Multifunctional Architectural Complex

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.247
Credits: 4.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of architecture, associate professor Oksana Ihorivna Morklyanyk Doctor of architecture, associate professor Yurchyshyn Oksana Mykhailivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must test the mastered method of architectural design of public buildings and structures. Generate data of the pre-design analysis of the architectural and town-planning object and the territory allocated for construction. Be able to choose the right rational architectural and planning solutions depending on the type of spatial structure of the multifunctional complex. Clearly and professionally apply the knowledge previously acquired in lectures and practical classes in the educational course design of a multifunctional building. Have knowledge of basic concepts and terms. To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the consequences in case of violation of state building codes and regulations. Identify the specifics of designing a complex architectural and urban planning object. Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving design architectural and urban planning problems. Have ways to present and present the architectural design of a public building.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1 Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2 Architectural design of residential buildings Architectural design of public buildings and structures
Summary of the subject: The discipline involves a systematic set of works, which includes the analysis of a fragment of the architectural environment in the form of a site for design and professional choice of arguments in favor of the selected site. The sequence of course design tasks involves the implementation of pre-design studies, development of functional zoning of the restaurant and hotel complex taking into account the purpose of functional blocks of the building, choice of spatial planning structure and development of architectural - planning scheme of the designed multifunctional complex. 'object. The course is designed to prepare students for the bachelor's thesis that follows in the next semester. In the process of working on a multifunctional complex, the student acquires skills in designing multifunctional architecture, elements of its environment that harmonize in a particular environment; acquires the ability to justify the architectural, structural and functional decisions of the project; improves skills in working with computer programs; demonstrates the ability to use the latest technologies in the design of architectural and urban planning facilities; the student improves the ability to qualitatively present the end result of their work in the form of a course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausura. Project concept - 10 points Review I. Status of work performance - 10 points View II. Status of work performance - 10 points Project drawing - 70 points
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360-92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002; 2. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 3. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 4. DBN B.2.3-15 - 2007. "Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 5. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 6. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 7. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 8. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 9. DBN B.2.2-25: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010. 10. DBN B.2.2-20: 2008. "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.

Multifunctional Architectural Complex (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.252
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of architecture, associate professor Oksana Ihorivna Morklyanyk Doctor of architecture, associate professor Yurchyshyn Oksana Mykhailivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must test the mastered method of architectural design of public buildings and structures. Generate data of the pre-design analysis of the architectural and town-planning object and the territory allocated for construction. Be able to choose the right rational architectural and planning solutions depending on the type of spatial structure of the multifunctional complex. Clearly and professionally apply the knowledge previously acquired in lectures and practical classes in the educational course design of a multifunctional building. Have knowledge of basic concepts and terms. To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the consequences in case of violation of state building codes and regulations. Identify the specifics of designing a complex architectural and urban planning object. Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving design architectural and urban planning problems. Have ways to present and present the architectural design of a public building.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1 Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2 Architectural design of residential buildings Architectural design of public buildings and structures
Summary of the subject: The discipline involves a systematic set of works, which includes the analysis of a fragment of the architectural environment in the form of a site for design and professional choice of arguments in favor of the selected site. The sequence of course design tasks involves the implementation of pre-design studies, development of functional zoning of the restaurant and hotel complex taking into account the purpose of functional blocks of the building, choice of spatial planning structure and development of architectural - planning scheme of the designed multifunctional complex. 'object. The course is designed to prepare students for the bachelor's thesis that follows in the next semester. In the process of working on a multifunctional complex, the student acquires skills in designing multifunctional architecture, elements of its environment that harmonize in a particular environment; acquires the ability to justify the architectural, structural and functional decisions of the project; improves skills in working with computer programs; demonstrates the ability to use the latest technologies in the design of architectural and urban planning facilities; the student improves the ability to qualitatively present the end result of their work in the form of a course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausura. Project concept - 10 points Review I. Status of work performance - 10 points View II. Status of work performance - 10 points Project drawing - 70 points
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360-92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002; 2. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 3. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 4. DBN B.2.3-15 - 2007. "Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 5. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 6. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 7. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 8. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 9. DBN B.2.2-25: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010. 10. DBN B.2.2-20: 2008. "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.

