Home/ Majors directory/Architecture and Urban Planning/Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures"
Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures"
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.085
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures" (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.221
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of architecture, associate professor Oksana Ihorivna Morklyanyk
Doctor of architecture, associate professor Yurchyshyn Oksana Mykhailivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must know the basic concepts and terms related to the architectural design of public buildings and structures; basics of classification of public buildings and structures and basic principles of their design; theoretical bases and principles of designing public buildings and structures; basic requirements for the design of public buildings and structures.
Master the method of architectural design of public buildings and structures; have the basic ways of presenting and presenting an architectural sketch of a public building. Be able to choose the right rational architectural and planning decisions depending on the type of public building. Clearly and professionally apply and use the knowledge acquired in lectures and practical classes in the educational course design of public buildings. Be guided by the general concepts and rules of regulatory and technical base of public buildings and structures for their further application in real architectural design.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1
Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2
Architectural design of residential buildings
Summary of the subject: The lecture course includes 13 topics for 26 academic hours. The course is designed for second-year students who have been mastering the process of architectural design of a public object in a real environment since the fourth semester. The subject of the course involves the study of the theoretical foundations of typology as a science, analysis of the formation of public buildings and structures and current trends in the design of basic types of public buildings and structures. Study of factors influencing the formation of the typology of public buildings and structures. Study of bases of classification of public buildings and constructions and town-planning bases of designing of public buildings and constructions. The structural units of public buildings and structures and fire safety standards for the design of public buildings and structures are studied in detail. The lectures include the study of certain types of public buildings and structures such as children's preschools, schools, sports and fitness facilities, medical facilities, shops, entertainment venues and buildings, religious institutions, catering establishments, bank buildings, hotels. Requirements for adaptation of public buildings and structures for the needs of low-mobility groups and people with disabilities are considered.
The purpose of teaching the discipline - to teach a second-year student the basics of designing public buildings and structures, to master systematic design methods from traditional to modern, analyze and synthesize knowledge with their further application in the design of various types of public buildings and structures; to think systematically when solving practical problems in the process of architectural design.
Assessment methods and criteria: Practical works, examination control (test)
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360 - 92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002.
2. DBN B.1.1.7 - 2002 "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003.
3. DBN B.2.2 - 3 - 97 "Buildings and structures. Buildings and structures of educational institutions ". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1997.
4. DBN B.2.2 - 4 - 97 "Buildings and structures. Preschool buildings ". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1997.
5. DBN B.2.2. - 9 - 99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999.
6. DBN B.2.2 - 10 - 2001 "Buildings and structures. Healthcare facilities. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2001.
7. DBN B.2.2 - 11 - 2002 "Buildings and structures. Consumer service facilities ". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002.
8. DBN B.2.2 - 13 - 2003 "Buildings and structures. Sports and sports facilities ". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003.
9. DBN B.2.2 - 15 - 2005 "Buildings and structures. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2005.
10. DBN B.2.2 - 16 - 2005 "Buildings and structures. Cultural, entertainment and leisure facilities ". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2005.
11. DBN B.2.2 - 17 - 2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007.
12. DBN B.2.2 - 18 - 2007 "Buildings and structures. Houses of social protection of the population ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007.
13. DBN B.2.2. - 20: 2008 "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.
14. DBN B.2.2. - 23: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Trade enterprises ". - Buildings and structures.
15. DBN B.2.2–25: 2009 “Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development, 2010.
16. DBN B.2.3. - 5 - 2001 "Streets and roads of settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2001.
17. DBN B.2.3. - 15 - 2007 «Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007.
18. SC 018 - 2000 "State Classifier of Buildings and Structures". - Kyiv: State Standard of Ukraine, 2000.
19. DSTU 3862 - 99 "Restaurant business. Terms and definitions ".
20. Religious buildings and structures of various denominations. Design Guide / Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, Ukrainian Zonal Research and Design Institute of Civil Engineering (OJSC KyivZNDIEP). - Kyiv: KyivZNDEP, 2002. - 115p.
21. Recommendations for the design of stations. - М .: ГУП ЦПП, 1997. - 60с.
22. Vodotyka O. Architecture of Orthodox churches of Ukraine: history and modernity / O. Vodotyka. - К .: СПД Коляда О.П., 2006. - 160с.
23. Hnidets RB Architecture of Ukrainian churches. Construction and form: Textbook / R.B. The nest. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2007. - 140 p.
24. Gritsyuk LS Design of food establishments: textbook. manual / L.S. Грицюк, С.М. Linda, W.B. Yakubovsky. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2012. - 184 p.
