Reconstruction and Conservation of Architectural Objects, Architectural Monuments Preservation

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.114
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Mykola Bevz - Sciense Doctor, Professor Maksym Yasinsky - PhD, Senior Lecturer
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying this discipline the student will gain basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for mastering professionally-oriented disciplines, gain competence in using design approaches when working with historical environment and understanding the concept of monuments, ability to understand and take into account social, environmental, ethical, economic aspects that influence the formation of current and future decisions, will understand and be able to use the main current trends and approaches to the protection of architectural and urban heritage; During the study of this discipline the student will acquire the following competencies: general: - Ability to solve complex design problems and practical problems in the field of architectural and design design, characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions, or in the learning process, which involves the use of methods for optimizing urban, environmental, architectural and compositional solutions, environmental friendliness, social efficiency, economy, safety of buildings and structures; application of information technologies, knowledge-intensive computer technologies, computer-aided design systems; project management - Understanding the mechanism of protection of monuments at the international and national levels. professional: - Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines; - Ability to understand and take into account social, environmental, ethical, economic aspects that affect the formation of current and future solutions in the implementation of architectural and urban planning projects; - Ability to apply professional knowledge to analyze the specified features of the object - Ability to identify architectural and urban heritage; - Ability to distinguish problems of development of historical architectural and urban environment.
Required prior and related subjects: History of art History of architecture and urban planning Fundamentals of urban planning
Summary of the subject: This course is designed to give students an understanding of the value of architectural and urban monuments, as well as the benefits and reasons for their preservation and development. This course explains the requirements for the preservation of monuments, methods, approaches and principles which should be followed when working in a historically formed architectural environment in order to develop it on the basis of succession. The method of execution of scientific and design documentation for architectural and town-planning activity in the historical environment is also given.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge based on the results of studying the discipline is provided by the results of examination assessment on all topics and the quality of graphic work.
Recommended books: 1. DBN B.2.2-12: 2018 "Planning and development of territories" - K .: Ministry of Regional Development, 2018. - 187 p. 2. DBN B.2.2-15-2005: Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. - Kyiv: Ukrarchbudinform, 2005. - 76 p. 3. DBN B.2.3-5-2001: Streets and roads of settlements. - Kyiv: Ukrarchbudinform, 2001. - 102 p. 4. DBN B.3.2-1-2004: Restoration, conservation and repair work on monuments of cultural heritage [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 5. DBN B.2.2-3-2012: Composition and content of the historical and architectural reference plan of the settlement / Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine. - Official publication. - Kyiv: Ukrarchbudinform: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2012. - 13 p. 6. DBN B.2.2-2-2008: Composition, content, procedure for development, approval and approval of research and design documentation to determine the boundaries and modes of use of protected areas of architectural monuments and urban planning. - Kyiv: Ukrarchbudinform, 2008. 7. State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 8. Land Code of Ukraine. 9. Constitution of Ukraine. [Electr. resource]. - Access mode: 10. International Charter for the Protection of Historic Cities, 1987 // Protection of Cultural Heritage: Collection of International Documents. - K .: ArtEk, 2002. - P. 75 - 77. 11. On the improvement of settlements: the Law of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 12. On approval of the Procedure for recognizing a settlement as historical [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 13. On approval of the List of historical settlements of Ukraine: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. - 2001 - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 14. On the concept of sustainable development of settlements: Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 1999 - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 15. On international treaties of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 16. On the protection of cultural heritage: the Law of Ukraine // Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. - 2010. - № 9. - 24 p. 17. On the regulation of urban planning: the Law of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: / laws / show / 3038-17 18. The Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments. - Athens, 1931. - [El. resource]. - Dir. Access: hist oric-monuments 19. The Nara Document On Authenticity. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 20. The Riga Charter on Authenticity and Historical Reconstruction in Relationship to Cultural Heritage. - Riga, 2000. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: 21. The Venice Charter: International Charter for Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites. - Venice, 1964. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ..

