Bases of Geodesy

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.024
Credits: 3.00
Department: Geodesy
Lecturer: Ph.D. Vovk Andrii
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - know the theoretical foundations of geodesy, topographic surveying, other types of surveying; - know the methods and technologies of creating geodetic networks, topographic surveys, topographic and geodetic measurements of buildings, public, industrial and agricultural complexes; - know the basics of compiling and updating maps, technological processes of preparation of maps for publication and publication of maps; - know the basics of informatics and geoinformation technologies with the acquisition of skills in the use of computer software and databases to process the results of geodetic measurements and topographic surveys; - have methods of collecting information, its systematization and classification in accordance with the design or production task of topographic and geodetic content; - have basic geodetic techniques and technologies, methods of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements; - have technologies and methods of planning and execution of geodetic and topographic surveys and computer processing of survey results in geographic information systems; - have methods of organizing topographic and geodetic production from field measurements to management and sale of various topographic products.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Fundamentals of Geodesy" is an integral part of the educational process for students majoring in 191 "Architecture and Urban Planning". the discipline aims to expand and consolidate theoretical knowledge during surveying. The task of the basics of geodesy is to master each student's practical skills to perform field and in-house geodetic works. This program addresses the general issues of organization, conduct and summarizing the implementation of geodetic works. Prior to the beginning of the internship, the teacher is obliged to instruct on safety and labor protection during engineering and geodetic works during the training period and monitor their observance. The teacher can form field teams. The academic group is divided into teams (3 - 5 students), in which a foreman is appointed. The teacher conducts teaching, research and educational work with students, is responsible for the implementation of the internship program and the level of assimilation of practical and theoretical knowledge by students and upon completion of the internship takes credit. To perform laboratory work, each student receives a specially designed notebook in which he performs the tasks of laboratory work, gradually filling it with all the necessary information. At the end of the course, the student is required to submit a notebook with laboratory work, which is provided by the program.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods of control of results of training of students are provided in educational process: - current control over the performance of works; - oral individual, combined and face-to-face interviews at the beginning of each type of work; - thematic test control; testing and assessment of knowledge.
Recommended books: - Instrukcija z topoghrafichnogho znimannja u masshtabakh 1:5000-1:500. Kyjiv, 1999. - Litynsjkyj V.O., Vashhenko V.I., Perij S.S.. Gheodezychni prylady v topoghrafiji. Ljviv, Jevrosvit, 2012. - Moroz O.I. Topoghrafija. Navchaljnyj posibnyk. Ljviv: Vydavnyctvo Ljvivsjkoji politekhniky, 2016. 220 s. - Ostrovsjkyj A.L., Moroz O.I., Tartachynsjka Z.R., Gharasymchuk I.F. Gheodezija. Chastyna persha. Topoghrafija. Navchaljnyj posibnyk Ljviv: Vydavnyctvo Ljvivsjkoji politekhniky, 2011. 440 s. - Umovni znaky dlja topoghrafichnykh planiv masshtabiv 1:5000 – 1:500. Kyjiv, 2001. - Gheodezychnyj encyklopedychnyj slovnyk. – Ljviv, 2001 - Gheodezychni prylady. Pidruchnyk / Za redakcijeju T. Gh. Shevchenka. Drughe vydannja, pereroblene ta dopovnene. Ljviv: Vydavnyctvo Ljvivsjkoji politekhniky, 2009. 484 s. - Ostrovsjkyj A. L., Moroz O. I., Tarnavsjkyj V. L.. Gheodezija. Chastyna drugha. Pidruchnyk. Drughe vyd., vypravlene. Ljviv: Vydavnyctvo Ljvivsjkoji politekhniky, 2012. 564 s. - Trevogho I.S., Shevchenko T.Gh., Moroz O.I.. Gheodezychni prylady. Praktykum. Navchaljnyj posibnyk Tretje vydannja, pereroblene i dopovnene. Ljviv: Vydavnyctvo Ljvivsjkoji politekhniky, 2012. 240 s.