Public Policy and Governance

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 7.281.06.O.001
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of public policy and governance
Lecturer: Bunyk Mykola Zynovijovych Pidberezhnyk Nadija Petrivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Familiarization of students with the basics of analysis of public policy at the state, industry, and regional levels and preparation of proposals for its formation, including the development and examination of draft programs, concepts, strategies, draft laws, and other legal acts, deepening of knowledge regarding the systematic analysis of the functioning of the public governance system and its components, the use of acquired knowledge for the analysis of current political and administrative situations in Ukraine.
Завдання: ZK01. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis, and synthesis ZK03. Ability to develop and manage projects ZK04. Ability to improve and develop a professional, intellectual and cultural level ZK05. Ability to make informed decisions and use modern communication technologies ZK07. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity). SK02. The ability to organize the activities of public administration bodies and other organizations of the public sphere SK04. Ability to determine indicators of sustainable development at higher, central, regional, local, and organizational levels SK07. The ability to independently prepare draft legal acts, analytical reports, proposals, and reports, and provide expert evaluation of legal acts at various levels of public management and administration. SK08. The ability to develop strategic documents for the development of socio-economic systems at the highest, central, regional, local and organizational levels SK09. Ability to carry out scientific and research activities in the field of public management and administration
Learning outcomes: PH01. Knowing the theoretical and applied principles of development and analysis of public policy, the foundations, and technologies of management decision-making. РН02. Solving complex tasks of public management and administration, taking into account the requirements of legislation, identifying legal conflicts and problems, develop projects of regulatory and legal acts to eliminate them PH07. Be able to develop national/regional program documents on the development of public administration, using systemic analysis and an integrated approach, as well as teamwork methods. PH11. Developing well-founded management decisions taking into account issues of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, taking into account goals, existing legislative, time, and resource limitations, and evaluating political, social, economic, and environmental consequences of decision options. PH12. Plan and carry out scientific and applied research in the field of public management and administration, including analysis of issues, setting goals and objectives, selection and use of theoretical and empirical research methods, analysis of its results, formulation of substantiated conclusions
Required prior and related subjects: Territorial development management Benefits and costs analysis in the public sector
Summary of the subject: "Public Policy and Governance" provides students with the basics of analysis of public policy at the state, industry, and regional levels and preparation of proposals for its formation, including the development and examination of draft programs, concepts, strategies, draft laws, and other legal acts, deepening of knowledge regarding the systematic analysis of the functioning of the public governance system and its components, the use of acquired knowledge for the analysis of current political and administrative situations in Ukraine.
Опис: Methodological prerequisites for the study of policy and governance. The phenomenon of power. Democracy as a form of organization of modern governance. Government system. Bureaucracy. Political ideologies and state policy. Policy analysis as a professional activity. Information as the basis of analytical activity. Conceptual models in public policy analysis. Policy components: goals, subjects, decisions. Definition and formulation of problems. Analysis of problems and search for solutions. Making and implementing decisions. Evaluation of public policy and presentation of analysis results.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main current forms of education are lectures, seminar classes, independent work, and the performance of control tasks. The final control is carried out in the form of test tasks. for correspondence form: 60-exam; 30- performance of control tasks, 10 – current; for full-time: 60 – exam, 20-INPZ, 20- current.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The assessment criteria are the completion of course tasks, attendance at lectures, participation in seminars, and independent work
Recommended books: Bunyk M. Fundamentals of state policy analysis. Tutorial. Lviv: LRIDU NADU 2015. – 128 p. Bunyk M. Conceptual foundations of the interaction of politics and management. Tutorial. Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2010. – 136p.