Reconstruction and Conservation of Architectural Objects, Architectural Monuments Preservation (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.04.E.366
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Yuriy Dubyk - Associate Professor Rostislav Gnidets - Ph.D., Associate Professor Myron Demkiv - Ph.D., Associate Professor Lesya Chen' - Ph.D., Associate Professor Igor Bokalo - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Maxim Yasinskyі - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant Yulia Frolova - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline consists in acquainting bachelor students with the method of implementation of the project of reconstruction of single and multi-family houses, mostly 2-3 floors, located in the historically formed urban environment. As a result of studying the discipline, a bachelor's student must be able to: perform measurements (steps) of an architectural building; analyze the existing functional load of the building and develop proposals for improving and changing the function; develop a master plan of the site; plan the final result (architectural and aesthetic image and function of the completed object) and perform drawings of the reconstruction project of the building in the required amount and in accordance with the task. The student will also know: methods of conducting pre-design studies of the building; methods of compositional analysis and proportional systems in architecture; methods of reconstruction works; historical architectural structures and modern building materials and technologies; phasing of design works and types of production works used in the reconstruction of architectural objects. The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: • Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; • Ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly communicate (orally and in writing) in the state language and speak at least one of the common European languages ??at the level of reading and understanding scientific and technical literature, communication in oral and written forms. professional: • Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines; • Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines; • Competence in modern architectural theories and doctrines; • Competence in modern concepts in urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: History of architecture Fundamentals of architectural design Architectural graphics and composition Architectural constructions Architectural design of residential buildings History of urban planning
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments (Course project)" gives the student basic knowledge of methods of implementation of projects for the reconstruction of residential buildings. As a result of studying the discipline and implementation of the course project, the student gets acquainted with the methods of pre-project research: architectural measurements, photofixation, sketches, etc .; methods of compositional analysis and proportional system in the construction of the architectural composition of facades, methods of field inspection and determination of the technical condition of the building; methods of designing reconstruction works with completion, superstructure, re-planning and adaptation to new functions of the building. Based on the identified shortcomings in the planning decisions and technical condition of the existing building, the student learns to develop their own design solutions. For this purpose, knowledge of historical structures, materials and construction techniques is used, as well as knowledge of the methods of using new technological solutions and modern building materials in reconstruction works. The student acquires basic knowledge on the design of landscaping and courtyards of apartment buildings with a designated area.
Assessment methods and criteria: The grade for the subject is established based on the results of the completed course project, which consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Reconstruction of a residential building in the existing urban environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2004. - 17 p. 2. Insert house in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, R. B. Gnidets, L. Ya. Chen. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2009. - 37 p. 3. Low-rise residential building in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2005. - 20 p. Recommended Books Basic 1. DBN B.2.2-12: 2019. Planning and development of territories. - Kyiv. Dipromisto. 2019. 2. DBN B.2.2-15: 2019. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. - Kyiv. KyivZNDIEP. 2019. 3. DBN B.3.2-2-2009 Residential buildings. reconstruction and overhaul. - Kyiv. "Research Institute of Reconstruction". 2009 4. Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff. Design and construction. House, apartment, garden. Translated from German. - Moscow, "Architecture-C", 2008. - 264p. Auxiliary 1. Avi Friedman. Innovative houses. Concept for Sustainable Living. - London, Laurence King Publishing Ltd. 2013 2. Wentling, James W. Housing by lifestyle: the component method of residential design. Second edition. ISBN 0-07-069293-9. - USA. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995

Reconstruction and Conservation of Architectural Objects, Architectural Monuments Preservation (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.238
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Yuriy Dubyk - Associate Professor Rostislav Gnidets - Ph.D., Associate Professor Myron Demkiv - Ph.D., Associate Professor Lesya Chen' - Ph.D., Associate Professor Igor Bokalo - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Maxim Yasinskyі - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant Yulia Frolova - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline consists in acquainting bachelor students with the method of implementation of the project of reconstruction of single and multi-family houses, mostly 2-3 floors, located in the historically formed urban environment. As a result of studying the discipline, a bachelor's student must be able to: perform measurements (steps) of an architectural building; analyze the existing functional load of the building and develop proposals for improving and changing the function; develop a master plan of the site; plan the final result (architectural and aesthetic image and function of the completed object) and perform drawings of the reconstruction project of the building in the required amount and in accordance with the task. The student will also know: methods of conducting pre-design studies of the building; methods of compositional analysis and proportional systems in architecture; methods of reconstruction works; historical architectural structures and modern building materials and technologies; phasing of design works and types of production works used in the reconstruction of architectural objects. The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: • Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; • Ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly communicate (orally and in writing) in the state language and speak at least one of the common European languages ??at the level of reading and understanding scientific and technical literature, communication in oral and written forms. professional: • Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines; • Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines; • Competence in modern architectural theories and doctrines; • Competence in modern concepts in urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: History of architecture Fundamentals of architectural design Architectural graphics and composition Architectural constructions Architectural design of residential buildings History of urban planning
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments (Course project)" gives the student basic knowledge of methods of implementation of projects for the reconstruction of residential buildings. As a result of studying the discipline and implementation of the course project, the student gets acquainted with the methods of pre-project research: architectural measurements, photofixation, sketches, etc .; methods of compositional analysis and proportional system in the construction of the architectural composition of facades, methods of field inspection and determination of the technical condition of the building; methods of designing reconstruction works with completion, superstructure, re-planning and adaptation to new functions of the building. Based on the identified shortcomings in the planning decisions and technical condition of the existing building, the student learns to develop their own design solutions. For this purpose, knowledge of historical structures, materials and construction techniques is used, as well as knowledge of the methods of using new technological solutions and modern building materials in reconstruction works. The student acquires basic knowledge on the design of landscaping and courtyards of apartment buildings with a designated area.
