Home/ Majors directory/Architecture and Urban Planning/Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1 (курсовий проєкт)
Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1 (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.016
Credits: 6.00
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Luchko Larysa
Assistant Illiashenko Maryna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN2. Know the algorithm of project actions, based on a certain model of search for architectural and spatial organization of the object, developed on the principles of the theory of self-organization (program-task> external solutions> internal solutions> concept).
PRN4. Identify the factors and requirements that determine the prerequisites for architectural and urban planning and forecasting.
PRN6. To master the knowledge of systematization of the results of project analysis, delineation of the system of design principles, formation of the principle model, visual image of the object, substantiation of the chosen way of solving the problem. Use software, IT technologies and Internet resources for information support of architectural and urban planning research and design.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites:
Basic knowledge of secondary education subjects
Fundamentals of architectural design
(architectural color science)
Architectural graphics and composition, part 1
Summary of the subject: The course "Fundamentals of Architectural Design, Part 1" teaches architectural graphics, composition and architectural design. The course is an introduction to architectural design, and begins students to master a number of practical knowledge about architecture and parts of buildings. Given that the technical foundations of architectural and construction work are taught in other, parallel courses, this course focuses on the study of compositional means of architecture: volume and space, the main architectural elements of buildings and their forms, tectonic structure, proportions, scale, harmony techniques. These means and methods of composition are considered in accordance with the functional purpose of buildings, their social and artistic significance, construction conditions, construction equipment and economy.
During the course the student receives information in the field of architectural graphics and composition, related to the peculiarities of human perception of three-dimensional forms, achieving their unity and integrity, aesthetic expressiveness through graphics, gets acquainted with the principles and techniques used in drawing and demonstration materials.
The peculiarity of the course is the focus of visual aids on solving architectural problems that develop general artistic possibilities. The content of compositional and graphic training determines the set of knowledge and skills needed by an architect as a foundation for mastering the activity.
The ultimate goal of the subject "Fundamentals of Architectural Design", as well as the whole discipline "Architectural Design", is the mastery of students a certain type of technical and artistic skills, which is an integral part of architectural and construction production. The main method of teaching design is the method of performing practical design work. In the course "Fundamentals of Architectural Design" such works are works on architectural graphics, composition and basics of design. The most important task of these first works is the development of future architects three-dimensional representation, which allows you to compose the architectural form of the building and understand the drawings.
Practical tasks include a number of design tasks with gradual complication - from deleting elements of living rooms (furniture, plumbing fixtures, built-in elements and appliances), basic design drawings of the house in orthogonal projections (plans, facades, sections), and images of the master plan - to execution of the project of a small architectural object (parquet). A significant part of independent work in determining the nature and materials of the facade, the choice of site for design. By studying ergonomic parameters, students gradually master various ways of organizing architectural space, carry out site planning and design of the object in an urban environment. Project tasks involve the development of sketch options and making the optimal compositional decision; development of drawings of a residential building on a certain scale; expressive and high-quality technical execution. The works are performed in various graphic techniques and materials (pencil, ink, watercolor, colored pencil) on A3 sheets.
Assessment methods and criteria: Ongoing monitoring: assessment of the stages of a series of graphic works.
Final monitoring: differentiated test.
Recommended books: Basic:
1. Anpilogova VO Construction drawing [Text]: textbook. way. for students. higher education lock / VO Anpilogov; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. - К.: КНУБА, 2004. - 109 с.2. DSTU B A.2.4-7: 2009 System of design documentation for construction [Text]. Architectural and construction drawings. Rules of execution. Designation of accuracy characteristics DSTU B A. 2. 4-37: 2008. - View. officer - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009. - 80 p. - (National standard of Ukraine)
3. Klimenyuk TM Drawing. Drawing. Composition. textbook Manual. Lviv Lviv Polytechnic. 2018.-344p.
4. Kudryashev KV Architectural graphics [Text]: textbook. manual in the direction of 630100 "Architecture" / KV Kudryashev. - M.: Arhitektura-S, 2006. - 308 s.
