Space Monitoring of the Earth Space Monitoring of the Earth
Qualification awarded: Master's degree in Earth Sciences with a specialization Space monitoring of the Earth
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1,5 years
Institute: Institute of Geodesy
Number of credits: 90 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 7 (Second cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 7)
Field(s) of study: Natural sciences
Specific admission requirements: The presence of a bachelor's degree
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: Given that the previous level obtained in another country requires nostrification, which is held by Lviv Polytechnic.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the educational program and protection master's qualification work.
Characteristics of the educational program: Educational and professional training program is based on the known positions and results of modern scientific research in geophysics, geology, geodesy, cartography, geodynamics, meteorology and climatology and focuses on current specialization, within which possible further professional and academic career.
Program objective is to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills, sufficient to successfully perform their professional duties specialty 103 "Earth Sciences" with specialization "Space monitoring of the Earth" and prepare students for future employment in the chosen specialty.
Earth sciences specialists are able to solve complex problems and specialized practical problems during professional work in the field of natural sciences or learning process, which provides application of the theoretical and practical knowledge, relevant professional methods, technologies and systems and have the necessary expertise in field of surveying, satellite and navigation equipment, create a base of geo-data for a variety of geo-information systems.
Laboratory classes are conducted using modern surveying and mapping equipment and software.
During the research practice students perform field work according to the specialization, acquire skills for processing of geodetic measurements, acquainted with geodesic company’s structures, gain practical material for the implementation of the master qualifying work, and so on.
The total amount of educational and professional program - 90 ECTS credits, including general training cycle .: - 6 credits, cycle of professional training - 84 credits.
Gained competence: 1. Basic knowledge of fundamental sciences to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines.
2. Basic knowledge of geophysics, satellite geodesy, cartography, meteorology and geodynamics necessary to develop professionally oriented disciplines.
3. Ability to identify, classify and describe the work related to geophysical, geodetic, cartographic and meteorological activities through the use of analytical methods and modeling techniques.
4. Ability to perform analysis and forecasting of studied phenomena and processes.
5. Ability using modern computer technology to create digital geospatial model.
6. Ability to use methodological approaches to assessing natural resources and its environment-friendly forms of use and reproduction.
7. Ability to make a general technological scheme of data processing of Space monitoring of the Earth.
8. Ability to prepare the necessary documentation and applications for patent and copyright certificates.
9. Ability to formulate problems and build information model of processes for processing obtained practical data.
10. Ability to formulate goals and tasks of monitoring research, design basic models of typical residential research in the development of space monitoring.
11. Ability to conduct space monitoring of specific objects from the database of active permanent observation stations.
12. Ability to create the required data model and design specifications for information.
13. Ability to design base of geospatial data of space monitoring based on unified model.
14. Ability to use the techniques of input and editing spatial data.
15. Ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills for solving tasks specialty.
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures of ECTS
Work placement(s): An important aspect of training in the Earth Sciences is Research practice on the topic of master’s qualification work, which is held on survey companies, departmental offices of engineering profile.
Programme director: Associate Professor, Ph.D., Liubov Yankiv-Vitkovska, tel. 0677008528,
Occupational profiles of graduates: Performance of atmospheric research; study of the Earth's gravitational field and its variations over time; definition and modeling of geodynamic phenomena; determination of topographic surface of the World Ocean; implementation of modern GIS technology based on studies of remote sensing; creating systems of geodetic and geotechnical environment monitoring.
Access to further studies: The possibility of further education for reception of the third (education and research) level of higher education.
Other program features: There is an agreement on dual certification.