Multifunctional Architectural Complex (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.02.E.300
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of architecture, associate professor Oksana Ihorivna Morklyanyk Doctor of architecture, associate professor Yurchyshyn Oksana Mykhailivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must test the mastered method of architectural design of public buildings and structures. Generate data of the pre-design analysis of the architectural and town-planning object and the territory allocated for construction. Be able to choose the right rational architectural and planning solutions depending on the type of spatial structure of the multifunctional complex. Clearly and professionally apply the knowledge previously acquired in lectures and practical classes in the educational course design of a multifunctional building. Have knowledge of basic concepts and terms. To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the consequences in case of violation of state building codes and regulations. Identify the specifics of designing a complex architectural and urban planning object. Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving design architectural and urban planning problems. Have ways to present and present the architectural design of a public building.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1 Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2 Architectural design of residential buildings Architectural design of public buildings and structures
Summary of the subject: The discipline involves a systematic set of works, which includes the analysis of a fragment of the architectural environment in the form of a site for design and professional choice of arguments in favor of the selected site. The sequence of course design tasks involves the implementation of pre-design studies, development of functional zoning of the restaurant and hotel complex taking into account the purpose of functional blocks of the building, choice of spatial planning structure and development of architectural - planning scheme of the designed multifunctional complex. 'object. The course is designed to prepare students for the bachelor's thesis that follows in the next semester. In the process of working on a multifunctional complex, the student acquires skills in designing multifunctional architecture, elements of its environment that harmonize in a particular environment; acquires the ability to justify the architectural, structural and functional decisions of the project; improves skills in working with computer programs; demonstrates the ability to use the latest technologies in the design of architectural and urban planning facilities; the student improves the ability to qualitatively present the end result of their work in the form of a course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausura. Project concept - 10 points Review I. Status of work performance - 10 points View II. Status of work performance - 10 points Project drawing - 70 points
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360-92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002; 2. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 3. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 4. DBN B.2.3-15 - 2007. "Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 5. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 6. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 7. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 8. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 9. DBN B.2.2-25: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010. 10. DBN B.2.2-20: 2008. "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.

Multifunctional Architectural Complex (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.03.E.338
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of architecture, associate professor Oksana Ihorivna Morklyanyk Doctor of architecture, associate professor Yurchyshyn Oksana Mykhailivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must test the mastered method of architectural design of public buildings and structures. Generate data of the pre-design analysis of the architectural and town-planning object and the territory allocated for construction. Be able to choose the right rational architectural and planning solutions depending on the type of spatial structure of the multifunctional complex. Clearly and professionally apply the knowledge previously acquired in lectures and practical classes in the educational course design of a multifunctional building. Have knowledge of basic concepts and terms. To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the consequences in case of violation of state building codes and regulations. Identify the specifics of designing a complex architectural and urban planning object. Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving design architectural and urban planning problems. Have ways to present and present the architectural design of a public building.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1 Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2 Architectural design of residential buildings Architectural design of public buildings and structures
Summary of the subject: The discipline involves a systematic set of works, which includes the analysis of a fragment of the architectural environment in the form of a site for design and professional choice of arguments in favor of the selected site. The sequence of course design tasks involves the implementation of pre-design studies, development of functional zoning of the restaurant and hotel complex taking into account the purpose of functional blocks of the building, choice of spatial planning structure and development of architectural - planning scheme of the designed multifunctional complex. 'object. The course is designed to prepare students for the bachelor's thesis that follows in the next semester. In the process of working on a multifunctional complex, the student acquires skills in designing multifunctional architecture, elements of its environment that harmonize in a particular environment; acquires the ability to justify the architectural, structural and functional decisions of the project; improves skills in working with computer programs; demonstrates the ability to use the latest technologies in the design of architectural and urban planning facilities; the student improves the ability to qualitatively present the end result of their work in the form of a course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausura. Project concept - 10 points Review I. Status of work performance - 10 points View II. Status of work performance - 10 points Project drawing - 70 points
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360-92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002; 2. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 3. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 4. DBN B.2.3-15 - 2007. "Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 5. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 6. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 7. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 8. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 9. DBN B.2.2-25: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010. 10. DBN B.2.2-20: 2008. "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.