5. Mironenko VP Ergonomic principles of architectural design (theoretical and methodological aspect) / VP Mironenko. - H.: Osnova, 1997. - 110 p.
6. Petrishin GP Architectural graphics [Text]: textbook. way. for students. basic direction 6.12.01 "Architecture" / GP Petryshyn, MM Obidnyak; ed. GP Petrishin. - L.: RASTR-7, 2009. - 272 p.
7. Petrishin GP Architectural design. Initial course [Text]: textbook. for students. higher textbook institutions studying in the field of "Architecture" / GP Petryshyn, MM Obidnyak. - Lviv. : РАСТР-7, 2010. - 275 с.
8. Rules of execution of architectural and construction drawings // State standard of Ukraine: Systems of design documentation for construction DSTU B A.2.4-7-95 (GOST 21.501-93). - Kyiv: State Committee of Ukraine for Urban Planning and Architecture, 1996. - 55 p.
9. Project graphics. Textbook / TM Klimenyuk, NA Konsulova, MV Bevz, Kh. I. Kovalchuk; For the order. TM Klimenyuk. Second edition, supplemented and revised. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2011. 220 p.
Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1 (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.017
Credits: 6.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., Ph.D.arch., Chen L.Ya.
Ph.D.arch, assistant. Frolova Yu.V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: general:
• Ability to solve complex design problems and practical problems in the field of architectural and design design, characterized by complex and uncertain conditions, or in the learning process, which involves the use of methods for optimizing urban, environmental, architectural and compositional solutions, environmental friendliness, social efficiency, economy, safety of buildings and structures; application of information technologies, knowledge-intensive computer technologies, computer-aided design systems; project management
• Ability to use legislative, directive, normative, legal documents in their own
• Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines;
• Competence in the execution of architectural and urban working drawings;
• Ability to understand and take into account social, environmental, ethical, economic aspects that affect the formation of current and future solutions in the implementation of architectural and urban projects;
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisite: Design graphics, Design of small architectural objects
Co-requisite: Architectural design of a single-family house, Architectural design (sports and youth camp in a landscape environment)
Summary of the subject: To deepen theoretical knowledge and give practical skills in the implementation of design work on the example of structurally simple and small house and teach students to design a country house for recreation in a natural landscape environment. To study the basic principles of designing a detached country house for a seasonal stay. In the process of learning students work on the main aspects of design: planning of residential and non-residential premises, development of the concept of the master plan of the site, functional-planning organization and three-dimensional composition of the house, deepen technical knowledge of structures and engineering equipment; will perform graphic design of the project according to the task.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausures, control reviews - 30 b.
Evaluation of the general idea of the project and the quality of graphic execution - 70 b.
Recommended books: 1. Proekt dachnoho budynku. Metodychni vkazivky do kursovoho proektu/ Ukl.: Chen L.Ia, Demkiv M.V.,Hnidets R.B..- Lviv Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2009 – 16 s.
2. Chyn F.D.K. Arkhytektura: forma, prostranstvo, kompozytsiia /per.s anh. E Netesovoi.-M.: AST: Astrel, 2005
3. Proektna hrafika: Metodychni vkazivky ”Proektna hrafika” dlia studentiv I kursu/ Ukladachi: Chen L.Ia. - Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2013.- 45 s.
4.Proekt maloi arkhitekturnoi formy: metodychni vkazivky do vykonannia KR / Ukladachi L.Ia.Chen, M.V.Demkiv, K.V.Prysiazhnyi,- V-vo NU «Lvivska politekhnika», 2009.- 20 s.
