Home/ Majors directory/Fine Arts, Decorative Art, Restoration/Reconstruction of Architectural Details
Reconstruction of Architectural Details
Major: Fine Arts, Decorative Art, Restoration
Code of subject: 6.023.00.O.67
Credits: 4.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: assoc.prof. Ph.D..Melnyk V.A.
assoc.prof. Ph.D.. Stasjuk O.S.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Basic knowledge in the field of basics of theory, design standards, methods of reconstruction of works of art;
• Knowledge of the basic techniques of architectural and artistic modeling of works of art, taking into account their purpose and conditions of use, the requirements of the monument protection legislation;
• Knowledge that allows monitoring the state of preservation and operation of works of art;
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerequisite: History of decorative and applied arts, restoration materials science, historical techniques and technologies of stone processing.
Co-requisite: Computer technology in the diagnosis and restoration of stone.
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Reconstruction of an architectural detail from stone" is based on the study of the following educational blocks - scientific and technological examination of a work of art from stone, development of a map of losses, development of restoration project and preparation of details for reconstruction, study of restoration of works of art from limestone, sandstone, sandstone stone, etc. The possibility of using synthetic polymers, pigments, biocides and antiseptics used in restoration for restoration is being studied. Study of artificial masses used in the restoration of works of art from limestone and sandstone. The study of the discipline is the method of sequential teaching of material in the form of thematic blocks.
Assessment methods and criteria: Protection of practical works - 20 points.
Written and oral control - 10 points
Written component - 30 points
Oral component - 40 points.
Recommended books: 1. Voloshy`necz` V.A., Bevz M.V. Restavracijne materialoznavstvo. L`viv. 2017. – 128 s.
2. Strilenko Yu. M. Konservaciya i restavraciya arxitekturny`x pam'yatok / Yu. M. Strilenko, I. R. Mogy`ty`ch, S. V. Sklyar ta in. // K.: – L.: – 1996. – 586 s.
3. Mel`ny`k V.A. Vy`gotovlennya rel`yefa zi shtuchnogo kamenyu. Metody`chni vkazivky` do programny`x zavdan` z predmeta «Restavraciya skul`ptury` ta arxitekturnoyi detali z kamenyu» dlya studentiv osvitn`o-kvalifikacijnogo rivnya - «Bakalavr», special`nist` 6.02020601 «Restavraciya tvoriv my`stecztva».L`viv 2015.
4. Mel`ny`k V.A., Stasyuk O.S. Restavraciya arxitekturnoyi detali ta tvoriv my`stecztva z gipsu. Metody`chni vkazivky` do programny`x zavdan` z predmeta «Proekt restavraciyi» dlya studentiv osvitn`o-kvalifikacijnogo rivnya - «Bakalavr» special`nosti 6.02020601 «Restavraciya tvoriv my`stecztva». Vy`d-vo NU «L`vivs`ka politexnika», L`viv: 2017.
5. Mel`ny`k V.A., Stasyuk O.S. Identy`fikaciya ta restavraciya shtuchnogo kamenyu. Metody`chni vkazivky` do programny`x zavdan` z predmeta «Proekt restavraciyi» dlya studentiv osvitn`o-kvalifikacijnogo rivnya - «Bakalavr» special`nosti 6.02020601 «Restavraciya tvoriv my`stecztva». Vy`d-vo NU «L`vivs`ka politexnika», L`viv: 2017.
6. Bokalo I.Yu., Mel`ny`k V.A., Stasyuk O.S., «Restavraciya arxitekturnoyi detali ta tvoriv my`stecztva z gly`ny` (keramiky`)» do programny`x zavdan` z predmeta «Proekt restavraciyi» dlya studentiv osvitn`o- kvalifikacijnogo rivnya - «Bakalavr» special`nosti 6.02020601 «Restavraciya tvoriv my`stecztva». Vy`d-vo NU «L`vivs`ka politexnika», L`viv: 2017.