History of Urban Planning

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.088
Credits: 3.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: docent, Doctor of Sciences Yuliya Idak
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - knowledge of basic concepts and categories that allow to understand the peculiarities of the formation and patterns of urban development in historical retrospect; - knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation of urban settlements under the influence of political, economic and social factors and in conjunction with the general patterns of historical process and cultural development; - awareness of the importance of historical processes for the development of modern cities in Ukraine and the world, which have become an important condition for the formation of their values; - ability to use the acquired knowledge of the history of urban planning in the professional activities of the architect and comprehensively analyze historical processes, events and facts from the scientific standpoint of their interpretation; - ability to predict processes and assess the state of urban development in the context of human history; - acquisition of skills of comparative-historical analysis, identification of logic and objective laws of historical development on the example of a specific city.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: "Architectural graphics and composition, part 2", "History of architecture, full-course", "History of statehood and culture of Ukraine"; co-requisites: "Landscape Architecture and Fundamentals of Urban Planning", "Architectural Environment Design", "Philosophy".
Summary of the subject: The course consists of fifteen lectures in which the main provisions of four logically structured topics are revealed. The sequence of their presentation corresponds to the generally accepted periodization of history into five main epochs: prehistoric and ancient periods, the Middle Ages, New and Modern times. Particular attention is paid to the coverage of educational information about the evolution of urban settlements from antiquity (3 thousand years BC) to modern times (early twentieth century). The logically structured topics summarize the basic concepts and categories that allow to understand the peculiarities of the formation and patterns of urban development in historical retrospect; features of formation under the influence of political, economic and social factors and in interrelation with the general laws of historical process and cultural development are revealed; formulated the internal nature of historical processes in the context of the development of modern cities in Ukraine and the world, which have become an important condition for the formation of their values; examples of using the acquired knowledge of the history of urban planning in the professional activity of the architect and a comprehensive analysis of historical processes, events and facts from the scientific standpoint of their interpretation are demonstrated. To deepen the acquired knowledge and improve practical skills of comparative-historical and historical-typological analysis, identification of logic and objective patterns of historical development of the city, each topic is accompanied by control measures (current control) and ends with the development of individual research.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main method of control of students' knowledge is current (15 points), final (15 points) and semester (exam, 70 points) control. A total are 100 points.
Recommended books: Асєєв, Ю. С. та ін., 2003. Історія української архітектури. В.: В. Тимофієнко, ред. Київ : Техніка. Тимофієнко, В. І., 2000. Нариси всесвітньої історії архітектури: в 4 т. Київ : КНУБА. Benevolo, L., 1993. Die Stadt in der europaischen Geschichte. Aus dem Italienischen ubersetzt. von P. Schiller. Munchen : Beek. Egli, E., 1967. Geschichte des Stadtebaues. Die Neue Zeit. Zurich und Stuttgart : Eugen Rentsch Verlag Erlenbach. Kostof, S., 2005. The City Assembled : the Elements of Urban Form Through History. Reprint Edition. London : Thames & Hudson Ltd. Lavedan, P., 1959. Histoire de L’Urbanisme Renaissance et Temps modernes. Paris, Henri Laurens. Mumford, L., 1979. Die Stadt Geschichte und Ausblick. Band 1,2. Munchen : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.