Home/ Majors directory/Environment Design/History of Art, Architecture and Design, Part 1
History of Art, Architecture and Design, Part 1
Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.O.1
Credits: 4.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ph.d Kramarchuk KhP
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program learning outcomes:
PRN 7. Analyze, stylize, interpret and transform objects to develop artistic and design solutions
PRN13. To know the assets of the national and world cultural and artistic heritage, to develop eco-culture using design
PRN14. To use manifestations of Ukrainian mentality, historical memory, national self-identification, and creative self-expression in professional activities; apply historical creative experience, as well as successful Ukrainian and foreign artistic practices.
PRN15. To understand Ukrainian ethno-cultural traditions in the stylistic solutions of design objects, to take into account the regional peculiarities of ethno-design in artistic practices.
PRN18. Display morphological, stylistic, and color-textural properties of design objects.
Communication (KOM)
KOM1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish);
KOM.2 The ability to use various methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels.
Autonomy and responsibility (AіB)
AiB1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
AiB2. The ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired new professional knowledge.
AiB3. The ability to take responsibility for the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
AiB4. The ability to popularize national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote manifestations of patriotism, national self-awareness and ethno-cultural self-identification.
AiB5. The ability to form environmental consciousness and personal culture, to apply ecological principles in life and professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: Painting, drawing, sculpture (related subject)
Summary of the subject: The course "History of art, architecture and design" is one of the basic ones in the training of specialists in the specialty "Design", it is taught for 5 semesters. The first semester program consists of 30 hours of lectures and 30 hours of practical classes.. This course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of the theory of visual arts, starting from the general hierarchy of types and genres, including analytical consideration of tectonic and compositional structures of three-dimensional works, as well as decorative and pictorial composition.
In the process of studying the discipline, the historical stages of the genesis of primitive art and its development in the following epochs of the Ancient World and partly of the Middle Ages are covered. Much attention is paid to worldly factors that affect the development of certain forms and images.
The lecture course includes the most important monuments of world architecture, fine and decorative arts, sculpture. Teaching the history of Ukrainian architecture and art is carried out simultaneously with the coverage of historical and artistic processes of world art culture
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): practical work, individual graphic task.
Final control (60%): test (written) component of the exam.
During the semester, a student can score up to 40 points for current control. The maximum score for the exam is 60 points. To be admitted to the exam, a student must score at least 20 points for the current test.
When evaluating tasks, the completeness of the composition of the completed task, and compliance with the assigned tasks are taken into account:
- the ability to identify and work with visual materials according to the themes of primitive and medieval art;
- the ability to analyze the defining and stylistic characteristics of works and methods of their compositional construction when sketching details, ornaments, and interior and exterior elements;
- to show creativity and a creative approach in the technique of submission, layout on a sheet
- to present the materials of graphic tasks on time and in the necessary amount.
Recommended books: 1. Anry de Moran. Ystoryya dekoratyvno-prykladnoho yskusstva: ot drevneyshykh vremen. - M. Yskusstvo, 1982. - 578s.
2. Asyeyev YU. S. Arkhitektura Kyyivskoyi Rusi. K.: Budivelnyk, 1969., 192 s.
3. Velyka ilyustrovana entsyklopediya mystetstv: per. zanhl./ avt. tekstu M. Khollinhmvort – K.: Makhaon-Ukrayina, 2011. – 512 s.: il.
4. Vecherskyy V. Kurs istoriyi arkhitektury. Metodychnyy posibnyk z dystsypliny «Vsesvitnya istoriya arkhitektury» dlya studentiv mystetstvoznavchoyi spetsializatsiyi vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. – K.: Vyd-vo Instytutu problem suchasnoho mystetstva, 2006. – 300 s.: il.
5. Vlasov V.H. Bolshoy entsyklopedycheskyy slovar yzobrazytelnoho yskusstva V 8 t. – T.3. –SPb.: LYTA, 2000. – 864s.:yl.
6. Vseobshchaya ystoryya yskusstv. Tom I. Yskusstvo Drevneho myra. Avtor: Y.M.Loseva; pod. obshchey redaktsyey A.D. Chehodaeva – Moskva, Hosudarstvennoe yzdatelstvo «Yskusstvo», 1956).
7. Veys H. Ystoryya tsyvylyzatsyy: arkhytektura, vooruzhenye, odezhd, utvar: Yllyustrovannaya entsyklopedyya v 3- kh tomakh.- M.: Yzd-vo EKSMO- Press, 2000.
8. Hombrykh E. Ystoryya yskusstva. – Vyp. II. – Moskva: AST, 1998. – 688 s.
9. Dmytryeva N.A. Kratkaya ystoryya yskusstv. – Vyp. II. – Moskva: Yskusstvo, 1989. – 318 s: yll.
10. Entsyklopediya Trypilskoyi tsyvilizatsiyi / Avt. kol.: Burdo N. B. (vidp. sekr.), Videyko M. YU. (hol. red.)..Ministerstvo kultury i mystetstv Ukrayiny; Derzhavne pidpryyemstvo Knyzhkova palata Ukrayiny im. Ivana Fedorova; Natsionalna komisiya Ukrayiny u spravakh YUNESKO; Korporatsiya "Industrialna spilka Donbasu"; ZAT "Petroimpeks". – T. 1. – Kn. 1. – K., 2004. – 703 s.