Assessment methods and criteria: The grade for the subject is established based on the results of the completed course project, which consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Reconstruction of a residential building in the existing urban environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2004. - 17 p. 2. Insert house in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, R. B. Gnidets, L. Ya. Chen. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2009. - 37 p. 3. Low-rise residential building in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2005. - 20 p. Recommended Books Basic 1. DBN B.2.2-12: 2019. Planning and development of territories. - Kyiv. Dipromisto. 2019. 2. DBN B.2.2-15: 2019. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. - Kyiv. KyivZNDIEP. 2019. 3. DBN B.3.2-2-2009 Residential buildings. reconstruction and overhaul. - Kyiv. "Research Institute of Reconstruction". 2009 4. Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff. Design and construction. House, apartment, garden. Translated from German. - Moscow, "Architecture-C", 2008. - 264p. Auxiliary 1. Avi Friedman. Innovative houses. Concept for Sustainable Living. - London, Laurence King Publishing Ltd. 2013 2. Wentling, James W. Housing by lifestyle: the component method of residential design. Second edition. ISBN 0-07-069293-9. - USA. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995

Reconstruction and Conservation of Architectural Objects, Architectural Monuments Preservation (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.02.E.290
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Yuriy Dubyk - Associate Professor Rostislav Gnidets - Ph.D., Associate Professor Myron Demkiv - Ph.D., Associate Professor Lesya Chen' - Ph.D., Associate Professor Igor Bokalo - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Maxim Yasinskyі - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant Yulia Frolova - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline consists in acquainting bachelor students with the method of implementation of the project of reconstruction of single and multi-family houses, mostly 2-3 floors, located in the historically formed urban environment. As a result of studying the discipline, a bachelor's student must be able to: perform measurements (steps) of an architectural building; analyze the existing functional load of the building and develop proposals for improving and changing the function; develop a master plan of the site; plan the final result (architectural and aesthetic image and function of the completed object) and perform drawings of the reconstruction project of the building in the required amount and in accordance with the task. The student will also know: methods of conducting pre-design studies of the building; methods of compositional analysis and proportional systems in architecture; methods of reconstruction works; historical architectural structures and modern building materials and technologies; phasing of design works and types of production works used in the reconstruction of architectural objects. The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: • Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; • Ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly communicate (orally and in writing) in the state language and speak at least one of the common European languages ??at the level of reading and understanding scientific and technical literature, communication in oral and written forms. professional: • Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines; • Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines; • Competence in modern architectural theories and doctrines; • Competence in modern concepts in urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: History of architecture Fundamentals of architectural design Architectural graphics and composition Architectural constructions Architectural design of residential buildings History of urban planning
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments (Course project)" gives the student basic knowledge of methods of implementation of projects for the reconstruction of residential buildings. As a result of studying the discipline and implementation of the course project, the student gets acquainted with the methods of pre-project research: architectural measurements, photofixation, sketches, etc .; methods of compositional analysis and proportional system in the construction of the architectural composition of facades, methods of field inspection and determination of the technical condition of the building; methods of designing reconstruction works with completion, superstructure, re-planning and adaptation to new functions of the building. Based on the identified shortcomings in the planning decisions and technical condition of the existing building, the student learns to develop their own design solutions. For this purpose, knowledge of historical structures, materials and construction techniques is used, as well as knowledge of the methods of using new technological solutions and modern building materials in reconstruction works. The student acquires basic knowledge on the design of landscaping and courtyards of apartment buildings with a designated area.
