Home/ Majors directory/Environment Design/Technologies and Materials in Graphic Design (курсовий проєкт)
Technologies and Materials in Graphic Design (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.E.96
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Dubova-Strashevska Marianna Yuriyivna
Kyselenko Maria Olexandrivna
Kvasnytsia Roksoliana Bogdanіvna
Halyshych Ruslan Yaroslavovych
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes:
PRNV2.1. Understand the importance and meaning of pre-project research, analog analysis and be able to use the obtained results in the design of visual communications. PRNV2.2. To take into account the needs of all categories of consumers when creating objects of visual communication.
PRNV2.4. Apply a complex artistic and design approach to create a holistic image of objects of visual communications.
PRNV2.5. Solve functional tasks taking into account the properties of materials and features of structural constructions, apply the latest technologies in the creation of a modern final product in the design of visual communications.
KOM 1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish);
KOM 2. The ability to use various methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels.
Autonomy and responsibility:
AiV 1. To observe moral and ethical norms, principles and rules of behavior in modern society.
AiV 2. Interpret form-forming means of design as a reflection of historical, socio-cultural, economic and technological stages of the development of society, comprehensively determine their functional and aesthetic specificity in the communicative space.
AIV 3. To have professional terminology, theory and design methodology.
AiV 4. Understand the important role of Ukrainian etio-artistic traditions in stylistic solutions of design objects, as well as take into account the specifics of ethnodesign in the context of cultural practices.
AiV 5. To popularize the possessions of the national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote manifestations of patriotism.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines:
- Basics of design and computer graphics
Related and the following disciplines:
- Technologies and materials in graphic design
- Advertising design and copywriting (KP)
- Design of printed publications (PC)
- Conceptual design (CP)
Summary of the subject: The course "Technologies and materials in graphic design (CP)" is considered as one of the components of the complex of professional training and is designed for one semester of study and covers hours in the IV semester.
The discipline is based on auxiliary topics of theoretical and practical provisions, revealing the basic laws of the design process in packaging design and advertising.
The educational process consists of two blocks: I block - current tasks on technologies and means in graphic design, which keep the direction in the field of packaging design; The second block is devoted to the basics of advertising design, introduces students to the method of bringing goods to market through graphic design of advertising, and its main components.
The study of the proposed course requires students to be creative, focused on independent search for ideas and foundations of original strategies for specific practical tasks in the field of advertising, visual communications, packaging design and requires them to develop additional visual information and literature.
Assessment methods and criteria: The student's work is assessed both at the level of performance of current tasks and the whole project. Current control is carried out during training and makes it possible to determine the degree of formation of knowledge, skills, abilities of students, in addition, stimulates the responsibility of students to prepare for each lesson.
During the semester, a student can score up to 50 points (current assignments) for a course project, the maximum number of points is 50. To be admitted to the course project, the student is not required to pass current assignments.
Current assignments are assessed at 6 points depending on the difficulty and are passed during the semester. The course project is evaluated as the sum of the components of the project.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support
Advertising design: Methodical instructions for the course "Advertising design" for master's students of the V course of the specialty 022 "Design" specialization 02 "Graphic design" / Incl.: Incl.: A.P. Pavliv, H.S. Boyko, R.Ya. Halyshich, R.B. Kvasnytsia, V.R. Radomska, I.Yu. Buchkovska, M.Yu. Dubova-Strashevska - Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2017. - 10 p.
List of authors dealing with design issues.
Pobedyn V. A., Verkman D. K., Kraft Z., Mentatov V. V., Utevska F. I., Mokshantsev. R.I., Kotler.F., Eisenberg. M.N., Romat V.E., Pocheptsov. H. G., Fiske J., Eco U. A., Morozova I., Minaev G., Ramat E. V., Lesnyak V.