11. Kamyani statuarni pamyatky Nadchornomorshchyny periodu rannoyi ta serednoyi bronzy. / Avt.: N.D. Dovzhenko; nauk. red. seriyi R.V.Zabashta. – Kn.1. – T.Z: Doba bronzy. – (seriya Davnya skulptura i plastyka Ukrayiny.). – K.: Rodovid, 2009. – 176s.
12. Kataloh pryvatnoyi kolektsiyi starozhytnostey rodyny Platonovykh ta Tarut «PLATAR». – K.: Yzdatel, 2004. – 256 s.
13. Kes D. Styly mebely. – Budapesht: Akademyya nauk Venhryy, 1981. – 270s.
14. Kokh Vyl?fryd. Entsyklopedyya arkhytekturnykh styley. Klassycheskyy trud po evropeyskomu zodchestvu od antychnosty do sovremennosty / Per. s nem. – M.:BMMAO, 2005. – 528s.
15. Krvavych D.P., Ovsiychuk V.A., Cherepanova S.O. Ukrayinske mystetstvo u 3-okh tomakh. – Lviv, 2003–2008.
16. Leontyev D. Arkhitektura Ukrayiny. Velyka ilyustrovana entsyklopediya. – Kharkiv: Ranok, 2010. – 224 s.
17. Lindsey Dzh. Korotka istoriya kultury vid doistorychnykh chasiv do doby Vidrodzhennya. V 2-kh tomakh. – Kyyiv: Mystetstvo, 1995.
18. Loktev V.Y. Barokko ot Mykelandzhelo do Hvaryny (problema stylya): Ucheb. Posobye – M.: Arkhytektura-S, 2004 – 496s.
19. Mordvyntseva V.Y. Polykhromnyy zverynyy styl: Monohrafyya. – Symferopol: Unyversum, 2003. – 216 s.: yl.
20. Romanenkova YU. V. Manyeryzm u khudozhniy kulturi yevropy kin.XV – I pol. XVII st.: tendentsiyi stylovoyi transformatsiyi. Avtoreferat dysertatsiyi na zdobuttya naukovoho stupenya, doktora mystetstvoznavstva. Kyyiv , 2010. – 38 s.
21. Stepovyk D. Istoriya ukrayinskoyi ikony KH – KHKH stolit. – K., 1996. 22. Tymofiyenko V. Arkhitektura i monumentalne mystetstvo: Terminy ta ponyattya. – K.: Vyd-vo Instytutu problem suchasnoho mystetstva, Holovkyyivarkhitektura, 2002. – 472 s.
23. Tymofiyenko V.I. Istoriya arkhitektury Starodavn?oho svitu: Pidruchnyk dlya vuziv. – K.: Naukova dumka, 2006. – 512s., il.
24. Fartinh S. Istoriya mystetstva vid naydavnishykh chasiv do s?ohodennya. – KH.: Vivat, 2019. – 576 s. 25. Khodzh A.N. Istoriya mystetstva / A.N.Khodzh; [per. z anhl.] – Kharkiv, 2012.
26. M.O. Chmykhov, N.M.Kravchenko, I.T.Chernyakov. Arkheolohiya ta starodavnya istoriya Ukrayiny: Kurs lektsiy. – K.: Lybid, 1992. – 376 s.: il. 27. The world of ornament. / A.Racinet& M. Dupont-Auberville. Koln, Tashen GmbH, 2009. – 528 s.
1. Istoriya ukrayinskoyi arkhitektury / V.I. Tymofiyenko, YU.S. Asyeyev, V.V. Becherskyy ta in. / za red. V.I. Tymofiyenka. – K. : Tekhnika, 2003. – 472 s.
2. Panofskyy E. Perspektyva kak symvolycheskaya forma. Hotycheskaya arkhytektura y skholastyka. Spb.: Azbuka-klassyka, 2004. - 336s.
3. Seriya «Ocherky ystoryy y teoryy yzobrazytelnykh yskusstv». M. Napr. Yskusstvo Drevneho Ehypta; Yskusstvo etruskov;. Yskusstvo Evropy I-IVv. I t.d
4. Stepovyk D. Istoriya ukrayinskoyi ikony KH-KHKH stolit.- K.,1996
5. Fihol M. Mystetstvo Starodavnoho Halycha. – K., 1997.
6. Sak L.M. Flamandskyy zhyvopys KHVII stolittya. – Kyyiv, 1970.
7. Ovsiychuk V., Krvavych D. Opovid pro ikonu. – Lviv, 2000. 8. Pamyatnyky myrovoho yskusstva. Vypusk I. Yskusstvo Ytalyy XVI veka. E.Y.Rotenberh. – M.: «Yskusstvo», 1967. – 470c.
9. Pamyatnyky myrovoho yskusstva. Vypusk VIII. Yskusstvo Ytalyy KHIII- XV vekov. Y.A.Smyrnova. – M.: Yskusstvo, 1987. – 560c
10. Zhyshkovych V. Plastyka Rusi-Ukrayiny KH – persha pol. KHIV st. – Lviv, 1999.
11. Istoriya ukrayinskoho mystetstva. V 6-ty t. – K., 1966–1970.
12. Popovych M. V. Narys istoriyi kultury Ukrayiny. – K.: ArtEk, 1998. – 728 s.