lnformation Systern and Technologies lnformation Systern and Technologies
Qualification awarded: Doctor of Philosophy by Specialty of lnformation Systern and Technologies
Entry year: 2023
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies
Number of credits: 60 ECTS credits of Educational Component
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 8 (Third cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 8)
Field(s) of study: Information technology
Specific admission requirements: Entrance examinations in specialty and foreign language.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Given that the previous level obtained in another country requires nostrification, which is held Lviv Polytechnic. The machinery recognition of non-formal and information education - no.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Complete implementation of the individual curriculum and defense of the Dissertation
Characteristics of the educational program: The ability to solve complex problems in the field of professional and/or research and innovation, which involves a deep rethinking of existing and the creation of new comprehensive knowledge and/or professional practices.
Програмні результати навчання: – Analyze the foundational and modern works of leading foreign and domestic scientists in the chosen field of research, formulate the goals and objectives of their own scientific research as components of the general civilization process. – Possession of general scientific philosophical knowledge necessary for the formulation of a scientific worldview, professional ethics and cultural outlook. – Present and discuss scientific results in the Ukrainian and foreign languages orally and in writing. – Perform original scientific research of information systems and digital services at the appropriate professional level, achieve scientific results that create new knowledge, to solve current problems. – Manage research projects and/or prepare proposals for research funding. – Cooperate with experts from different fields in the framework of scientific projects on the development and research of information systems and technologies, using the principles of professional ethics and skills of professional ethical behavior. – Apply scientific and pedagogical technologies, formulate the content, goals of training, ways to achieve them, forms of control, be responsible for the effectiveness of the educational process. – Design integral systems from Industry 4.0 (including endpoints, network connections, cloud platforms, implementation of data exchange and analysis, etc.). – Optimize software in accordance with the principles of service-oriented architecture of distributed software systems. – Manage the processes of creating and using information systems and digital services. – Apply methods of securing the computer information in the design of information systems and digital services in various subject areas. – Apply methods of consolidation, transformation, visualization, quality assessment and data preprocessing for qualitative preparation of data for analysis. – Conduct intelligent analysis of electronic datasets to solve specific practical problems. – Be able to use foreign and domestic universal software and analytical platforms to search for patterns, relationships, rules, knowledge in electronic datasets. – Apply modern software and hardware to solve applied problems of building information systems and digital services. – Carry out reengineering of applied information systems, business processes and digital services. – Design and optimize IT infrastructure support information systems using modern tools.
Academic mobility: Based on bilateral agreements between National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and the Technical University of Ukraine. Based on bilateral agreements between National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and schools partner countries
Work placement(s): Pedagogical workshop.
Programme director: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Networks, +38 (032)25-82-551, Yevhen Burov, Yevhen.V.Burov@lpnu.ua
Occupational profiles of graduates: Jobs in public and private higher education institutions, scientific and research institutions in the positions of teachers and researchers, in enterprises and in organizations of various activities and forms of ownership in management positions.
Other program features: To deepen theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of information technology, specializing in information systems and technologies, to develop philosophical and linguistic competencies, to form universal skills of the researcher, sufficient for conducting and successful completion of scientific research and further professional, scientific and teaching activities.