Multifunctional Architectural Complex

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.03.E.335
Credits: 4.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurii Dzhyhil; Ph.D., Associate Professor Myroslav Yatsiv; Associate Professor Serhii Ivanov-Kostetskyi; Senior Lecturer Roman Kubai; Senior Lecturer Ihor Kopylyak.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The aim of the discipline is to study the laws of design of the architectural environment of multifunctional public buildings for various purposes and the solution of the internal environment in unity with the overall spatial solution.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Building Structures of Buildings and Constructions; 2. Architectural Design «Public Building»; 3. Planning of Architectural Environment; 4. Architectural Physics.
Summary of the subject: The practical course aims to develop in students the right creative approach to the architectural design of multifunctional public buildings for various purposes; development by students of skills of real design of public buildings, gaining experience of formation of architectural spaces and design of their subject filling.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated credit. Course project - 100 p.
Recommended books: 1. Giedion S. Vremja, prostranstvo, arhitektura. [Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition]. –M.: Strojizdat, 1977. – 170s. [in Russian]. 2. DBN V. 2.2-9-2018. Gromads'kі budіvlі ta sporudi. Osnovnі polozhennja. [Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions].– K: Mіnregіonbud Ukraїni, 2018. – 84s. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Dzhons Dzh. Inzhenernoe i hudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie. Sovremennye metody proektnogo analiza [Engineering and art design. Modern methods of project analysis]. –M.: Mir. 1976. – 374s. [in Russian]. 4. Lіnda S. Arhіtekturne proektuvannja gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud. [Architectural design of public buildings and structures]. – L : NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2013. – 642s.[in Ukrainian]. 5. Linch K. Obraz goroda. [The Image of the City]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1982 – 327s.[in Russian]. 6. Mihajlenko V., Jаkovljev M. Osnovi kompozicіi (geometrichnі aspekti hudozhn'ogo formotvorennja). [Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic shaping)].– K.: Karavella, 2004. – 304s. 7. Nojfert E. Budіvel'ne proektuvannja. [Architects' Data].– D.: «Knizhkova lіtera», 2016 – 624 s. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Proskurjakov V. Kompleks zavdan' ta metodichnі vkazіvki do kursovih proektіv z dizajnu arhіtekturnogo seredoviwa gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud dlja studentіv Іnstitutu arhіtekturi ІІІ-V kursіv: metodichnі vkazіvki. – L: NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2009. – 144s. [in Ukrainian].

