Professional Pedagogy

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 8.061.00.O.006
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: Professor, Sc,D. (Education) Mukan N.V. PhD (Education) Dolnikova L.V.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the course study is defined as the formation of young scientists’ competences based on scientific knowledge and skills in the field of professional pedagogy, the ability to transform knowledge, necessary for active professional, pedagogical, and scientific activities, acquaintance with the methods of professional training in higher education, acquisition of elements of pedagogical competence in the field of educational process management, as well as organization of research work in a higher education institution.
Завдання: The course study aims at formation of post-graduate students’ competences: Integral competence: ability to produce innovative scientific ideas, master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activities, solve complex problems in the process of innovative research and professional activities, conduct original research in the professional sphere at the international and national levels; General competence: ability to organize and conduct training sessions of various organizational forms, apply traditional and innovative methods and pedagogical technologies for personal, professional and social development of the specialist, based on universal, professional values and attitudes, achievements of pedagogical science and innovative ideas in education.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying “Professional Pedagogy” course, the post-graduate student should be able to demonstrate program learning outcomes that correlate with the competences of the educational and scientific program of doctor of philosophy training: Knowledge (KN): of theoretical and methodological foundations, and conceptual and categorical apparatus of Professional pedagogy; the essence of educational process organization; modern approaches to planning, organizing and conducting teaching, research and educational work with student youth; methodic requirements for training sessions preparation and conduct, their educational and methodological support; continuous professional development and pedagogical excellence of a research and pedagogical worker. Skills (Sk): to find, analyze, interpret information and form a base of professional knowledge; design goals, objectives, content and learning outcomes, develop and use didactic tools for methodological support of the class, analyze and statistically process students’ learning outcomes; to establish communication processes with students, colleagues, the public; organize and conduct group and individual educational work, identify and develop creative abilities of the individual; analyze pedagogical situations and solve pedagogical problems. Communication (Com): fluent communication on issues related to the field of scientific and expert knowledge, with colleagues, the scientific community, society as a whole; the use of academic Ukrainian and foreign languages in professional activities and research; the application of modern information and communication tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications. Autonomy and responsibility (А&R): the demonstration of significant authority, innovation, high degree of independence, academic and professional integrity, constant commitment to the development of new ideas or processes in the advanced contexts of professional and scientific activities; ability for continuous self-development and self-improvement.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Philosophy and Methodology of Science Co-requisites: Management of scientific projects Pedagogical praxes Academic integrity and quality of education Methodology of scientific publications processing
Summary of the subject: In the process of subject learning the issues of professional pedagogy fundamentals, as well as the peculiarities of educational process organization and the process of future specialist professional training, are considered; regular connections underlying the development, upbringing and training at higher education institution, as well as the development on this basis of methodical, theoretical and methodological problems of a highly qualified specialist development; basic didactic approaches to skills and abilities formation and development as well as assurance of high-quality educational process at higher education institution in accordance with modern educational standards and current legislation in the field of professional education.
Опис: Topic 1. Professional pedagogy as a branch of pedagogy. Topic 2. The system of professional education in Ukraine. Topic 3. Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional education in Ukraine. Topic 4. Fundamentals of professional pedagogy didactic. Topic 5. Organizational forms of training in professional education and their educational and methodological support. Topic 6. Modern approaches to knowledge control and diagnostics of program learning outcomes. Topic 7. Pedagogical excellence of a teacher. Features of professional activity and development of a modern higher school’s teacher.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control in practical classes is carried out in order to identify the readiness of the student for classes in the following forms: ? Selective oral examination at the beginning of the class; ? Frontal standardized survey on cards, tests for 5-10 minutes; ? Individual inspection of practical work; ? Assessment of the activity of the student at classes, his/her suggestions, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc. Control questions are divided into: ? Test tasks – to choose the correct answers; ? Problem tasks – creating situations of a problematic nature; ? Questions – to identify cause-and-effect relationships; ? Situational tasks – to determine the answer according to a certain situation; ? Issues of a reproductive nature – determining the practical significance; ? Interactive quiz and game tasks. Final control is carried out based on the results of process control and control paper.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The “Professional pedagogy” course aims at studying issues of professional pedagogy foundations and peculiarities of educational process organization, as well as and process of future specialist’s professional training are considered; regular connections that form the basis of development, education and training in higher education, as well as the development on this basis of methodic, theoretical and methodological problems of formation of a highly qualified specialist in any field of material or spiritual production; basic didactic approaches to the formation and development of skills and ensuring a quality educational process in vocational and higher education in accordance with modern educational standards and current legislation in the field of professional education. The part of the study material is for self-study. The self-study activity involves the study of literary sources, completion of the tasks presented in the guidelines for practical classes preparation, activities in the virtual learning environment, as well as completion of individual research task. Training test for lecture 1 - 5 points Training test for lecture 2 - 5 points Training test for lecture 3 - 5 points Training test for lecture 4 - 5 points Training test for lecture 5 - 5 points Training test for lecture 6 - 5 points Training test for lecture 7 - 5 points Practical work 1-3 - 15 points Practical work 4 - 5 points Practical work 5 - 5 points Practical work 6 - 5 points Practical work 7 - 5 points Individual R&D assignment - 30 points Total - 100 points
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100-88 points. Mark. “excellent”. High level: the student demonstrates profound knowledge of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the discipline, skills and abilities of practical application. The acquired knowledge, skills and abilities provide an opportunity to independently formulate goals and organize educational activities, search, and find solutions in non-standard, atypical educational and professional situations. The student demonstrates the ability to make generalizations based on critical analysis of factual material, ideas, theories and concepts, formulate conclusions based on them. 87-71 point. Mark “good”. Sufficient level: involves mastery of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the discipline at an advanced level, conscious use of knowledge, skills, and abilities to reveal the essence of the issue. Possession of a partially structured set of knowledge provides the possibility of applying it in familiar situations of educational and professional nature. Being aware of the specifics of problems and learning situations, the student demonstrates the ability to search and choose their solution according to the given model, to argue the use of a particular method of solving the problem. 70-50 points. Mark “satisfactory”. Satisfactory level: outlines the mastery of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the discipline at the secondary level, partial awareness of educational and professional tasks, tasks and situations, knowledge of ways to solve typical problems and tasks. The student demonstrates an average level of skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice, while solving problems requires help, based on examples. 49-26 points. Failed. Unsatisfactory level: indicates a basic mastery of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the discipline, a general idea of ??the content of educational material, partial use of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Situational-pragmatic interest is the basis of educational activity.