5. DBN V.2.2-15-2005. Zhytlovi budynky. Osnovni polozhennia. – Kyiv. «Ukrarkhbudinform». 2005. – 76 s.
6. DBN 360-92**. Mistobuduvannia. Planuvannia ta zabudova miskykh ta silskykh poselen. - Kyiv. «Ukrarkhbudinform». 2002.
7. I.P.Hnes, R.A.Rudyk, V.B.Iakubovskyi, I.B.Iakubovskyi. Odnorodynnyi zhytlovyi budynok. Navch. Posibnyk. – Lviv. Vydavnytstvo NU «Lvivska politekhnika». 2007. - 112 s.
8. Peter Noifert, Liudvyh Neff. Proektyrovanye y stroytelstvo. Dom, kvartyra, sad. Perevod s nemetskoho. – Moskva, «Arkhytektura-S», 2008. – 264 s.
9. Iakubovskyi V.B, Nestorovych E.A., Rudyk R.A., Yatsiv M.B. 55 proektiv indyvidualnykh zhytlovykh budynkiv: kataloh. – Lviv, «Astron», 1997.
10. Dzh. Maksay, Yu.Kholand, H Lakhman, Dzh. Yaker. Proektyrovanye zhylыkh zdanyi. Perevod s anhlyiskoho. - Moskva, Stroiyzdat», 1979.
11. Avi Friedman. Innovative houses. Concept for Sustainable Living. – London, Laurence King Publishing Ltd. 2013.
12. Wentling, James W. Housing by lifestyle: the component method of residential design. Second edition. ISBN 0-07-069293-9. - USA. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995.
Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1 (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.019
Credits: 6.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Halyna Koznarska
Lecturer Yevheniia Korol
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Skills in usage of basic tools, methods and ways of receiving, storing and processing information;
• The ability to consider the basic aesthetic categories, laws architectural composition, ethnic, cultural, economic, technological, natural and environmental principles and methods of construction;
• The ability to self-learning, self-improvement and continuing professional development.
• Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines;
• The ability to professionally represent the project - to report on the merits of the project, to oppose a review, clarify some provisions of the draft.
Required prior and related subjects: • Architectural Graphics and Composition, Part 1
• Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Part 1
Summary of the subject: Mastering the skills of the primary architectural design and graphical representation of author's creative ideas by designing small architectural objects (small architectural forms) - fences, recreational podiums, kiosks, etc.
Task 1 "The Fence"
Frontal view (1:25), Top view, Section, Perspective view from the eye-level
Task 2 "Urban street furniture"
Plan(1:100, 1:50), Frontal view(1:50), Side view (1:50), Section(1:50), Perspective view from the eye-level
Task 3 "Public transport stop with a kiosk"
Legend(1:250), Masterplan with an open plan of a kiosk(1:100), Elevations (all), Section (1:50), Perspective view from the eye-level (using Adobe PhotoShop program)
Assessment methods and criteria: Ongoing monitoring (sketches) (15%)
Graphical coursework (credit) (85%)
Recommended books: 1. Малі форми ландшафтної архітектури. Методичні вказівки для студентів спеціальності 7.120103 «Містобудування»/ Укл.: Т.М. Мазур, Є.І.Король - Львів,2О06 - 52 с.
2. Мала архітектура в міському середовищі. Методичні вказівки до практичних занять/ Укл. І.П. Гнесь, Ю.А.Рочняк, І.М. Пестрій, Н.М. Олійник - Львів,20О2 - 24 с
Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1 (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.015
Credits: 6.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Kaidanovska O.O., Panchyshyn O.Ie.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know the basic principles and principles of architectural and urban planning.
Apply theories and methods of physical and mathematical, natural, technical and human sciences to solve complex specialized problems of architecture and urban planning.
Assess the factors and requirements that determine the prerequisites for architectural and urban design.
Apply the basic theories of design, reconstruction and restoration of architectural and urban, architectural, environmental and landscape objects, modern methods and technologies, international and domestic experience to solve complex specialized problems of architecture and urban planning.
Collect, analyze and evaluate information from various sources necessary for making sound design architectural and urban planning decisions.
Develop projects, carry out pre-project analysis in the process of architectural and urban planning, taking into account the objectives, resource constraints, social, ethical and legal aspects.
