Home/ Majors directory/Architecture and Urban Planning/Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health
Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health
Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.00.O.207
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Stupnytska N.V.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know:
• main lowes with the labor protection;
• sanitary conditions, methods of protection against harmful and dangerous production factors;
• key issues for electrical industry;
• fire safety concept.
• basic methods of maintaining the health and efficiency of the production staff;
To be able:
• ПР 10. understand and take into account social, ecological, ethical, economic aspects, labor protection requirements, industrial sanitation, fire safety and existing state and foreign standards during the formation of technical tasks and decisions
• assess compliance with the sanitary standards of working conditions, to analyze working conditions;
• justify methods normalize conditions, monitor compliance with health regulations;
• to instruct the workplace for protection from harmful factors;
• evaluate the safety of process equipment;
• formulate general safety requirements for the manufacturing of the device;
• evaluate fire safety facility; identify technical solutions for fire prevention and fire protection;
• determine of the physiological characteristics of man and their role in ensuring the personal safety
Required prior and related subjects: physics, chemistry
Summary of the subject: Basic concepts in the labor safety. The legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine on health. The Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection". Labor Safety Lowes of Ukraine. Guarantees the protection of women and minors. Meteorological conditions working environment. Sanitary normalization of air pollution in the workplace. General measures and means to prevent air pollution. Lighting production facilities. Natural light and its regulation. Artificial lighting and its regulation. Artificial lighting. Sources of artificial lighting. Type of industrial noise. Classification of noise. Effects of noise to the human body. Rationing noise. Methods and tools for noise control. Infra- and ultrasound. Sources incurred. Effects of ultrasound and infrasound on humans and the methods and means of protection. Sources vibration. Effects of vibration on the human body. Classification vibrations origin. Hygienic rationing vibrations. Activities and collective and individual protection from vibration. Effects of electric current on the human body. Types of electrical injuries. The main factors that determine the outcome of current human destruction. Classification of areas on the degree of vulnerability of human electric shock. Company fire protection in the workplace. The main causes of fires. Types of burning. Fire properties of substances and materials. The ability of materials and substances fire. Flammable substances. Fire water supply. Ways and means of fighting fires. The primary means of extinguishing fires. Hazards and their classification. Factors reducing human life. General classification emergencies
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control - (20 %): written reports of laboratory work; (20 %): written reports of practical work; (10%): control work
.Final control - (50 %): Written test work .
Recommended books: 1. Катренко Л.А., Кіт Ю.В., Пістун І.П. Охорона праці. Курс лекцій. Практикум: Навч. посіб. – Суми: Університетська книга, 2009. – 540 с.
2. Ткачук К.Н., М.О. Халімовський, В.В. Зацарний, Зеркалов Д.В., Р.В. Сабарно, В.С. Коз’яков, О.І.Полукаров, Л.О.Митюк. Основи охорони праці. Підручник. 2-ге видання. К.: Основа, 2006.– 448 с.
3. Гандзюк М. П., Желібо Є. П., Халімовський М. О. Основи охорони праці: Підручник. 2-е вид. / За ред. М. П. Гандзюка. -К.: Каравела, 2010. - 408 с
4. Желібо Є.П., Заверуха Н.М., Зацарний В.В. Безпека життєдіяльності. – К.:
«Каравела», Львів: «Новий Світ-2000», 2002. – 328 с.
5. Пістун І.П., В.І.Кочубей Безпека життєдіяльності: підручник. – Суми: «Університет. книга», 2012. – 575 с