Public Finances and Sustainable Development

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 7.281.06.O.004
Credits: 6.00
Department: Department of regional and local development
Lecturer: Matviishyn Yevhen Hryhorovych Blishchuk Kateryna Mykhailivna Kozak Ivanna Ihorivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To prepare specialists for practical activities through the provision of knowledge and skills related to the competences to research and solve complex problems of sustainable development of society and the sphere of public finance, to apply the obtained results and modern sustainable development management tools in the development of policies of state and local self-government bodies
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competences in students of education: General competences: ZK04. Ability to improve and develop professional, intellectual and cultural level. ZK05. Ability to make informed decisions and use modern communication technologies. Special competences: SK04. Ability to determine indicators of sustainable development at higher, central, regional, local and organizational levels SK08. The ability to develop strategic documents for the development of socio-economic systems at the highest, central, regional, local and organizational levels.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes PH04. Use modern statistical methods, models, digital technologies, specialized software to solve complex problems of public management and administration. PH07. Be able to develop national/regional program documents on the development of public administration, using systemic analysis and an integrated approach, as well as team work methods Teaching and learning methods Lectures, practical classes - information-receptive method, reproductive method, heuristic method, problem presentation method; independent work - reproductive method, research method Methods of assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes Current control – performance and defense of practical works, oral and frontal examination Current and examination control. Knowledge assessment methods: selective oral survey; tests, assessment of activity, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc. Exam - test control
Required prior and related subjects: Previous and related academic disciplines: System of public management and administration Communication in public administration Technologies and tools of publicadministration The following disciplines: Territorial development management Legal and information support of public administration Project management
Summary of the subject: The discipline considers the concepts, strategies and global goals of sustainable development, tools for analyzing the environmental policy of the state and its tools, indicators of sustainable development and for the development of strategic documents for the development of territorial communities, districts, regions, as well as processes in the financial sphere in general and the budgetary sphere in particular, functioning public finance systems. Acquired knowledge and skills can be useful for public managers in central executive bodies, territorial and local executive bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal institutions, civil society institutions, public associations, non-profit organizations, international non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental bodies and structures in positions requiring higher professional education.
Опис: Names of topics 1.1. Civilizational paradigm of sustainable development 1.2. Characteristics of the components of sustainable development 1.3. Monitoring of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine 1.4. Modern practice of ensuring sustainable development in Ukraine 1.5. International standards and management systems in ensuring sustainable development 2.1. Sustainable development of settlements 2.2. The procedure for carrying out a strategic environmental assessment 2.3. Formation of an environment conducive to the maintenance of human dignity, health and quality education 2.4. Conceptual principles of developing a strategy for the sustainable development of a territorial community (district, region) 2.5. Determination of indicators of sustainable development and their application for the development of strategic documents for the development of social and economic systems 3.1. Introduction to public finance management 3.2. General characteristics of the state budget 3.3. Management of public revenues and public expenditures 3.4. Modern practice of the budget process in Ukraine
Assessment methods and criteria: The main organizational forms of education are lectures, practical classes, independent work, performance of individual tasks and control measures. Students are encouraged to independently work on the literature and perform individual tasks using the technologies of information and analytical activity. The current control covers the implementation and defense of practical works, oral and frontal examination. Knowledge assessment methods: selective oral survey; tests, assessment of activity, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, etc.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The system of monitoring students' knowledge and skills includes: current control (in practical classes) – up to 40 points, including assessment of control work - individual educational and practical task (INPZ) – up to 10 points; final evaluation in the form of an exam (computer testing) - up to 60 points. The procedure and criteria for assigning points and grades: grades are assigned based on the results of practical classes and the implementation of the INPZ, which is a mandatory element of independent work on the study of the discipline.
Recommended books: Basic 1. Blishchuk, K. M. Peculiarities of managing public finances during the war period. Efficiency of public administration: coll. of science Ave. Issue 1/2(70/71). Lviv: NLTU of Ukraine, 2022. P. 62–67. URL: 2. Blishchuk K., Kozak I.I. Effectiveness of public finance management in new economic conditions// Effectiveness of public administration: coll. of science pr. of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine: in 2 hours. Part 2: Economic policy and finance. - Issue 2(63). – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2020. URL: 3. Blishchuk K.M. New approaches in the management of public processes: coll. of science Ave. of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Vol. 1 (50) – Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2017. – P. 208–215. URL: 4. Blishchuk K.M. Strategies for improving public finance management - Effectiveness of public administration, 2021 URL: 5. Grechko T. K., Lisovsky S. A., Romanyuk S. A., Rudenko L. G. Public management in ensuring sustainable (balanced) development: [scholarship. manual] / T. K. Grechko, S. A. Lisovskyi, S. A. Romaniuk, L. G. Rudenko. – Kherson: Grin D.S., 2015. – 264 p. URL: 6. Kononenko O.Yu. Actual problems of sustainable development: educational and methodological manual / O.Yu. Kononenko. -K.: SE "Print Service", 2016. - 109 p. URL: 7. Lunina I. O., Bondaruk T. G. Public finances and inter-budgetary relations: training. manual Kyiv: SE "Inform.-analyt. agency", 2019. 304 p. URL: 8. Marushevskyi G.B. Strategic environmental assessment: training. manual with CD. - Kyiv: K.I.S., 2014. - 88 p 9. Methodological recommendations for taking into account the Goals of sustainable development in the development strategies of territorial communities / compiled by: G.B. Marushevskyi, O.M. Knave. - Kyiv: UNDP Project, 2017. - 58 p. 10. Methodology of strategic planning for the development of united territorial communities in Ukraine. – URL: 11. Monitoring the achievement of the SDGs in Ukraine URL: 12. National report "Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine" URL: file:///E:/Download/SDG%20leaflet%20ukr_F.pdf 13. Planning the development of territorial communities: teaching. manual .– URL: 14. Manual on issues of spatial planning for authorized bodies of urban planning and architecture of united territorial communities (second edition, supplemented). - Kyiv: U-LEAD, 2019. 256 p. 15. Innovative Instruments of Monetary and Fiscal Policy / D Danylyshyn, M Dubyna, M Zabashtanskyi… - 2021 URL: Information resources 1. State Statistics Service of Ukraine: 2. Institute of Budget and Socio-Economic Research: 3. M. V. Ptukh Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: 4. International Center for Advanced Studies / 5. Open Budget / Open budget. URL: 6. Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. URL: 7. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. URL 8. State Property Fund of Ukraine. URL: 9. National Institute of Strategic Studies. URL: