Management Management
Qualification awarded: Master in management
Entry year: 2019
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 1 year 9 months
Institute: Institute of Economics and Management
Number of credits: 120 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Management and Administration
Specific admission requirements: none
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of the training program, practical training on the theme of the master qualification work and defense of master qualification work
Characteristics of the educational program: The educational scientific program is based on fundamental postulates and results of the modern theoretical and applied researches in the field of management on the wide spectrum of its varieties in organizations of different types of activity and legal forms. Directed to the development of theoretical, methodological,methodical and applied principles of management and oriented on actual specializations within the limits of that a further scientific and professional career is possible : teachers of higher educational establishments, administrators, managers, specialists, professionals
Gained competence: 1. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to management of organizations and administration (by type of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of management of organizations, management decision-making process, leadership and leadership styles, conflict resolution solving problems of professional activity; 2. Ability to use professional knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economics for effective management of business entities in a market economy; 3. Integrate and apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice to solve management problems in the field of innovation; 4. Specialized conceptual knowledge acquired in the process of learning and / or professional activity at the level of the latest achievements, which are the basis for original thinking and innovation, in particular in the context of research.
1. Critically comprehend, select and use the necessary scientific, methodological and analytical tools for management in unpredictable conditions; 2. Identify problems in the organization and justify methods for solving them; 3. Design effective management systems for organizations; 4. Substantiate and manage projects, generate business ideas; 5. Plan the activities of the organization in strategic and tactical terms; 6. Have the skills to make, justify and ensure the implementation of management decisions in unpredictable conditions, taking into account the requirements of current legislation, ethical considerations and social responsibility; 7. Organize and carry out effective communication within the team, with representatives of various professional groups and in the international context; 8. Use specialized software and information systems to solve management problems of the organization; 9. Be able to communicate in professional and scientific circles in the state and foreign languages; 10. Demonstrate leadership skills and ability to work in a team, interact with people, influence their behavior to solve professional problems; 11. Provide personal professional development and planning of own time. 12. Plan and conduct scientific research, demonstrate the results of scientific work and prepare them for publication; 13. Be able to plan and teach special subjects in higher education institutions; 14. Build and research conceptual, mathematical and computer models of objects and processes in the field of management; 15. Identify and classify new tasks in the field of management, describe, analyze and evaluate relevant objects, phenomena and processes, choose the best methods for their study.
1. Reporting to specialists and non-specialists information, ideas, problems, solutions and personal experience in the field of professional activity. 2. Ability to effectively form a communication strategy.
Academic mobility: Mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with the procedures of ECTS
Work placement(s): Practical training on the theme of the master qualification work
Programme director: Director the educational program – Ihor B. Oleksiv, mobile: 067 672 74 08, e-mail: Contact person – Ihor B. Oleksiv, mobile: 067 672 74 08, e-mail:
Occupational profiles of graduates: Jobs in higher education institutions for teachers and researchers, as well as in the public and private sectors of various sectors of the economy in management positions for the management of economic entities of various organizational and legal forms, their structural units, a wide range of processes and operations in production. economic activity
Access to further studies: Obtaining third (educational and scientific / educational and creative) level
Other program features: The program is implemented in Ukrainian and partly in English.