Apply modern tools and methods of engineering, art and computer graphics used in architectural and urban design.
Apply artistic and compositional principles in architectural and urban planning design.
Understand the socio-economic, environmental, ethical and aesthetic consequences of the proposed solutions in the field of urban planning and architecture.
Organize presentations and discussions of architectural, urban and landscape projects
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2, Architectural graphics and composition
Summary of the subject: The discipline allows to acquire basic knowledge of the typology of small architectural objects, to master the basic principles and methods of architectural design of architectural structures of this type in urban space in the main stages - sketch-idea, sketch, design drawings, layout.
Topic 1. "Recreation area". Collect materials on the topic during the organized tour. Perform measurements, sketches, photo-fixation of several examples of street furniture of different types. Analyze ergonomic indicators, determine the scale of man. Develop a draft proposal for the organization of a recreation area for 5-10 people. Choose a site for the design of the recreation area. Make a working layout for the organization of a particular type of recreation. Collect and systematize the material of group research of a separate type of recreation areas in the urban environment. Analyze architectural prototypes. Justify the choice of site for recreation. Present the author's proposal to organize a recreation area for 5-10 people, to prove the ease of use.
Topic 2. Installation in the city. Pick up materials on a specific example of the author's installation in the urban space, present the results. Think about the idea of ??the author's installation, give a brief description of the idea. Make the layout of the installation, show options for changing the scale of the composition relative to human height.
Topic 3. Exhibition pavilion. By means of prototyping and sketch graphics to show search options of an architectural composition of an exhibition pavilion of a well-known brand. Show place and method of demonstration of advertising elements. Develop a master plan proposal. Make a layout of an architectural structure. Make orthogonal drawings and images of three-dimensional view of the building.
Assessment methods and criteria: Testing of knowledge and work done in class, evaluation of clauses and individual tasks, evaluation of the course project. Practical tasks - 70 points, course project - 30 points.
Recommended books: 1. Petryshyn H.P. Arkhitekturne proektuvannia. Pochatkovyi kurs [Tekst] : pidruch. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl., yaki navchaiutsia za napriamom "Arkhitektura" / H.P.Petryshyn, M.M.Obidniak. – Lviv. : RASTR-7, 2010. – 275 s.
2. Dyzain arkhytekturnoi sredы [Tekst] : uchebnyk dlia stud. / H.B.Mynervyn [y dr.]. - M. : Arkhytektura-S, 2006. - 504 s.
3. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro blahoustrii naselenykh punktiv». http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2807-15/parao197#o197
4. Kryzhanivska N.Ia. Osnovy landshaftnoho dyzainu: Pidruchnyk. – K.: «Lira-K», 2017. – 218 s.
5. Mali arkhitekturni formy. DBN B.2.2-5:2011. Blahoustrii terytorii http://dbn.at.ua/publ/mali_arkhitekturni_formi/1-1-0-353
6. Malik T.V. Dyzain seredovyshcha: vytoky, typolohiia, osnovy teorii [Tekst] : navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / T.V.Malik ; Kyiv. derzh. in-t dekor.-pryklad. mystets. Ta dyzainu im. Mykhaila Boichuka. – K. : Pavlenko, 2012. – 111 s.
7. Petryshyn H.P. Arkhitekturna hrafika [Tekst] : navch. posib. dlia stud. bazovoho napriamu 6.12.01 "Arkhitektura" / H.P.Petryshyn, M.M.Obidniak ; red. H.P.Petryshyn. – L. : RASTR-7, 2009. – 272 s.
8. Proektna hrafika [Tekst] : navch. posibnyk dlia stud. bazovoho napriamu 6.12.01 "Arkhitektura" / T. M. Klymeniuk [y dr.] ; Natsionalnyi un-t "Lvivska politekhnika". – L. : Vydavnytstvo NU "Lvivska politekhnika", 2009. – 220 s.
