Architectural Design of Landmark Object in the City

Major: Architecture and Urban Planning
Code of subject: 6.191.07.E.099
Credits: 9.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Lecturer Volodymyr Didyk Ph. D., Hnes Lyudmyla
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To give the student an idea of ??the typological foundations and general principles of designing modern sacred (cult) buildings in a spatial environment, the formation of systematic thinking in architects when solving practical tasks during the course and diploma design of sacred objects, the most diverse in terms of capacity and complexity.
Завдання: 1. Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it. 2. The ability to logically correct, reasoned and clear communication (oral and written) in the national language and mastery of at least one of the common European languages ??at the level of reading and understanding scientific and technical literature, communication in oral and written forms. 3. Ability to use legislative, directive, normative, legal documents in one's activity. 4. Possession of basic means, methods and methods of obtaining, storing, and processing information. 5. The ability to professionally present the project - report on the essence of the project, oppose the review, clarify individual provisions of the project; 6. The ability to understand and take into account social, ecological, ethical, economic aspects that influence the formation of current and perspective decisions in the implementation of architectural and urban planning projects; 7. Competence in working with monuments and designing objects within the protection zones;
Learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty 191 Architecture and urban planning 2. Knowledge of state design and sanitary-hygienic norms, based on which pre-project analysis, calculations, search, sketch and working architectural and urban planning are carried out. 3. Knowledge and understanding of techniques and methods of architectural measurements and design, in accordance with the requirements of current standards and technical conditions; 4. Knowledge of modern achievements of innovative technologies in the field of architecture and urban planning;
Required prior and related subjects: Urban design - a theoretical course History of statehood and culture of Ukraine. Architectural designs of buildings and structures Architectural design Urban planning
Summary of the subject: Today, the problem of finding a modern national type of temple remains important. In the process of architectural design of a sacred building, the student gets acquainted with the confessional and ritual foundations of Christianity, types of sacred complexes and their main and auxiliary objects. The urban planning basics of temple construction and the sacred symbolism of the temple, the experience of designing modern sacred buildings are studied. The result of the study is an architectural project of the Ukrainian sacred building, its interiors and the territory in the amount of 2 sheets of A1 format; submission technique – digital or author's graphics.
Опис: Main and auxiliary objects of sacred complexes. Architectural and town-planning foundations of temple construction. Calculation of the territory and construction of the sacred object Theoretical foundations of the construction of the temple space resolution of the general plan of the territory and the construction plan fragment of the general plan with an open plan of the 1st level characteristic intersection of the church and the territory Development of the main, side and altar facades of the church Axonometry (3D model) of the designed temple with a display of the surrounding environment (F A3). Perspective of the main entrance from a person's point of view (h=1.5 m). Project submission sketch Elaboration of project details. Development of the project in the final stage
Assessment methods and criteria: n the process of current control, the student completes 2 clauses, each of which summarizes the previous stage of work on the architectural project of a single-family house and allows to start working on the next stage. Each closure is evaluated at 10 points and is taken into account in the final evaluation of the architectural project.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control Clause #1 and #2 – 10 points each (10?2=20) Architectural project of a sacred building (AP) - 80 Total for the discipline - 100 points
Recommended books: 1. ДБН Б.2.2 ¬ 12:2019. Державні будівельні норми України. Планування і забудова територій. Київ. Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України – 2019 2. ДБН В.2.2-9-2018. Будинки і споруди. Громадські будинки та споруди. – Мінбудархітектури України, 2018. 3. ДБН В.2.2-16-2005. Будинки і споруди. Культурно-видовищні та дозвіллєві заклади. – К.: Держкомбудархітектури України, 2005. 4. Культові будинки та споруди різних конфесій. Посібник з проектування / Українська Академія архітектури, Український зональний науково-дослідний і проектний інститут цивільного будівництва (ВАТ Київ ЗНДІЕП). – К. :Київ ЗНДІЕП, 2002.містобудування www.