Home/ Majors directory/Architecture and Urban Planning/History of Architecture, Part 2
History of Architecture, Part 2
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.042
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ph. D. Tetiana Klymeniuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific principles, which are at the heart of the most substantial stages of the world architecture development in accordance with the change of public and economic formations.
Ability to understand and use the laws of functions and forms development, the social role of architecture as the means of material and spiritual organization of the public life.
Ability to use the information on the development of construction engineering and design concepts.
Master the basic architectural forms with classical architectural and artistic heritage, features architectural and planning and town-building techniques of the major landmarks and their complexes, settlements and cities.
Search for information from various sources and perform work using basic skills on professional topics.
The ability to understand the need for lifelong learning to enhance and acquiring new expertise.
Required prior and related subjects: previous - history of architecture, part 1; architectural graphics and composition, part 1; project graphics;
accompanying - history of architecture, part 2; architectural graphics and composition, part 2; project graphics.
Summary of the subject: The most important problems of architecture and urban planning of Eastern, Western and Central Europe from the V century are revealed. to the beginning of the XIX century. The brightest cultures and monuments of ancient and modern peoples are considered. The ideological bases of formation of architectural language, social and economic factors and level of construction technics which have defined character of town-planning principles, types of constructions, their constructive features are opened. The differences of the architecture of the main artistic epochs of the Middle Ages and the New Age are shown, the formation of stylistic tendencies and their development in the architecture of the peoples is traced. The general artistic concepts, and also compositional features of separate architectural objects are analyzed.
Assessment methods and criteria: Basic requirements for educational work of architectural graphics:
Poll (current and final) testing (current and final), control self-learning.
The test is mandatory summarizing form of control that enables a system to assess learning of the "History of architecture" and can not be reduced to the level of current forms of control. Score examination "automatically" is not issued.
During the semester a student can score up to 70 points (50 points - practical control, 20 - thematic tests in the VNS - current control). For exam - the final test in the VNS - maximum of 30 points. For admission to the examination a student must score the results of the current control at least 25 points.
The examination of the subject "History of Architecture, 1" held in writing, orally. Students receive written tests for which the maximum available 30 points. The second part provides offset oral answer to the discipline for which you can also dial the maximum 20 points. 20 points for oral answer are set as follows:
• 17-20 points - "excellent" response;
• 12-16 points - "good" answer;
• 8-11 points - "satisfactory" response;
• 0-7 points - "unsatisfactory" response.
Recommended books: Клименюк Т. М. Ілюстрований словник архітектурних термінів: навчальний посібник / Т. М. Клименюк, В. І. Проскуряков, Х. І. Ковальчук. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. – 180 c.
• Ремешило-Рибчинська О.І. Історія архітектури: образно-графічні студії : навч. Посібник / О. Ремешило-Рибчинська. – Львів: Видавництво Львівська політехніка, 2018. – 224 с.
• Вечерський В.В. Курс історії архітектури: Методичний посібник. – К.: 2006.