9. Myhal S.P. Bionika v dyzaini prostorovo-predmetnoho seredovyshcha [Tekst] : navch. posib. / S.P.Myhal, I.A.Dyda, T.S.Kazantseva ; Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika". – Lviv : Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky, 2014. - 225 s.
10. Timokhin V.O. Metodolohiia proektuvannia arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha [Tekst] : konspekt lektsii / V.O.Timokhin – K. : KNUBA, 2006. – 48 s.
11. Shapoval N.H. Osnovy arkhitekturnoho formoutvorennia: Navch. posib. – K.: Osnova, 2008. – 448 s.
Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1 (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.018
Credits: 6.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Ivanna Voronkova
Senior Lecturer Yuliia Bohdanova
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The purpose of the discipline is to study the methods of designing small architectural objects; mastering the knowledge of typology, principles and techniques of architectural environment design and its subject content.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. History of architecture;
2. Architectural Graphics and Composition.
Summary of the subject: One of the main tasks facing architects in the design of small architectural objects is the combination and coordination of engineering and architectural and decorative properties.
The problem of small architectural objects in the improvement of the city at different stages of development of construction is associated with solving problems of formation of material and spatial environment of the city, its architectural, artistic and functional content. It is also necessary to take into account the historical features of the development of the city or town, stylistic features of their culture. The discipline is dedicated to solving these problems.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit. Graphic works - 100 p.
Recommended books: 1. Mali arkhitekturni formy: Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya kursovykh robit dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamku 060102 – «Arkhitektura» spetsial?nosti «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: Koval?chuk KH.I., Bohdanova YU.L., Hoy B.V. – L?viv: Vydavnytstvo Natsional?noho un-tu "L?vivs?ka politekhnika", 2008. - 22 s. [in Ukrainian].
2. Proektuvannya malykh arkhitekturnykh ob?yektiv: Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya kursovykh robit dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamku 060102 – «Arkhitektura» spetsial?nosti «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: Voronkova I.S., Bohdanova YU.L., Koval?chuk KH.I. – L?viv: kafedra dyzaynu arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha, 2015. [in Ukrainian].
3. Koval?chuk KH.I., Bohdanova YU.L. Harmonizatsiya mis?koho seredovyshcha zasobamy dyzaynu: Konspekt lektsiy dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamu 070102 "Arkhitektura" spetsial?nosti "Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha". – L?viv: Vydavnytstvo Natsional?noho universytetu "L?vivs?ka politekhnika", 2008. – 52 s. [in Ukrainian].
4. Proektna hrafika: navch. posibnyk dlya stud. bazovoho napryamu 6.12.01 "Arkhitektura" / T. M. Klymenyuk [ta insh.] ; Natsional?nyy un-t "L?vivs?ka politekhnika". – L. : Vydavnytstvo Nats. un-tu "L?vivs?ka politekhnika", 2009. – 220 s. [in Ukrainian].
5. Kryzhanovska N. YA. Osnovy landshaftnoho dyzaynu: Pidruchnyk. [Fundamentals of landscape design: a textbook]. – K.: "Lira-K", 2009. – 218s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Dzhon Bruks. Dizayn sada. [Garden design]. – M.: BMM. – 2009. – 384s. [in Russian].
7. Public Square Landscape // Design Media Publishing Limited. – 2011. – 288 p.
8. LandscapeArchitecture // From: LandscapeArchitecture, 2015. - 136 p.
9. Devid Adler. Metricheskiy spravochnik proyektirovaniya. Dannyye dlya arkhitekturnogo proyektirovaniya i rascheta. [Metric design reference. Data for architectural design and calculation]. – M.: Arkhitektura-S. –2008.–764s. [in Russian].