Basic literature:
1. Pobedyn V. A. Signs in graphic design. - Kharkiv: Ranok Vesta, 2001.
2. Kraft Z. Security mark. - Berlin, 1970.
3. Utevska FI. Immortal signs. - K.: Veselka, 1981.
4. Jackson, Paul. Complete pleats. Pleating Techniques for Fashion, Architecture and Design. - Laurence King Publishing, 2015, 304p.
5. Jackson, Paul. Structural packaging. Design your own boxes and 3-D forms - Laurence King Publishing, 2012, 128p.
6. Jackson, Paul. Structural packaging. Cut and Fold Techniques for Pop-Up Designs - Laurence King Publishing, 2014, 128p.
7. Jackson, Paul. Structural packaging. Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form
- Laurence King Publishing, 2011, 224p.
8. Julius Wiedemann The Package Design Book. - Taschen, 2017, 672p.
9. Ellicott, Candace. Packaging essentials: 100 principles for package design / Candace Ellicott and Sarah Roncarelli. - Rockport Publishers, 2010, 466
10. Klimchuk, Marianne R., Krasovec, Sandra A. Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf 2nd Edition. – Wiley, 2013, 505 p.
11. Lupton, Ellen. Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students. - Princeton Architectural Press, 2014, 224p.
12. Hembree, Ryan. The Complete Graphic Designer: A Guide to Understanding Graphics and Visual Communication. - Rockport Pub, 2006, 192p.
13. Website https://packageinspiration.com/
14. Website https://packagingoftheworld.com/
Additional literature:
1. Romat V. E. Advertising. - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkiv, Minsk., 2001.
2. Pocheptsov. H. G. Theory of communications. - K.: Union of Advertisers of Ukraine, 1996.
3. Fiske J. Introductory Communication Studies. - London, N.Y., 1990.
4. Eco U. A.. Theory of Semiotics. - Bloomington, 1976.
5. Lesnyak V. Accidental font. 75 original fonts. - Kharkiv: Kolorit, 2004.
6. Mark-making in packaging design and branding. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2322237295708838/
7. Mark-making in textile design for clothing https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2744449763053247/
Technologies and Materials in Graphic Design
Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.E.95
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Shtets Victor Оleksііоvуch Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRNV 2.1. Understand the importance and meaning of pre-project research, analog analysis and be able to use the obtained results in the design of visual communications.
PRNV 2.2. To take into account the needs of all categories of consumers when creating objects of visual communication.
PRNV 2.4. Apply a complex artistic and design approach to create a holistic image of objects of visual communications.
PRNV 2.5. Solve functional tasks taking into account the properties of materials and features of structural constructions, apply the latest technologies in the creation of a modern final product in the design of visual communications.
KOM1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish);
KOM2. The ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels.
AiV 1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
AiV 2. The ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired new professional knowledge.
AiV 3. The ability to take responsibility for the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
AiV 4. Ability to popularize national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote manifestations of patriotism, national self-awareness and ethno-cultural self-identification.
AIV 5. The ability to form environmental awareness and personal culture, to apply ecological principles in life and professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites:
Interactive design
Fundamentals of design and computer graphics (CP)
Technologies and materials in graphic design (CP)
Web design
Design of printed publications
Summary of the subject:
In the process of studying the elective discipline "Technologies and materials in graphic design" applicants for the first level of higher education - Bachelor of Environmental Design master the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of materials science in graphic design. The course is designed for one semester of study and covers 90 hours, in particular, 45 hours. practical classes and 45 hours. independent work. Students study the properties and applications of printing materials - paper, inks, printing plates, etc., study the typology and technical and design features of printing products, the main ways of using compositional, graphic and typographic elements and typographic elements in the design of printing products of different types. machines in specialized programs. Studying the discipline will allow the student to understand the role of technologies and materials in graphic design and to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
Assessment methods and criteria: During the semester, a student can score 50 points for four tasks and 50 points for the examination control for passing test questions in the VNS of Lviv Polytechnic.
Recommended books: 1. Technologies and materials in graphic design. Electronic educational and methodical complex.