Multifunctional Architectural Complex (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.04.E.376
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of architecture, associate professor Oksana Ihorivna Morklyanyk Doctor of architecture, associate professor Yurchyshyn Oksana Mykhailivna
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must test the mastered method of architectural design of public buildings and structures. Generate data of the pre-design analysis of the architectural and town-planning object and the territory allocated for construction. Be able to choose the right rational architectural and planning solutions depending on the type of spatial structure of the multifunctional complex. Clearly and professionally apply the knowledge previously acquired in lectures and practical classes in the educational course design of a multifunctional building. Have knowledge of basic concepts and terms. To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the consequences in case of violation of state building codes and regulations. Identify the specifics of designing a complex architectural and urban planning object. Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving design architectural and urban planning problems. Have ways to present and present the architectural design of a public building.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1 Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2 Architectural design of residential buildings Architectural design of public buildings and structures
Summary of the subject: The discipline involves a systematic set of works, which includes the analysis of a fragment of the architectural environment in the form of a site for design and professional choice of arguments in favor of the selected site. The sequence of course design tasks involves the implementation of pre-design studies, development of functional zoning of the restaurant and hotel complex taking into account the purpose of functional blocks of the building, choice of spatial planning structure and development of architectural - planning scheme of the designed multifunctional complex. 'object. The course is designed to prepare students for the bachelor's thesis that follows in the next semester. In the process of working on a multifunctional complex, the student acquires skills in designing multifunctional architecture, elements of its environment that harmonize in a particular environment; acquires the ability to justify the architectural, structural and functional decisions of the project; improves skills in working with computer programs; demonstrates the ability to use the latest technologies in the design of architectural and urban planning facilities; the student improves the ability to qualitatively present the end result of their work in the form of a course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: Clausura. Project concept - 10 points Review I. Status of work performance - 10 points View II. Status of work performance - 10 points Project drawing - 70 points
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360-92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002; 2. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 3. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 4. DBN B.2.3-15 - 2007. "Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 5. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 6. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 7. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 8. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 9. DBN B.2.2-25: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010. 10. DBN B.2.2-20: 2008. "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.

Multifunctional Architectural Complex

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.04.E.373
Credits: 4.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Vasyl Petryk - Ph.D., Associate Professor Maksym Yasinskyі - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the specialist must master: - list and characteristics of multifunctional public complexes; - legislative and regulatory requirements for the design of public multifunctional complexes and their territories. - sequence of execution and methods of elaboration of the project of multifunctional public complex in the formed historical environment; - methods of analysis of initial data for design; - methods and means of conducting preliminary studies of the site and surrounding buildings; A trained specialist must be able to: - take into account the planning and spatial constraints defined for the design area by the existing urban planning documentation; - to develop proposals for functional and planning-spatial solution of the design object at the design site; - to form an architectural and aesthetic image of the exteriors of the designed complex in accordance with the requirements of fitting into the existing architectural environment; - perform project drawings to the required extent and in accordance with the task.
Required prior and related subjects: Architectural constructions Fundamentals of urban planning and landscape architecture Architectural interior design Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments
Summary of the subject: Architectural constructions Fundamentals of urban planning and landscape architecture Architectural interior design Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments The discipline "Multifunctional architectural complex" is based on the following sections: acquaintance with the task, analysis of the reference plan and urban situation, architectural surveys, assessment of historical and architectural value and technical condition of existing buildings in the design area, solving problems of functional zoning, zoning and development of three-dimensional structure and architectural image of the building, execution of graphic drawings. During the design it is necessary to solve the problem of planning and development of three-dimensional structure of a multi (mono) -functional public complex with parking (underground parking) in the current historical environment with the implementation of scanning of neighboring buildings, master plan with the environment, plans, facades , intersections, perspectives or axonometry of the designed building.
Assessment methods and criteria: Final control (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Neufert E. Building design: lane. With him., Fortieth ed., Reworked. And add./ E. Neufert. - Kyiv, ed. Phoenix, 2017. - 624 p. 2. Linda S.M. Architectural design of public buildings and structures - 2nd type. - Lviv: NU "LP", 2013. - 644 p. 3. Didyk VV, Pavlov AP Urban planning: Textbook. manual.- Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2003. 4. Multifunctional complex in the current historical and architectural environment: Guidelines for course design for students of the basic direction "Architecture" specialty "ABS", specialization "Reconstruction and restoration of architectural complexes" / Encl .: Petryk VM, Dubyk YR ., Rybchynsky OV - Lviv: V-vo NU "LP", 2008. - 24 p. 5. Law of Ukraine "On protection of cultural heritage" // Bulletin of UTOPIC. - Kyiv, 2000. - Special issue. 6. Vechersky VV Heritage of Urban Planning of Ukraine: Theory and Practice of Historical and Urban Planning Monument Protection Studies of Settlements. - K .: NDITIAM, 2003. 7. Dolynska ML Historical topography of Lviv XIII-XIX centuries - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2006. 8. Historical architectural and urban complexes: scientific research methods: Textbook. manual / GP Petryshyn, VI Ivanochko and others; edited by GP Petrishin. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2006. 9. Posatsky BS City space and urban culture (at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries) - Lviv: in the National University "LP", 2007. 10. Neufert E. Construction design / Per. with him. K.Sh.Feldman, YKKuzmina; Ed. ZI Estrova and ES Raeva. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1991. 11. Prutsyn O., Rymashevsky B., Borusevich V. Architectural and historical environment / Edited by OI Prutsyn. - Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1990. 12. Czerner O. Lwow on ancient castles and mountains. - Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im.Ossolinskich, 1997. 13. State building norms of Ukraine - www: //

