Bachelor Thesis Completion

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.O.267
Credits: 6.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Doctor of Arch., Associate Professor Oksana Mykhaylivna Yurchyshyn Art. off Yakubovsky V.B
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and profession • Using of the information and communication technologies skills, software implementation and usign of the existing ones • To carry out competently the architectural and urban planning documentation objects of architecture and urban planning • The ability to find out causal relationships, analyze and summarize information, economic and social issues in the design of objects of social sphere - schools, kindergartens, rehabilitation centers, child development centers and others; • Knowledge of hygiene standards, fire safety foundations of safe and affordable living environment for disabled people. • The ability to solve complex design problems and practical problems in the field of architectural and urban design and planning, which are characterized by complexity, that involves the use of optimization techniques of urban, environmental, architectural and planning and composite solutions, environmental, social effectiveness, efficiency, security of buildings and structures.
Required prior and related subjects: Fundamentals of architectural design, part 1 Fundamentals of architectural design, part 2 Architectural design of residential buildings Architectural design of public buildings and structures Multifunctional architectural complex
Summary of the subject: Bachelor's qualifying work: - pre-study: of the project areas, of the transport and pedestrian links and initial conditions; - Architectural and planning, landscape and spatial organization of the object; - Related subjects; Project proposal of the spatial and architectural organization of the public object (area less than 2,000 square meters). Project proposal should be based on the nature features of region and architectural circumstances of the city fragment, where is the object is projecting and also based on a typology of the object. Justification of stylistic and compositional features of designed architecture of the object of public usage. The development and justification of acceptable structural scheme of the designed object. Understanding of using main constructive schemes and the skills to perform working drawings The composition of the project: models of architectural and spatial organization of the object , floor plans, plan of the first floor with a fragment of the master plan, facades, sections of the object, describing the architectural solution, structural components, axonometric picture of architectural and spatial organization of object with showing the surrounding urban environment, specific object images, explanatory note (20-25 р ). Graphic processing of pre-project studies and project concepts by the topic of the bachelor's qualifying work in programs (optional): MicrosoftWord, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Lumion; Artlantis, 3DSMax.
Assessment methods and criteria: When solving the proposed problem, the student must fully disclose and argue the proposed urban planning and architectural solution to the topic. The project should demonstrate social compliance, functional expediency, rationality of the constructive design, ecological aspects of the main design. Special attention should be paid to the development of the main compositional idea.
Recommended books: 1. DBN 360-92 ** "Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2002; 2. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 3. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 4. DBN B.2.3-15 - 2007. "Transport facilities. Parking lots and garages for cars. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 5. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 6. DBN B.2.2.-9-99 "Buildings and structures. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions". - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 1999; 7. DBN B.2.2-17-2007 "Buildings and structures. Availability of buildings and structures for less mobile groups. - Kyiv: Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, 2007; 8. DBN B.1.1-7-2002. "Fire protection. Fire safety of construction sites. " - Kyiv: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2003; 9. DBN B.2.2-25: 2009 "Buildings and structures. Catering establishments (Restaurants) ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2010. 10. DBN B.2.2-20: 2008. "Buildings and structures. Hotels ». - Kyiv: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2009.

