Management of Scientific Projects

Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 8.061.00.M.019
Credits: 3.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Grand PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor Ihor Novakiskyi
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To acquaint students with the most important scientific project management problems, with the essence of the methodology, concepts, methods and scientific project management techniques based on the system approach. In addition, the study of this discipline also consists in ensuring the in-depth assimilation of knowledge by graduate students, which relate to the problems of organizing scientific research activities and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in their future scientific and practical activities.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: 1. The ability to initiate and conduct original scientific research, identify relevant scientific problems, search for and critically analyze information, produce innovative constructive ideas and apply non-standard approaches to solving complex and atypical tasks. 2. The ability to initiate and conduct original scientific research, identify relevant scientific problems, search for and critically analyze information, produce innovative constructive ideas and apply non-standard approaches to solving complex and atypical tasks. 3. The ability to initiate, substantiate and manage actual scientific projects of an innovative nature, to independently conduct scientific research, to interact in a team and to show leadership skills in the implementation of scientific projects. professional: 1. Basic knowledge of classical and modern tools for the scientific projects development, mastering the skills of comprehensive subject areas coverage and organization of information exchange, taking into account the lack of analogies in retrospect, narrow specialization of participants. 2. To understand project management methodology in scientific projects, methods of determining the main aspects of preparing project proposals. 3. The ability to organize the search for investors, create and develop project teams, enter international markets and attract foreign investments, establish relations with venture capital organizations. 4. The ability to manage the risks of scientific projects implementation in order to minimize threats due to non-commercial orientation, results uncertainty, long implementation periods, the complexity of evaluating the results of project implementation.
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: 1. In-depth knowledge to evaluate the relevance of scientific research, using project management methods to manage scientific projects, organizing intellectual property protection. 2. The ability to conduct marketing research in scientific projects, evaluate the project product from the position of attractiveness for the market, use the experience of advanced countries in the development of science thanks to the scientific projects implementation. 3. The ability to organize scientific project development, make a decision on the start of projects, work on the launch of the project and the preparation of the appropriate documents package on the initiation and formation stages of project portfolios. 4. Ability to create and develop a scientific project management team, conflict resolution.
Required prior and related subjects: corequisites: Psychology of creativity and invention.
Summary of the subject: The significant innovative potential of scientific and educational cooperation is manifested in the system of indicators characterizing social (degree of set goals achievement, improvement of working conditions, level of motivation, level of computerization and informatization, volume of environmentally safe technologies implementation, level of labor remuneration) and innovative (number and the dynamics of scientific and educational-methodical developments, publications, patents; indicators of commercialization - the number of implemented developments and volumes of innovative products produced; place in national and international ratings) project activity aspects. The scientific project management system should provide for the development of a mechanism for the interaction of such partners as: representatives of state authorities, public organizations in the process of defining and practical implementation of scientific cooperation key tasks. Important components of the management system are: implementation of the principles for the scientific projects substantiation based on the priorities of innovative development, development of an algorithm for evaluating the projects effectiveness, deployment of an information system for ensuring project activity, etc.
Опис: Definition and basic features of science. Research methods Content and components of the research process Enterprise development in modern conditions. Methodical bases of scientific project management. Resources for scientific projects. Evaluating the effectiveness of scientific project management. Design, expertise and protection of scientific projects.
Assessment methods and criteria: – current control – oral survey, performance of current control tasks; - final control - written examination control (written form - testing). Points for current control in practical classes are awarded during practical classes according to the schedule. Points for the test work are awarded on the basis of test work public defense.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: current control - 40 points; examination control - 60 points (40 points - written component, 20 points - oral component).
Recommended books: Методичне забезпечення: 1. Новаківський І.І. Управління інноваційними проектами : Конспект лекцій для студентів спеціальності 8.050209 „Менеджмент інноваційної діяльності”. / І.І., Новаківський, І.Я. Кулиняк // - Львів: Вид-во Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2014. – 52 с. 2. Матвій І.Є. Ділове адміністрування: управління проектами: Конспект лекцій для студентів спеціальності 7.03060101, 8.03060101 "Менеджмент організацій і адміністрування" / І.Є. Матвій, І.І., Новаківський, І.Я. Кулиняк // - Львів: Вид-во Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2014. – 108 с. Рекомендована література: 1. Петрович Й. М. Управління проектами: підручник / Й. М. Петрович, І. І. Новаківський ; НУ "Львівська політехніка" ; за заг. ред. Й. М. Петровича. – Львів : Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2018. – 396 с. 2. Петрович Й.М. Управління інноваційними проектами: навч. посібник / Й. М. Петрович, І. І. Новаківський ; за заг. ред. Й. М. Петровича. – Львів: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 316 с. 3. Батенко Л. П. Управління проектами : Навч. посібник / Л.П. Батенко, О. А. Загородніх, В.В. Ліщинська. – К. : КНЕУ, 2004. – 231 с. 4. Ковальчук В. В. Основи наукових досліджень. Навчальний посібник. – К.: «Слово», 2009. – 240 с. 5. Проектний менеджмент: Навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. /А.В.Гриньов, І. А.Дмитрієв, Д. У.Бікулова та ін.; Харк. нац. автомоб.-дор. ун-т. — Х., 2006. – 420 с. 6. Управління проектами: процеси планування проектних дій [Текст]: підручник / І.В. Чумаченко, В.В. Морозов, Н.В. Доценко, А.М. Чередниченко. – К.: Університет економіки та права «КРОК», 2014. – 673 с. Інформаційні ресурси: 1. Бібліотека ВР України 2. Національна парламентська бібліотека України 3. Електронна бібліотека України 4. Сайт «Сучасні проблеми економіки і підприємництво»: збірник наукових праць 5. Сайт «Наукові вісті НТУУ «КПІ»: науково-технічний журнал»