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Quality of Higher Education (Internal Quality Assurance Systems)
Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 8.061.00.M.020
Credits: 3.00
Department: Management and International Business
Lecturer: Professor of the Department of Management and International Entrepreneurship, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Roman Shulyar
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: Tasks of the academic discipline:
1. To form basic principles regarding educational policy in the field of quality of higher education.
2. Compare the strengths of different approaches to quality assurance.
3. Retransmit the theory of quality management to management practice in higher education
4. Develop a priority plan of practical measures for higher education institutions regarding quality assurance.
5. Project the international experience on the problems of the quality of higher education in Ukraine.
The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies:
acquiring in-depth knowledge of the specialty (group of specialties) in which (which) the graduate student conducts research, in particular mastering the main concepts, understanding theoretical and practical problems, the history of development and the current state of scientific knowledge in the chosen specialty, mastering the terminology of the researched scientific direction;
mastering general scientific (philosophical) competences aimed at forming a systematic scientific outlook, professional ethics and a general cultural outlook;
acquisition of universal skills of a researcher, in particular oral and written presentation of the results of one's own scientific research in Ukrainian, application of modern information technologies in scientific activity, organization and conduct of training sessions, management of scientific projects and/or drafting proposals for financing scientific research, registration of intellectual property rights.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes Learning and teaching methods Methods of assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes
To form and update the knowledge base for graduate students to understand the educational policy on ensuring the quality of higher education.
Lectures, practical classes - information-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, problem presentation method, independent work - reproductive method, research method. Current control - execution and
defense of practical works, oral and frontal examination.
Develop, on the basis of knowledge and skills, the ability to develop own comparisons and proposals for the implementation of best practices at the national and higher education level.
Lectures and practical classes: information-receptive method; reproductive method; heuristic method; problem statement method. Independent work: reproductive method. Current and settlement control. Knowledge assessment methods: selective oral survey; speeches at seminars, tests, colloquium, assessment of activity, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc. Assessment - written survey, test control
Required prior and related subjects: Professional pedagogy
Academic entrepreneurship
Pedagogical practice
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline allows graduate students to master the necessary material for practical and research work in the field of internal and external quality assurance of higher education.
Postgraduate students will receive theoretical and practical materials related to the formation and development of international experience in the context of the integration of Ukrainian higher education in the sense of ensuring its quality in the European educational space.
At lectures and practical (seminar) classes, graduate students will be exposed to the most important currents and practices in leading European countries. The skills of graduate students will be developed in terms of the projection of this experience on the Ukrainian practice of ensuring the quality of higher education. In addition to the national context and state policy in the field of quality, regulatory support of these processes, course participants will acquire key skills related to internal quality assurance of higher education in higher education institutions. A distinctive feature of the course materials is the used experience of preparation and participation of Ukrainian HEIs in international projects and the formation of internal systems for ensuring the quality of educational activities in HEIs based on this experience.
Опис: Introduction to the quality policy of higher education
Development and formation of modern higher education quality policy. Historical stages of formation of the science of quality, development of the direction of the quality of higher education.
Quality assurance in higher education: terms, concepts, principles, models, tools
The place of ensuring the quality of higher education in the state educational policy. Objects and subjects of the state policy of the quality of higher education.
Significance for quality assurance of the latest higher education reforms
Governing bodies, legislative framework for quality management of higher education. Activities of universities in the field of quality of higher education: objects and subjects of quality management in higher education institutions, management bodies, organizational structure of management, policy of higher education institutions in the field of education quality.
National and international systems, policies and governance models in higher education: a comparative analysis
The experience of Poland, Germany and Finland in the policy of ensuring the quality of higher education. Education quality policy in the European Union: governing bodies, regulatory documents.
Experience in quality assessment in different countries (1 ECTS)
Evaluation of the quality of higher education as elements of the performance of the function of controlling higher education: national and university approaches. Competitions, awards and rankings of universities as elements of evaluation and quality control of higher education. Quality standards as tools for evaluation and comparison of higher education.
Assessment methods and criteria: Individual work
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Maximum score - 100 points
Current control (CC) - 30 points
Practical classes (semester work) - 30 points
Control test (exam) - 70 points.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 88–100 points – ("excellent") is awarded for a high level of knowledge (with some minor inaccuracies) of the course material, the ability to analyze the studied phenomena in their interconnection and development, to answer questions clearly, concisely, logically, and coherently, and the ability to apply theoretical concepts to solve practical tasks.
71–87 points – ("good") is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the course material, well-argued answers to questions that may contain some minor inaccuracies, and the ability to apply theoretical concepts to solve practical tasks.
50–70 points – ("satisfactory") is awarded for an insufficient level of knowledge of the course material, inaccurate or poorly argued answers, a lack of logical sequence in responses, and incorrect application of theoretical concepts when solving practical tasks.
0–49 points – ("unsatisfactory") is awarded for a lack of knowledge of the fundamental principles of the course material, significant errors in answers, and the inability to apply theoretical concepts when solving practical tasks.
Recommended books: 1. Міжнародні стандарти ESG2015 - 2015 р.
2. Віртуальне навчальне середовище:
1. Болонський процес та нова парадигма вищої освіти: монографія / Ю. М. Рашкевич. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – 168 с.
2. Розвиток системи забезпечення якості вищої освіти в Україні: інформаційно-аналітичний огляд / Укладачі: Добко Т., Золотарьова І., Калашнікова С., Ковтунець В., Курбатов С., Линьова І., Луговий В., Прохор І., Рашкевич Ю., Сікорська І., Таланова Ж., Фініков Т., Шаров С.; за заг. ред. С. Калашнікової та В. Лугового. – Київ : ДП «НВЦ «Пріоритети», 2015. – 84 с. https://erasmusplus.org.ua/korysna-informatsiia/korysni-materialy/category/3-materialy-natsionalnoi-komandy-ekspertiv-shchodo-zaprovadzhennia-instrumentiv-bolonskoho-protsesu.html?download=88:rozvytok-systemy-zabezpechennia-iakosti-vyshchoi-osvity-ukrainy
3. Імператив якості: вчимося цінувати і оцінювати вищу освіту: навч. посіб. / За ред. Т. Добка, М. Головянко, О. Кайкової, В. Терзіяна, Т. Тііхонена. – Львів: Видавництво «Компанія "Манускрипт"», 2014. – 572 с. http://dovira.eu/Trust_1.pdf
4. ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ЯКОСТІ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ: ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКІ КРАЩІ ПРАКТИКИ ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ Упорядник: Тарас Добко - http://education-ua.org/ua/component/cck/?task=download&collection=blog_files_x&xi=0&file=blog_files&id=666
6. FITEMPUS-SMGR, 15.10.2011–14.10.2014) [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://dovira.eu.