Bachelor Thesis Completion

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.03.O.346
Credits: 6.00
Department: Architectural Environment Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurii Dzhyhil; Ph.D., Associate Professor Myroslav Yatsiv; Ph.D., Associate Professor Ivanna Voronkova; Ph.D., Associate Professor Bohdan Goi; Ph.D., Associate Professor Inna Humennyk; Ph.D., Associate Professor Serhii Ivanov-Kostetskyi; Senior Lecturer Roman Kubai; Senior Lecturer Yuliia Bohdanova; Senior Lecturer Ihor Kopylyak.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The purpose of the discipline is to develop students' creative approach to the architectural design of buildings for various purposes; development by students of skills of real design of buildings and constructions, acquisition of experience of application of knowledge on typology of principles and receptions of formation of architectural objects; gaining experience in the formation of architectural spaces and the design of their subject content.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. Building Structures of Buildings and Constructions; 2. Architectural Design «Public Building»; 3. Planning of Architectural Environment; 4. Architectural Physics.
Summary of the subject: The bachelor's qualification work has a generalizing character, as it is a kind of result of student preparation. The project-graphic part shows the possibilities of implementing the obtained theoretical provisions into specific project proposals. The composition, scale of the drawings, their compositional arrangement are agreed with the supervisor. Submission of materials on tablets should have a logical order and develop in a structured way from highlighting the relevance of the issue to ways to solve it. The project proposal should be based on the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the site and the architectural environment of the fragment of the city where the design of the object, as well as based on the typology of the object.
Assessment methods and criteria: There is no control.
Recommended books: 1. Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya kvalifikatsiynoyi roboty bakalavra arkhitektury dlya studentiv IV kursu dennoyi formy navchannya napryamu 6.060102 «Arkhitektura», spets. 6.120.103 «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: S.O. Ivanov-Kostetskyy, I.M. Kopylyak, O.V. Proskuryakov. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika», 2015. – 24 s. [in Ukrainian]. 2. DBN V. 2.2-9-2018. Gromads'kі budіvlі ta sporudi. Osnovnі polozhennja. [Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions].– K: Mіnregіonbud Ukraini, 2018. – 84s. [in Ukrainian]. 3. Dzhons Dzh. Inzhenernoe i hudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie. Sovremennye metody proektnogo analiza [Engineering and art design. Modern methods of project analysis]. –M.: Mir. 1976. – 374s. [in Russian]. 4. Lіnda S. Arhіtekturne proektuvannja gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud. [Architectural design of public buildings and structures]. – L : NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2013. – 642s.[in Ukrainian]. 5. Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannya hrafichnoyi chastyny bakalavrs?koyi kvalifikatsiynoyi roboty dlya studentiv bazovoho napryamu 6.060102 «Arkhitektura», spetsialnosti «Dyzayn arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Ukl.: S.O. Ivanov-Kostetskyy, I.M. Kopylyak. – Lviv, 2016. – 32 s. [in Ukrainian]. 6. Mihajlenko V., Jаkovljev M. Osnovi kompozicіi (geometrichnі aspekti hudozhn'ogo formotvorennja). [Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic shaping)].– K.: Karavella, 2004. – 304s. 7. Nojfert E. Budіvel'ne proektuvannja. [Architects' Data].– D.: «Knizhkova lіtera», 2016 – 624 s. [in Ukrainian]. 8. Proskurjakov V. Kompleks zavdan' ta metodichnі vkazіvki do kursovih proektіv z dizajnu arhіtekturnogo seredoviwa gromads'kih budіvel' і sporud dlja studentіv Іnstitutu arhіtekturi ІІІ-V kursіv: metodichnі vkazіvki. – L: NU «L'vіvs'ka polіtehnіka», 2009. – 144s. [in Ukrainian].

Bachelor Thesis Completion

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.01.O.268
Credits: 6.00
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Bachelor Thesis Completion

