Economics Economics
Qualification awarded: Master in economics
Entry year: 2019
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1 year 9 months
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Number of credits: 120 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Specific admission requirements: No
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If the previous degree has been obtained in the other countre then a nostrification is required, which is held by Lviv Polytechnic. The mechanism of non-formal and informal educations recognition is absent.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Full completion of the curriculum, practical training on the topic of the master's qualifying thesis and the master's thesis defence.
Characteristics of the educational program: Educational and scientific program represents scientific and professional training of masters in a wide range of specializations: business economics; economic development of the enterprise; economics for business; applied economics; economics of environment and natural resources; eco-branding and advertising technologies; virtual economy and eco-innovation transfer.
Gained competence: 1.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge of fundamentals and current trends of economics development at the micro, meso- and macro- levels; 2.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge of the formation and development of business career and professional ethics; 3.The ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of economic research in the development of society; 4.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge of methodology and tools for scientific research; 5.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge and understanding of economic processes of the enterprise, the economic mechanism of the enterprise and the organizational support of its functioning, modern technologies and methods of economic management, leadership styles; 6.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge and understanding of the parameters and factors of internal and external enterprise environment, of transformation processes in the domestic and international economic environment and the necessity to consider them in the process of management decision-making; 7.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge of the legal grounds of economic activity; 8.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge of operational, marketing, logistics, financial, investment and innovation, crisis, social and personnel, environmental activities of the enterprise to ensure their coordination and general orientation on increasing the market value of the business; 9.The ability to demonstrate profound knowledge of organizing and conducting of scientific and pedagogical activities using scientific methods and modern information and communication and innovative technologies.
1.The ability to select and apply a wide range of economic methods, tools and levers, economic and mathematical methods, modern software and information and communication technologies in economic decision-making; 2.The ability to carry out complex, partial and element socio-economic diagnosis of various fields, types, parameters of the enterprise activity; 3.The ability to plan, monitor and regulate the economic activity of the entity on the basis of strategic prospects forecasting for its operations, develop long-term and current financial and economic plans, budget planning, products costing and services pricing; 4.The ability to assess the competitiveness of enterprises, develop and economically justify the program of measures for its improvement; 5.The ability to justify the choice of funding sources and mechanisms of various kinds and areas of economic activity; 6.The ability to justify decisions on management of assets, resources, projects, financial and economic condition, financial and economic results of business activity of enterprises; 7.The ability to identify and assess the risks of business activity of enterprises, develop and substantiate measures for its financial and economic security management; 8.The ability to assess the value of tangible and intangible assets, property complexes, businesses using cost, revenue and market methods; 9.The ability to justify behaviour policy in the implementation of economic processes both within the enterprise and with the agents of environment (consumers, suppliers, transport and logistics organizations, financial market entities, legal institutions, state and local authorities); 10.The ability to investigate quantitative and qualitative correlation between mass social and economic phenomena and processes using progressive tools; 11.To choose and practically apply a lot of modern software products and Internet resources for conducting research.
1.The ability to communicate in native and foreign languages orally and in writing with the scientific and professional community and the public; 2.The ability to apply modern information and communication technologies for effective communication at the scientific, professional and social levels.
Academic mobility: Are absent, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with the ECTS procedures.
Work placement(s): Practical training on the theme of master's qualifying thesis.
Programme director: Head of education program – Seliuchenko Nadiia Yevstakhivna, e-mail:
Occupational profiles of graduates: The graduate is able to perform professional work in the following groups of professions (according to SC 003: 2010): assistant managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations; assistant managers of small enterprises without governing body; assistant managers of manufacturing and other key units; other specialists.
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level
Other program features: The program is implemented in Ukrainian and partially in English.