Value Marketing

Major: Marketing
Code of subject: 8.075.00.M.027
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: PhD, Associate рrofessor Kosar N.S.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: the ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and applied foundations of the whole range of marketing types and fields of its application; the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the classical and modern methodological basis for the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes in various fields of marketing; the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophical methodology of scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional scientific activity, the actual scientific worldview and moral and cultural values;the ability toapply the knowledge gained from various subject areas of marketing to formulate and substantiate new theoretical provisions and practical recommendations in a specific area of research; the ability tochoose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific research in the implementation of theoretical and empirical research in the field of marketing; the ability todo economic and mathematical modeling and socio-economic diagnostics of various processes and objects in the field of marketing
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Polysituational Communication Management Co-requisites: -
Summary of the subject: Values-based marketing: New Wave Technologies. Value-based Marketing Model. Mission formation as the foundation of an enterprise's success in value-based marketing. Encouraging employees to corporate values. Business partners and corporate values. Building trust and engagement with shareholders in value-based marketing. Socio-cultural transformations and their impact on the marketing activities of companies. Entrepreneurship in emerging economies
Assessment methods and criteria: practical tasks, oral examination (30%); final control (70 %, examination)
Recommended books: 1. Крикавський Є.В., Третьякова Л.І., Косар Н.С. Стратегічний маркетинг: навч. посібник. Львів, 2013. 256 с. 2. Крикавський Є.В., Дейнега І.О., Дейнега О.В., Лорві І.Ф. Маркетинговий менеджмент: навч. посібник. Львів, 2014. 380 с. 3. Котлер Ф. Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність. Як зробити якомога більше добра для вашої компанії та суспільства. Київ, 2005. 302 с. 4. Пекар В. О. Різнобарвний менеджмент: Еволюція мислення, лідерства та керування. Харків, 2016. 191 с. 5. Сетиаван А., Котлер Ф., Картаджайя Х. Маркетинг 3.0. От продуктов к потребителям и далее – к человеческой душе. Москва, 2011. 240 с.