Recommended books: 1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс з дисципліни «Професійна педагогіка» для здобувачів вищої освіти третього освітньо-наукового рівня доктора філософії для усіх спеціальностей / Укл. Дольнікова Л.В., Мукан Н.В., Мукан О.В., розміщений у віртуальному навчальному середовищі НУ «Львівська політехніка» ( 2. Авшенюк, Н. М., & Товканець, Г. В. (2022). Універсальні навички ХХІ століття: педагогічні акценти професійної підготовки і вищої освіти: монографія. Мукачево: Редакційно-видавничий центр МДУ. 3. Воротникова, І. П., Якунін, Я. Ю., Хоменко, О. А., Наумова, В. Ю., Рудик, О. Б., Олексюк, О. А., ... & Кульбедюк, А. Ю. (2022). Дистанційне та змішане навчання як засіб реалізації індивідуальної траєкторії професійного зростання педагога. Київ: Київський університет ім. Б. Грінченка. 4. Грабовський, О. В., Коломієць, Л. В., Савельєва, О. С., Семенова, А. В., & Яні В. Ф. (2020). Професійна педагогіка: підручник. Одеса: Бондаренко М. О. 5. Дольнікова Л. В., Мукан, Н. В. (2021). Професійна педагогіка: навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки. 6. Дороніна, Т. О. (2018). Теорія і практика вищої професійної освіти в Україні. Кривий ріг, Україна: КДПУ. 7. Єрмоленко А.Б., Набок М.В., Шевчук С.С., Масліч С.В., & Кулішов В.С. (2021). Розвиток науково-методичної компетентності педагогічних працівників ЗП(ПТ)О у системі післядипломної освіти: науково-методичний посібник. Біла Церква: БІНПО ДЗВО «УМО» НАПН України. 8. Каменєва, Т. М. (2018). Теоретичні основи навчання. Київ, Україна: МНУЦ. 9. Кулішов В.С. (2022). Дидактика вищої школи: навчально-методичний посібник. Біла Церква: БІНПО ДЗВО «УМО» НАПН України. 10. Кучерявий, О.Г. (2022). Професійний і особистісний розвиток сучасного вчителя: монографія. Кропивницький: Імекс-ЛТД. 11. Резван, О. О., Приходько, А. М., Долгопол, О. О. (2021). Педагогіка вищої школи: навчальний посібник. Харків: ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова. 12. Староста, В. І. (2021). Педагогіка та психологія вищої школи: навч.-метод. посібник для самостійної роботи студентів. Ужгород: ДВНЗ «УжНУ». 13. Торба, Н. Г. (2022). Профілактика та корекція педагогічних конфліктів в закладах професійної освіти: навчально-методичний посібник. Біла Церква: БІНПО ДЗВО «УМО» НАПН України. 14. Тюріна, В. О., Котелюх, М. О., Федоренко, О. І., Червоний, П. Д., Червоный, П. Д., Бойко, С. М., & Гіренко, С. П. (2020). Педагогіка вищої школи: навчальний посібник. Харків : ФОП Бровін О.В. 15. Bates, B. (2023). Learning theories simplified: … and how to apply them to teaching. Sage Publications ltd. 16. Chankseliani, M., & McCowan, T. (2021). Higher education and the sustainable development goals. Higher Education, 81(1), 1-8. 17. Chankseliani, M., Qoraboyev, I., & Gimranova, D. (2021). Higher education contributing to local, national, and global development: new empirical and conceptual insights. Higher Education, 81(1), 109-127. 18. Christoffersen, J. (2023). Education reimagined: a revolutionary approach to vocational education. TECH42 Learning. 19. Fulher, K. H., & Prendergast, C. (2021). Improving student learning at scale. Routledge 20. Gigliotti, R. A. (2019). Crisis leadership in higher education: theory and practice. Rutgers University Press. 21. Harris, J. T., Lane, J. E. & et. al. (2022). Academic leadership and governance of higher education. Routledge. 22. Knapper, C. K., & Cropley, A. J. (2021). Lifelong Learning in Higher Education. routledge. 23. Levine, A., & Pelt, S. J. van. (2021). The great upheaval: higher education’s past, presents, and uncertain future. Johns Hopkins University Press. 24. Powers, K. KP, & Schloss, P. J. (2022). Organisationa and administration in higher education. Routledge. 25. Zhao, Y., Llorente, A. M. P., & Gomez, M. C. S. (2021). Digital competence in higher education research: A systematic literature review. Computers & Education, 168, 104212.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with special educational needs to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Access to Access Opportunities Service “Without Restrictions”, the purpose of which is to provide constant individual support in the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of inclusive education policy at the University is the Program of CPD for research and teaching staff and teaching and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact: 2/4, Karpinskyi, street, Academic building 1, room. 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy on academic integrity of the students is formed on the basis of adherence to the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the provisions of the Regulations on Academic Integrity at Lviv Polytechnic National University (approved by the Academic Council of 20.06.2017, Minutes № 35).