Tourism Tourism
Qualification awarded: Bachelor of Tourism
Entry year: 2021
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Service System
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning: If a prior qualification level is gained in another country, it requires recognition (nostrification), which is conducted by Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: Completion of the academic programme, passing a state examination, defence of a Bachelor’s thesis.
Gained competence: - knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of tourism legislation, national and international standards for tourist services;
- knowledge of the main forms and types of tourism, their division;
- understanding of the processes of organization of tourist trips and complex tourist services (hotel, restaurant, transport, excursion, recreational);
- ability to identify tourist documentation and use it correctly;
- understanding of the principles, processes and technology of organization of the tourism business entity and its individual subsystems (administrative, managerial, socio-psychological, economic, technical and technological).
- ability to analyse the recreational and tourist potential of the territories;
- ability to analyse the activities of the tourism industry at all levels of government;
- application in practice of the principles and methods of organization and technology of tourist services;
- ability to develop, promote, sell and organize the consumption of a tourist product;
- ability to organize the process of customer service of tourist services on the basis of the use of modern information, communication and service technologies and compliance with quality standards and safety standards;
- ability to use information technologies and office equipment in the work of tourist enterprises.
- ability to think critically, analyze and synthesize;
- ability to explain the peculiarities of the organization of recreational and tourist space;
- ability to identify, pose and solve problems;
- ability to determine individual tourist needs;
- ability to cooperate with business partners and clients, ability to provide effective communications with them;
- ability to make informed decisions and be responsible for the results of their professional activities.
Academic mobility: Not available, however the mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with the ECTS procedures
Work placement(s): Work placement aimed at the preparation and research for a Bachelor’s thesis
Programme director: Responsible person: Halyna Ilnytska Hykavchuk (+380972248487,
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level