Investigation of Process of Fine Treatment of Dairy Wastewater by Physical and Chemical Methods
Students Name: Diadenchuk Anna Vasylivna
Qualification Level: master (ESP)
Speciality: Chemical Technology and Engineering
Institute: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies
Mode of Study: full
Academic Year: 2020-2021 н.р.
Language of Defence: англійська
Abstract: As known physical and chemical cleaning by means of reagents- coagulants gives an opportunity approximately on 80- 85 % to clean flows . For the thin cleaning and achievement of HDKof content of organic compounds for the upcast of them in an environment apply biological methods, that are bulky, of long duration, need the observance of certain terms for the vital functions of living bacteria, and also utilization of surplus намулу. Therefore our aim was search of alternative method existent biological [1,2]. Actuality of work. The special place among the methods of chemical destruction of стійкихорганічнихсистем occupies the use of the oxidizing systems on the basis of suroxide of hydrogen - ecologically clean oxidant that forms water as a product of renewal. In that behalf considerable interest is presented by the systems that contain cations of transitional metals as catalysts of radical disintegration of Н2О2 most effective from that systems Fenton on are considered and that forms water as a product Raffa, that include Raffa, that include the suroxide of hydrogen. The necessity of thin cleaning is conditioned by the presence of cutin organic admixtures that by coagulation, removing is not succeeded. Interesting are applications of oxidants, that would give an opportunity of deep exception of pollutants. Introduction of classic oxidants (KMnO4, ClO2 and others like that) assists secondary contamination and worsens quality of water. Therefore the interesting decision of this question is application of method of catalytic oxidizing with application of connections of transitional metals [3]. In the institute of fisicai- oxidizing chemistry and вуглехімії the name of L.М. Lutvenenka NAN of Ukraine, senior staff scientist of department of chemistry of oxidizing processes, separation of fisicai- chemistry of combustible minerals of Makido О.U. worked out new catalyst on the basis of oxide of cooper (CoFe2O4/SiO2/CuO), that works on principle of the system Fenton. The feature of such catalyst is a magnetizability, that simplifies the exception of him from reactionary space. This catalyst passed approbation on the exception of dye methylene blue and can be effective to cleaning of sucklings flows [4]. Thus, actuality of select subjects undoubtedly. Master’s degree qualifying work consists of explanatory message and graphic part (15 folias). A calculation explanatory message contains 7 divisions, by the general volume of a 83 page. Imputing next aims: - to pick up a corresponding wave-length on КFК- 3(390 нм); - by experimental researches to pick up the corresponding breeding of suckling mixture, to spend in limits CUO of 80-100 mgО2/l; -it is calibration of реометра, to pick up a capillary, certain expense; - to educe a side reaction, if such appear during blowing blowing out of solution; - to investigate behavior of solution, from Н2О2, with a catalyst. Scientific novelty. An optimal wave- length was set, with the least rejection and most sensitiveness (by the method of calibration of device of КФК- 3). It is well-proven that oxidizing destruction by the system Fenton organic substances of different structure it takes place in the мікрогетерогенній system with formation of aggregates of Н2О2 of iron, that directly participate in decomposition. It was educed during laboratory researches, that the determined amount of suroxide of hydrogen that mixes exactly to define a chemical method content of oxygen and absorbancy on FЕК appears during the process of blowing out, that predetermines to do a count mathematical formulas for exactness of research. Practical meaningfulness of work. This method is not yet certain to the end, exact influence of рН environment and cooperating however was so certain with acids. Although, if рН and CUO is within the limits of this experiment, a method can be used for small at?ємів of sucklings flows (МF), and farther to conduct a complete bioscrubbing. Keywords: sucklings flows, chemical consumption of oxygen, system Fenton, peroxigen, catalyst, filter of Shota, absorbancy, redox.