25. Danchak IO Designing a living environment for the needs of people with disabilities: Textbook / I.O. Danchak, S.M. Linda.– Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House. - 2002. - 132 p.
26. Ezhov VI Architecture of public buildings and complexes / VI Ezhov, SV Ezhov, DV Ezhov. / Under common. ed. Dr. Architect, Prof. VI Ezhova. - К .: Вистка, 2006. - 380 с.
27. Zmeul SG Architectural typology of buildings and structures / SG Zmeul, BA Makhanko. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1999. - 240 p.
28. Kanayan K. Design of shops and shopping centers / K. Kanayan, R. Kanayan, A. Kanayan. - М .: Юнион-Стиандарт Консалтинг, 2005. - 424 с.
29. Nikulenkova TT Designing of public catering enterprises / Т.Т. Никуленкова, Г.М. Yastina. - М .: КолосС, 2007. - 247 с.
30. Proskuryakov VI Architecture of Ukrainian theater: space and action. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 200 .. - «p
31. Urenev VP Catering establishments. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1986. - 176p.
32. Юрчишин О.М. Design of children's preschool institutions: textbook. manual / O.M. Yurchishin, IP Gnes, L.I. Luchko. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2011. - 152 p.
Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures" (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.03.E.317
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurii Dzhyhil;
Ph.D., Associate Professor Myroslav Yatsiv;
Associate Professor Serhii Ivanov-Kostetskyi;
Senior Lecturer Roman Kubai;
Senior Lecturer Ihor Kopylyak.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The purpose of the discipline is to study the laws of design of the architectural environment of public buildings for various purposes and landscaping in conjunction with the overall spatial solution.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Architectural Constructions;
2. Architectural Design of Residential Buildings (course project);
3. Architectural Form and Materials;
4. Landscape Architecture and Basics of Urban Planning.
Summary of the subject: The course is aimed at forming students' knowledge of the basic requirements for the design of public buildings and structures; requirements for understanding the current urban situation and the ability to correctly choose the appropriate public function; the ability to choose and propose an architectural image that will fit into the urban environment.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit. Course project - 100 p.
Recommended books: 1. Giedion S. Vremja, prostranstvo, arhitektura. [Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition]. –M.: Strojizdat, 1977. – 170s. [in Russian].
2. DBN V. 2.2-9-2018. Gromads'kі budіvlі ta sporudi. Osnovnі polozhennja. [Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions].– K: Mіnregіonbud Ukraїni, 2018. – 84s. [in Ukrainian].
3. Dzhons Dzh. Inzhenernoe i hudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie. Sovremennye metody proektnogo analiza [Engineering and art design. Modern methods of project analysis]. –M.: Mir. 1976. – 374s. [in Russian].
4. Lіnda S. Arhіtekturne proektuvannja gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud. [Architectural design of public buildings and structures]. – L : NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2013. – 642s.[in Ukrainian].
5. Linch K. Obraz goroda. [The Image of the City]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1982 – 327s.[in Russian].
6. Mihajlenko V., Jаkovljev M. Osnovi kompozicіi (geometrichnі aspekti hudozhn'ogo formotvorennja). [Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic shaping)].– K.: Karavella, 2004. – 304s.
7. Nojfert E. Budіvel'ne proektuvannja. [Architects' Data].– D.: «Knizhkova lіtera», 2016 – 624 s. [in Ukrainian].
8. Proskurjakov V. Kompleks zavdan' ta metodichnі vkazіvki do kursovih proektіv z dizajnu arhіtekturnogo seredoviwa gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud dlja studentіv Іnstitutu arhіtekturi ІІІ-V kursіv: metodichnі vkazіvki. – L: NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2009. – 144s. [in Ukrainian].
Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures" (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.222
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: PhD Danchak Igor
PhD Solovii Liubov
PhD Silnyk Oleksandra
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 2 Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving research and design architectural and urban planning problems
PRN 7 To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the socio-economic, environmental, ethical and aesthetic consequences in case of violation of state building codes
PRN 8 Generate data of pre-project analysis of architectural and urban planning objects and territories allocated for construction, reconstruction or restoration
PRN 12 To design architectural buildings and constructions in the historically formed urban environment taking into account prospects of development of territories, regional features of architecture
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites:
Fundamentals of architectural design
Architectural design of environments
Summary of the subject: The discipline outlines the basic principles of forming a public office building in an urban environment. The directions of building formation, at the town-planning level of the quarter and the spatial-planning one are considered. The tendencies of formation of parking, internal space of office environment and directions of the decision of an exterior of the building in the formed city environment are covered.
