History of Architecture, Part 3

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.072
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Dyda I.A.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - availability of a good theoretical knowledge base concerning the history of the formation of world architecture, and create the basis for the development of architecture in the future; - understanding of causal relationships and processes occurring in the system "man - architectural environment", the role of objective and subjective factors in the formation of stylistic and compositional features of the architectural environment; - knowledge of the history of Ukrainian architecture, of main buildings, representing every historical period, and famous architects, worked in Ukraine. - ability to use the knowledge of the history of Ukrainian architecture in practical architectural activity.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: History of architecture. Part 1. History of architecture. Part 2. Corequisites: Architectural design
Summary of the subject: All the main stages of development of Ukrainian architecture are studied, from the Paleolithic to the end of the twentieth century. The main emphasis is on determining the characteristic formative, constructive, compositional and decorative features of Ukrainian architecture at different stages of historical development, acquaintance with the folk housing and sacred architecture of Ukraine, studying in chronological order of some of the most outstanding buildings and architectural ensembles. The history of architecture is considered іn connection with the socio - political and economic situation, the influences of European styles on the Ukrainian architecture and their transformation in the conditions of Ukraine are analyzed. The activity of the most outstanding Ukrainian architects and their contribution to the preservation and development of architectural traditions in Ukraine is considered.
Assessment methods and criteria: Formative assessment (30%): an individual research task «Tourist route by local architectural sights»; Summative assessment (70%): oral and written quizzes, examination
Recommended books: Dyda I.A. Konspekt lektsiy z dystsypliny Arkhitekturni tradytsii Ukrajiny. Lviv:Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho Universytetu “Lvivska politechnika”, 2016. – 80 s. Dyda I.A. Ekologichni osnovy tradytsijnoji ukrajinskoji architektury: Monografy. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho Universytetu “Lvivska politechnika”, 2009. – 329s. Istorija ukrajinskoji architektury / V.Tymofijenko, J.Asiejev, V.Vecherskyi / za red. V.Tymofijenko. Kyiv: Technika, 2003. – 472 s. Samojlovych V.P. Narodna architektura Ukrajiny v iliustratsijah. Kyjiv: Abrys, 1999. Taras Ja. Ukrajinska sakralna dereviana architektura: iliustrovanyj slovnyk-dovidnyk. Lviv: Natsionalna academia nauk Ukrainy, Instytut narodoznavstva, 2006. – 584 s.