Multifunctional Architectural Complex

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.E.248
Credits: 4.00
Lecturer: Ph. D., V. Babyak, D.Khiblin
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1.Have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, adhere to the norms of academic integrity 7.To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the socio-economic, environmental, ethical and aesthetic consequences in case of violation of state building codes 9. To identify the specifics of designing complex architectural and urban planning objects, to develop complex projects of planning of territories, buildings and interiors taking into account modern world trends and innovations 14.Conduct research and / or innovation activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research
Required prior and related subjects: Computer technologies in architectural design
Summary of the subject: To form in the student a complex idea of the process of architectural design; To reveal the essence (purpose) of phased working design; Highlight the basic requirements and principles for the implementation of working documentation, in particular - the structure of the project, design. To teach the student to independently find and process information, work with the regulatory framework, the choice of materials, structures, selection of technical solutions, etc .;
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (classroom activity) - 10 points. Final control (album of graphic works) - 90 points.
Recommended books: 1. State building codes of Ukraine. DBN B.2.2-15: 2019 Buildings and structures. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions 2. State building codes of Ukraine. DSTU B A.2.4-7: 2009 Rules of execution of architectural and construction working drawings

Multifunctional Architectural Complex

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.02.E.297
Credits: 4.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Halyna Koznarska
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Possession culture of thinking, the ability to compile, analyze, perception of information, setting goals and choosing the ways to achieve it; • The ability to use legislative, policy, regulatory, legal documents in its activities • Skills in usage of basic tools, methods and ways of receiving, storing and processing information • The ability to consider the basic aesthetic categories, laws architectural composition, ethnic, cultural, economic, technological, natural and environmental principles and methods of construction • Knowledge of basic of regulations and reference materials applicable design standards and regulations, instructions and other legal and administrative documents in architecture and urban planning; • Ability to understand and take into account the social, environmental, ethical and economic aspects influencing the current and future decisions in the performance of architectural and urban projects
Required prior and related subjects: • Architectural Design of "Public Buildings and Structures" • Landscape Architecture and Basics of Urban Planning
Summary of the subject: Purpose and types of multifunctional architectural complexes. Modern requirements for the functional filling and architectural complexes planning features. Multifunctional complexes in the structure of public centers. Organization of pedestrian and transport connections. Landscaping and vertical planning. Compositional and aesthetic methods of placing multifunctional complexes in city environment.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Control works (50%) • Semester control: written and oral form (50%)
Recommended books: 1. Містобудівне проектування. Частина І: Місто як об’єкт проектування: навч. посібник / Г.П.Петришин, Б.С.Посацький, Ю.І.Криворучко, С.В.Ганець та ін.; за ред. Г.П.Петришин, Б.С.Посацького, Ю.В.Ідак – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 328 с. 2. Містобудування. Довідник проектувальника / за ред. Т.Ф. Панченко. - К. Укрархбудінформ, 2006. - 192 с. 3. Посацький Б.С. Основи урбаністики. Територіальна і просторове планування: Навч. Посібник. – Львів: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2011. – 368 с.