Assessment methods and criteria: Ongoing control: assessment of activity in the classroom, checking individual tasks, assessment of conceptual sketching and presentations.
Final control: test of course work, differentiated test.
Recommended books: 1. DBN B.2.2-9: 2018 Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions. Kyiv. Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine. 2019
2. Linda S.M. Architectural design of public buildings and structures: a textbook - Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2010. - 608 p.
3. Rainer Hascher, Office buildings: A design manual Efficiency: An analytical approach to tall office buildings, Master’s Research Studio in the Northeastern University School of Architecture in collaboration with Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP, 2013.
Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures" (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.04.E.355
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Mykhailo Khohon - Ph.D., Аssistant
Nazar Ratushynskyi - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: In the process of course work, students must master the methods and technology of architectural design of this type of buildings in the urban environment; to acquire skills of spatial organization of various functional processes, optimal choice of structural system of the building; competent coordination of the architectural form of the building with the surrounding urban environment. During the development of the design solution the student studies the design norms and technological processes of administrative and business buildings, the organization of car parking; sanitary and fire safety requirements for this type of buildings, as well as issues of engineering equipment.
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes:
- Be able to perform feasibility studies of architectural and urban design solutions.
- Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions;
- Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge;
- Ability to be responsible in the work performed, to make decisions independently, to achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics;
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design
History of architecture
Architectural graphics and composition
Architectural environment design
Architectural constructions
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Architectural design of public buildings and structures" is based on the study and creative understanding of analogues of architectural projects, analysis of theoretical knowledge, regulatory requirements, taking into account design features and needs of engineering equipment and is based on individual creative process. The discipline is studied by individual work of the teacher with each student, analysis of project proposals, search for design solutions and selection of the best.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit. Course project - 100 p.
Recommended books: 1. State building codes of Ukraine. Planning and development of territories. DBN B.2.2-12: 2019. K., Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2019.
2. State building codes of Ukraine. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions. DBN B.2.2-9: 2018. K., Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2018.
3. State building codes of Ukraine. Administrative and domestic buildings. DBN B.2.2-8: 2010. K., Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2011.
4. State building codes of Ukraine. Parking lots and garages for cars. DBN B.2.3-15: 2007. K., Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007.
5. State building codes of Ukraine. Fire safety of construction sites. General requirements. DBN B.1.1-7: 2016. K., Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2017.
6. Linda S.M. Architectural design of public buildings and structures: textbook. manual - 2nd type, ed. and ext. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2013. - 644 p.
7. Urban planning. Parts 1 and 2: textbook. manual / GP Petryshyn and others; - edited by GP Petrishin, BS Posatsky, Yu.V. Idak. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. 2016
8. Vechersky VV Heritage of urban planning of Ukraine: Theory and practice of historical and urban monument protection research of settlements.- K .: NDITIAM, 2003.
9. Historical architectural and urban complexes: Scientific research methods: Textbook. manual / GP Петришин.У.І. Ivanochko and others .; For ed .. G.P. Petryshyn.- Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2006.
Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures" (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.02.E.279
Credits: 3.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph. D., Koznarska Halyna
Senior Teacher Lecturer Didyk Volodymyr
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines of the specialty 191 Architecture and Urban Planning;
2. Knowledge of state design and sanitary and hygienic standards, on the basis of which are carried out before the design analysis, calculations, search, sketch and working architectural and urban design.
3. Knowledge and understanding of techniques and methods of architectural measurements and design, in accordance with the requirements of applicable standards and specifications;
4. Knowledge of modern achievements of innovative technologies in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of geodesy, Architectural design of residential buildings (course project), Architectural construction of buildings and structures, Urban design.
Summary of the subject: The course is aimed at forming students' knowledge of the basic requirements for the design of public buildings and structures; requirements for understanding the current urban situation and the ability to correctly choose the appropriate public function; the ability to choose and propose an architectural image that will fit into the urban environment.
The result of the study is the architectural design of a public building (up to 2000 m2) and its territory in the amount of 2 sheets of A1 format; submission technique - digital or author's graphics.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausures, knowledge of theoretical foundations (test) - 30%
Course project - 70%
Recommended books: 1. ДБН В.2.2-9-99. Будинки і споруди. Громадські будинки та споруди. Основні положення.
2. Лінда С. Архітектурне проектування громадських будівель і споруд //Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010.
3. Містобудівне проектування. Частина І: Місто як об’єкт проектування: навч. посібник / Г.П. Петришин, Б.С. Посацький, Ю.І. Криворучко, С.В. Ганець та ін.; за ред. Г.П. Петришин, Б.С. Посацького, Ю.В. Ідак – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 328 с.