capacitor in each section of SRM. The investigation result of the SRM were given as a curves of current, voltage and motor torque, both in quasi-steady-state operational modes and in transient operational modes. The conclusions were described at the end of paper and are based of the result on conformity of the received settlement data to the technical task.