Assessment methods and criteria: The grade for the subject is established based on the results of the completed course project, which consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Reconstruction of a residential building in the existing urban environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2004. - 17 p. 2. Insert house in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, R. B. Gnidets, L. Ya. Chen. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2009. - 37 p. 3. Low-rise residential building in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2005. - 20 p. Recommended Books Basic 1. DBN B.2.2-12: 2019. Planning and development of territories. - Kyiv. Dipromisto. 2019. 2. DBN B.2.2-15: 2019. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. - Kyiv. KyivZNDIEP. 2019. 3. DBN B.3.2-2-2009 Residential buildings. reconstruction and overhaul. - Kyiv. "Research Institute of Reconstruction". 2009 4. Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff. Design and construction. House, apartment, garden. Translated from German. - Moscow, "Architecture-C", 2008. - 264p. Auxiliary 1. Avi Friedman. Innovative houses. Concept for Sustainable Living. - London, Laurence King Publishing Ltd. 2013 2. Wentling, James W. Housing by lifestyle: the component method of residential design. Second edition. ISBN 0-07-069293-9. - USA. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995

Reconstruction and Conservation of Architectural Objects, Architectural Monuments Preservation (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.03.E.328
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Yuriy Dubyk - Associate Professor Rostislav Gnidets - Ph.D., Associate Professor Myron Demkiv - Ph.D., Associate Professor Lesya Chen' - Ph.D., Associate Professor Igor Bokalo - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Maxim Yasinskyі - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant Yulia Frolova - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline consists in acquainting bachelor students with the method of implementation of the project of reconstruction of single and multi-family houses, mostly 2-3 floors, located in the historically formed urban environment. As a result of studying the discipline, a bachelor's student must be able to: perform measurements (steps) of an architectural building; analyze the existing functional load of the building and develop proposals for improving and changing the function; develop a master plan of the site; plan the final result (architectural and aesthetic image and function of the completed object) and perform drawings of the reconstruction project of the building in the required amount and in accordance with the task. The student will also know: methods of conducting pre-design studies of the building; methods of compositional analysis and proportional systems in architecture; methods of reconstruction works; historical architectural structures and modern building materials and technologies; phasing of design works and types of production works used in the reconstruction of architectural objects. The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies: general: • Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; • Ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly communicate (orally and in writing) in the state language and speak at least one of the common European languages ??at the level of reading and understanding scientific and technical literature, communication in oral and written forms. professional: • Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines; • Basic knowledge in the field of architecture and urban planning, necessary for the development of professionally-oriented disciplines; • Competence in modern architectural theories and doctrines; • Competence in modern concepts in urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: History of architecture Fundamentals of architectural design Architectural graphics and composition Architectural constructions Architectural design of residential buildings History of urban planning
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments (Course project)" gives the student basic knowledge of methods of implementation of projects for the reconstruction of residential buildings. As a result of studying the discipline and implementation of the course project, the student gets acquainted with the methods of pre-project research: architectural measurements, photofixation, sketches, etc .; methods of compositional analysis and proportional system in the construction of the architectural composition of facades, methods of field inspection and determination of the technical condition of the building; methods of designing reconstruction works with completion, superstructure, re-planning and adaptation to new functions of the building. Based on the identified shortcomings in the planning decisions and technical condition of the existing building, the student learns to develop their own design solutions. For this purpose, knowledge of historical structures, materials and construction techniques is used, as well as knowledge of the methods of using new technological solutions and modern building materials in reconstruction works. The student acquires basic knowledge on the design of landscaping and courtyards of apartment buildings with a designated area.
Assessment methods and criteria: The grade for the subject is established based on the results of the completed course project, which consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Reconstruction of a residential building in the existing urban environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2004. - 17 p. 2. Insert house in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: Yu. R. Dyba, R. B. Gnidets, L. Ya. Chen. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2009. - 37 p. 3. Low-rise residential building in a historically formed environment. Methodical instructions for the course project. / Incl .: MV Demkiv. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2005. - 20 p. Recommended Books Basic 1. DBN B.2.2-12: 2019. Planning and development of territories. - Kyiv. Dipromisto. 2019. 2. DBN B.2.2-15: 2019. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. - Kyiv. KyivZNDIEP. 2019. 3. DBN B.3.2-2-2009 Residential buildings. reconstruction and overhaul. - Kyiv. "Research Institute of Reconstruction". 2009 4. Peter Neufert, Ludwig Neff. Design and construction. House, apartment, garden. Translated from German. - Moscow, "Architecture-C", 2008. - 264p. Auxiliary 1. Avi Friedman. Innovative houses. Concept for Sustainable Living. - London, Laurence King Publishing Ltd. 2013 2. Wentling, James W. Housing by lifestyle: the component method of residential design. Second edition. ISBN 0-07-069293-9. - USA. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995