2. Shtets VO Fundamentals of printing technology. Electronic educational and methodical complex, registered in the VNS NU "Lviv Polytechnic" Location address: Moodle2.1 +; // http: // http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=12936. Number and date of registration: Е41-205-28 / 2015 dated 01.12.2015
3. Shtets VO Fundamentals of printing technology. Lecture notes. Lviv: Publishing House of the Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture, 2018. - 110 p. Registration number 8541 dated January 29, 2019
4. Design of a book edition. Methodical instructions / Incl. O. Melnyk, V. Shtets. - Lviv, Publishing House of the Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture, 2018. - 32 p.
Recommended literature
1. Adobe InDesign CS: official. textbook course / [trans. with English Klimovich A., Gorlach A.]. - М .: издво ТРИУМФ, 2005. - 448с. ill. - (Official training course).
2. Blatner D. QuarkPress 5. The art of prepress. DiaSoft, 2002. 912 p.
3. Bozhko A. Adobe FrameMaker. Complex layout. Series For designers. DMK, 2000.
4. Bukovetskaya O. Text design: Font, effects, color. 2nd ed., Ed. M, 2000. 304 p.
5. Zhidetsky Y. Polygraphic materials science. Lviv, 2000.– 222 p.
6. Valuenko B. Exterior design of printed publications: Methods of compositional connection of font and image // Printing. 1999. № 3. pp. 12-13. 6. Valueenko B. The specifics of the design of book frames. Kyiv, 1990. 48 p
7. Bolkhovitinova C. Composition of publications: Features of the design of various types of publications: Textbook / Ed. SM Bolkhovitinova. M .: Izd-vo MGUP, 2000. - 166 s. Access mode: [http://www.hi-edu.ru/e-books/xbook095/01/about.htm].
8. Bukovetskaya O. We are preparing to print a magazine, book, booklet, business card. - M .: "NT-Press", 2005. - 303 p.
9. Volkov N. Course of layout and layout. 2005. Format pdf. Access mode: [http://www.uapp.net/netcat_files/460_4.PDF]
10. Bukovetskaya O. Text design: fonts, effects, color / OA Буковецкая. - M .: DMK Press, 2000. - 304 p. - (in Russian).
11. Bulgakov F. Illustrated history of printing and typographic art. St. Petersburg: Suvorin Publishing House, 1889. - 364 p. - (in Russian).
12. Valuenko B. Architecture of the book / BV Valuenko. - Kyiv: "Art", 1976. - (Ukrainian).
13. Gerchuk Yu. History of graphics and art books. - М .: Аспект Пресс, 2000. - 320 с.
14. Gilenson P. Handbook of Technical Editor. M., 1978.
15. Goncharova N. Composition and architecture of the book. M., 1977
16. Sava B. Fundamentals of book creation techniques. Teaching manual. Lviv: Kamenyar, 2000. - 136 p.
17. Timoshik M. Book for author, editor, publisher. Kyiv, 2005. Practical manual.
18. Tkachenko V., Chebotaryova I., Kirichok P., Grigorova Z. Encyclopedia of Publishing. Kharkiv "Flag", 2008.
19. Flat D. Properties of paper. 3rd bridle, reworked. And extra. M., 1986.– 680 p.
20. Flate D.M. Paper technology. M., 1988. - 440 p.
1. Ivanov SI Fundamentals of the composition of the publication. - К .: НМК ВО, 1991. - 64 с
2. Kerzhentsev P. Newspaper: Organization and technique of newspaper business M .: Krasnaya Nov, 1923. - 160 p. - (in Russian).
3. Pakhomov V. Book art. M .: Iskusstvo, 1962. - 432 s. - (in Russian).
4. Ruder E. Typography. - Per. with him. - М .: Книга, 1982. - 286 с. - (in Russian).
5. Chihold J. The appearance of the book. М .: Книга, 1985. - 240 с.
6. Helbert A. Network. Modular system of design and production of newspapers, magazines, books. - М .: Книга, 1984. - 106 с.