Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Qualification awarded: Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology
Number of credits: 240 credits of ECTS
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Information technology
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: The previous level obtained in another country requires nostrification, which is held by National University “Lvivska Polytechnica”.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full completion of educational program and protection of Bachelor’s qualification work
Characteristics of the educational program: General program: «Computer Engineering»
The purpose of the educational program: provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills, sufficient to perform successfully professional duties in specialty 123 "Computer engineering" and to prepare students for further study in the chosen specialization. Educational-professional program is based on the known positions and results of a modern researches in the theory of computer systems and networks, artificial intelligence, computer circuitry and electronics, programming and is oriented on further professional and academic career in this field. Special education and professional training in the field of computer engineering. Orientation on the complete representation of computer systems of various purposes as a combination of hardware and software components.
Graduates of "Computer engineering" specialty can work in the public and private sectors in various fields, including: production, repair, maintenance and configuration of computer systems, networks and its components, development and implementation of software for system and specific purpose.
Gained competence: 1) to know and understand scientific and mathematical principles underlying the operation of computer tools, systems and networks;
2) to know the basics of professional-oriented disciplines of the specialty in computer engineering;
3) to have advanced knowledge in at least one of the areas in computer engineering: computer systems and networks; system programming; specialized computer systems;
4) to have the knowledge and skills to conduct experiments, collect data and execute modeling in computer systems;
5) to know and understand design methodology, the relevant regulations applicable standards and specifications;
6) to have knowledge about the current state of affairs and the latest technologies in the field of computer engineering;
7) to know and understand the impact of engineering solutions in the social, economic and environmental context;
8) to have a basic knowledge of economics and project management;
9) ability to apply the knowledge and understanding for identification, to formulate and solve engineering problems in specialty using known methods;
10) ability to apply the knowledge and understanding to solve problems of analysis and synthesis specific tasks usual for chosen specialization;
11) ability to think systematically and apply creativity to the formulation of innovative ideas;
12) ability to apply knowledge of technical characteristics, structural features, purpose and operation rules of computer equipment and components for solving of technical problems in specialty;
13) ability to count, construct, design, explore, exploit, repair, configure the typical for specialty equipment;
14) ability to search for information from various sources to meet the challenges of computer engineering;
15) ability to work effectively both individually and within a team;
16) ability to identify, classify and describe the work of computer systems and their components;
17) ability to combine theory and practice, make decisions and develop a strategy of activity to solve tasks of the specialty considering the human values, social, civil and industrial interests;
18) ability to implement the relevant experimental studies and apply research skills on professional topics;
19) ability to evaluate the results and to defend applied decisions with arguments;
20) ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and one foreign language (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish);
21) ability to use information technologies and other methods for effective communication on professional and social levels;
22) ability of adaptation to new situations and to make decisions;
23) aware of need for lifelong learning to enhance the acquired and acquiring new professional knowledge;
24) to attitude responsibly for executing work and to achieve the deserved goal considering requirements of professional ethic;
25) ability to demonstrate an understanding and application of the basic principles of labor protection and safety of life.
Academic mobility: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures of ECTS
Work placement(s): Research practice on the topic of Bachelor’s qualification work
Programme director: Melnyk Anatoliy Oleksijovych (phone 0677240439, email:
Occupational profiles of graduates: The specialist can perform the following professional work:
1. Technical specialists in computer engineering:
Technician of Computing Center
Technician-Designer (Electronics)
Laboratorian (Computer Engineering)
Technician Programmer
The Operator of Computers
2. Professionals in the field of computer systems
Developers of Computing Systems:
Database Administrator
Data Administrator
Access Administrator
Access Administrator (group)
Task Administrator
Systems Administrator
Computer Communications Analyst
Computer Systems Analyst
Computer Data Bank Analyst
Computer Systems Engineer
Computer’s Software Engineer
Computer Systems Designer
3. Professionals in programming:
Computer Software Developer
Applied Programmer
System Programmer
4. Professionals in other areas of computing (computerization):
Specialists in other fields of Computing
Computer Engineer
The specialist may hold primary positions:
Electronic Technician
Technician - Programmer
Electronic Engineer
System Designer - Engineer
Engineer - Programmer
Access to further studies: All Master’s degree Programs of "Computer engineering" specialty.
Other program features: Department of Computer Engineering.
The use of modern equipment and software of leading companies in the field of information technologies, including: Xilinx, Altera, Cypress Micro Systems, Texas Instruments, Atmel, Analog Devices, Microsoft, Google.