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.04.O.384
Credits: 6.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Yuriy Dubyk - Associate Professor Myron Demkiv - Ph.D., Associate Professor Rostislav Gnidets - Ph.D., Associate Professor Yuriy Lukomsky - Ph.D., Associate Professor Vasil Petrik - Ph.D., Associate Professor Lesya Chen' - Ph.D., Associate Professor Igor Bokalo - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Maxim Yasinskyі - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Iryna Pogranichna - Ph.D., Аssistant Yulia Frolova - Ph.D., Аssistant
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The purpose of the discipline is to develop students' creative approach to the architectural design of buildings for various purposes; development by students of skills of real design of buildings and constructions, acquisition of experience of application of knowledge on typology of principles and receptions of formation of architectural objects; gaining experience in the formation of architectural spaces and the design of their subject content.
Required prior and related subjects: Building constructions of buildings and structures; Architectural design of a public building; Architectural design of the environment; Architectural physics. Urban planning Architectural interior design Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments Multifunctional architectural complex
Summary of the subject: The bachelor's qualification work has a generalizing character, as it is a kind of result of student preparation. The project-graphic part shows the possibilities of implementing the obtained theoretical provisions into specific project proposals. The composition, scale of the drawings, their compositional arrangement are agreed with the supervisor. Submission of materials on tablets should have a logical order and develop in a structured way from highlighting the relevance of the issue to ways to solve it. The project proposal should be based on the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the site and the architectural environment of the fragment of the city where the design of the object, as well as based on the typology of the object.
Assessment methods and criteria: There is no contro
Recommended books: 1. Methodical instructions for bachelor's qualification work for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education (field of knowledge 19 Architecture and Construction, specialty 191 Architecture and Urban Planning) / Incl .: Demkiv MV, Petryk VM, Yasinsky M .R., Border II,. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2021. - 30 p. 2. Linda S. Architectural design of public buildings and structures. Second edition, corrected and supplemented. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2013. 3. Urban planning. Part I: The city as an object of design: textbook. manual / SV Ganets, AV Goblyk, YV Idak, GE Koznarskaya, YI Kryvoruchko, TM Mazur, GP Petryshyn, BS Posatsky, IV Rusanova, IV Sklyarova, NS Sosnova, SP Tupis, I. Ya. Chernyak; for ed. GP Petryshyn, BS Posatsky, Yu. V. Idak. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. - 328 p. 4. Urban planning. Part II: Design of structural elements of the city: textbook. manual / GP Petryshyn, BS Posatsky, YV Idak, TM Mazur, IV Rusanova, NS Sosnova, YR Petrovskaya, VE Goncharuk, VV Didyk, EI Korol, SP Tupis, Ya. O. Onufriv, O. A. Klishch, A. O. Ignatiuk, J. T. Senkovska, R. I. Lyubytsky, T. M. Maximyuk; for ed. GP Petryshyn, BS Posatsky, Yu. V. Idak. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. - 288 p. 5. DBN B. 2.2-9-2018. Public buildings and structures. Substantive provisions. - K: Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, 2018. - 84p. 6. Mikhailenko V., Yakovlev M. Fundamentals of composition (geometric aspects of artistic design). - К .: Karavella, 2004. - 304p. 7. Neufert E. Building design. - D .: "Book Letter", 2016 - 624p. .

Bachelor Thesis Completion

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.02.O.308
Credits: 6.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Stepan Tupis
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and profession • Using of the information and communication technologies skills, software implementation and usign of the existing ones • To carry out competently the architectural and urban planning documentation objects of architecture and urban planning • The ability to find out causal relationships, analyze and summarize information, economic and social issues in the design of objects of social sphere - schools, kindergartens, rehabilitation centers, child development centers and others; • Knowledge of hygiene standards, fire safety foundations of safe and affordable living environment for disabled people. • The ability to solve complex design problems and practical problems in the field of architectural and urban design and planning, which are characterized by complexity, that involves the use of optimization techniques of urban, environmental, architectural and planning and composite solutions, environmental, social effectiveness, efficiency, security of buildings and structures.
Required prior and related subjects: • Typology of public buildings and structures • Fundamentals of computer modeling of architectural objects • Fundamentals and methods of architectural design
Summary of the subject: Bachelor's qualifying work: - pre-study: of the project areas, of the transport and pedestrian links and initial conditions; - Architectural and planning, landscape and spatial organization of the object; - Related subjects; Project proposal of the spatial and architectural organization of the public object (area less than 2,000 square meters). Project proposal should be based on the nature features of region and architectural circumstances of the city fragment, where is the object is projecting and also based on a typology of the object. Justification of stylistic and compositional features of designed architecture of the object of public usage. The development and justification of acceptable structural scheme of the designed object. Understanding of using main constructive schemes and the skills to perform working drawings The composition of the project: models of architectural and spatial organization of the object , floor plans, plan of the first floor with a fragment of the master plan, facades, sections of the object, describing the architectural solution, structural components, axonometric picture of architectural and spatial organization of object with showing the surrounding urban environment, specific object images, explanatory note (20-25 р ). Graphic processing of pre-project studies and project concepts by the topic of the bachelor's qualifying work in programs (optional): MicrosoftWord, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Lumion; Artlantis, 3DSMax.
Assessment methods and criteria: Bachalor qualification work (100%)
Recommended books: 1. ДБН В.2.2-9-99. Будинки і споруди. Громадські будинки та споруди. Основні положення. 2. Лінда С. Архітектурне проектування громадських будівель і споруд //Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. 3. Містобудівне проектування. Частина І: Місто як об’єкт проектування: навч. посібник / Г.П.Петришин, Б.С.Посацький, Ю.І.Криворучко, С.В.Ганець та ін.; за ред. Г.П.Петришин, Б.С.Посацького, Ю.В.Ідак – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 328 с.