Fundamentals of Architectural Design, part 1
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.014
Credits: 4.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Kaidanovska O.O., Dyda O.A., Pekarchuk O.P., Panchyshyn O.Ie., Pokladok O.V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know the basic principles and principles of architectural and urban planning. Assess the factors and requirements that determine the prerequisites for architectural and urban design. Collect, analyze and evaluate information from various sources necessary for making sound design architectural and urban planning decisions. Apply modern tools and methods of engineering, art and computer graphics used in architectural and urban design. Apply artistic and compositional principles in architectural and urban planning design. To choose rational architectural decisions on the basis of the analysis of efficiency of constructive, engineering and technical systems, building materials and products, decorative and finishing materials
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of Architectural Design, Part 1 (Design of Small Architectural Objects), Fundamentals of Architectural Design, Part 2, Architectural Graphics and Composition, Part 2
Summary of the subject: Fundamentals of color theory: the science of color; research history; color parameters and properties; types of color contrasts; psychophysiology of color; color characteristics; types of color compositions. Contemporary interior painting: historical types of color harmonies; types, genres, styles of modern painting; colors of interior painting; picture in the composition of space. National features of color: types of ornament; historical styles of ornamentation; national ornaments of Europe, Asia, Africa. Basics of interior color: color composition of the interior; main types of colors; colored surfaces and elements; features of color of public interiors; coloring coffee. Modern trends in home interior design: finishing materials - color, texture; color design trends; methods of designing the colors of housing. Facade finishing materials: types of finishing materials; modern technologies and materials; work with catalogs of materials. Color composition of the house: the influence of the natural environment; architectural composition and color; geometric shapes of a residential building; color passport of the facade.
Assessment methods and criteria: practical graphic tasks, final test
Recommended books: 1. Elektronnyi navchalno-metodychnyi kompleks Osnovy arkhitekturnoho proektuvannia (arkh. koloroznavstvo) / O.O.Kaidanovska, Ya.V.Rakochyi, O.Ie.Panchyshyn – Lviv : VNS NU «Lvivska politekhnika» (sertyfikat № 03324).
2. Kyrychenko M.A., Kyrychenko I.M. Osnovy obrazotvorchoi hramoty. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2002.
3. Myronova L.N. Tsvet v yzobrazytelnom yskusstve: Ucheb. posobye. – Mynsk: Belarus, 2003.
4. Ytten Y. Yskusstvo tsveta / Per. s nem. – M.: Yzd. D.Aronov, 2001.
5. Pecheniuk T. Koloroznavstvo. – Lviv: «Hrani-T», 2009.
6. Ahoston Zh. Teoryia tsveta y ee prymenenye v yskusstve y dyzaine. – M.: Myr, 1982.
7. Beda H.V. Osnovы yzobrazytelnoi hramotы: Rysunok, zhyvopys, kompozytsyia. - M.: Prosveshchenye, 1989.
8. Volkov N.N. Tsvet v zhyvopysy. – M.: Yskusstvo, 1985.
9. Horbenko A.A. Akvarelnaia zhyvopys dlia arkhytektorov. – K.: Budivelnyk, 1982.
10. Zaitsev A.S. Nauka o tsvete y zhyvopys. – M.: Yskusstvo, 1986.
11. Ykonnykov A.V. Khudozhestvennыi yazыk arkhytekturы. – M., 1985.
12. Kudriashev K.V. Arkhytekturnaia hrafyka: Ucheb. pos. – M.: Arkhytektura-S, 2006.
13. Satton T. Harmonyia tsveta: Polnoe rukovodstvo po sozdanyiu tsvetovыkh kombynatsyi / T.Satton, B.Vyllen; Per. s anhl. – M.: Astrel, 2004.
14. Stepanov N.N. Tsvet v ynterere. – K.: Vyshcha shk., 1985.
15. Tkachev V.N. Arkhytekturnыi dyzain (funktsyonalnыe y khudozhestvennыe osnovы proektyrovanyia): Ucheb. posobye. – M.: Arkhytektura-S, 2006.
16. Tsoihner H. Uchenye o tsvete. – M.: Stroiyzdat, 1971.