Urban Construction and Economy Urban Construction and Economy
Qualification awarded: Master in building and civil engineering
Entry year: 2020
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1,5 year
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Number of credits: 90 credits ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Architecture and construction
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational and professional program is based on modern engineering programs and the results of scientific research in the field of construction and architecture and includes the following areas: research, design, construction technology, repair, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of buildings and structures and utilities, renovation of old buildings, use of new technologies and energy-saving materials, organization of repair and reconstruction works. The main focus is the design, construction technology, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of buildings and structures and utilities.
Gained competence: - possession of sufficient knowledge in areas related to UCE disciplines, which will allow to critically analyze the situation and identify key trends in the industry; - obtaining knowledge to determine the methods of calculation, construction, repair and reconstruction of separate buildings, structures and buildings of municipal services; quality control of works on repair and strengthening of the main building structures; - providing of engineering training, planning, organization of works on operation, current repair and reconstruction of residential and administrative buildings, utilities, roads, adjacent territories; - knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles that are the basis of civil and industrial construction, in particular for their repair, reconstruction, operation, maintenance of utilities and adjacent territories; - deepening of knowledge in the specialization "Urban construction and economy": finding of loadings and actions of natural and climatic factors, implementation of calculations on designing and strengthening of steel, reinforced concrete, masonry and timber structures; - planning and management of material, technical and transport support, organization of construction facilities and construction site, works management on repair of buildings and structures of municipal economy, provision of their financing; - knowledge and understanding of methods of calculation, design, reconstruction and modernization of facilities in the specialization of UCE in accordance with the regulatory requirements of applicable standards and specifications; - acquisition of adequate knowledge and understanding related to the specialization "Urban Construction and Economy", the scale of which will be sufficient to successfully organize and conduct inspection of buildings and individual structures, to form and represent the results of professional activities, use basic tools and devices for quality control various types of construction work.
- apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of UCE development using known and latest methods; - systematically think and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas in the field of services for the calculation, design, reconstruction, installation, maintenance and operation of buildings and structures; - organize and perform quality control of production processes for installation, repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures of the municipal economy and coordinate the work of relevant departments, organize work on the timely implementation of the production program; - work effectively both individually and as a team, plan and manage the development of certain types of work or part of the project; - identify, classify and describe work in the field of services for the calculation, design, installation, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of buildings and structures, assess the technical condition of buildings, structures and utilities of housing; - to combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy for solving the problems of the industry, taking into account universal values, social, state and industrial interests; - carry out relevant research and apply research skills in the field of services for the design, installation, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of buildings and structures, to guide project development at all stages and stages of design, construction and commissioning of facilities; - critically evaluate the results of activities, and reasonably defend the decisions taken, to implement in the production of advanced technological developments; - to use in practice knowledge, to apply methodical tools of knowledge in the field of services on design, reconstruction, and operation of buildings and constructions, to analyze the received results of researches in the context of existing theories, to draw the corresponding conclusions.
- to bring information, ideas, problems, solutions and personal experience in the field of professional activity to specialists and non-professionals; - the ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology for effective communication at the professional and social levels.
Programme director: Dean of Master's degree, PhD, Assoc. prof. Pozniak Oksana
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level