Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.6
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ukrainian Language
Lecturer: Bulyk-Verkhola Sofia Zinoviiivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Learn the basic principles of professional speech in the Ukrainian language, principles and means of official business speech. • Master the basic forms of language etiquette for professional speaking • Master the basics of managing business documents in Ukrainian • Using means of service and business language to execute major models of business papers. • Skilled competence in the culture of oral and written language and norms of Ukrainian literary language • Correct pronunciation of words, use of accents according to language rules • Master the scientific principles of modern spelling and use them in the process of professional communication.
Required prior and related subjects: None.
Summary of the subject: Summary of discipline: Stylistic-Practical aspects of modern Ukrainian literary language; official and business style and means of professional communication; culture of oral and written language; forms of speech etiquette; basics of business communication and managing official records; business documents; scientific principles of spelling and punctuation; stylistic editing of text for professional purposes.
Assessment methods and criteria: Exam, Participation – 40 points, Graded work – 60 points
Recommended books: 1) Ukrayins"ka mova (za profesijnym spryamuvannyam): navch posibnyk-praktykum/H.L. Voznyuk, S.Z. Bulyk-Verkhola, I.P. Vasylyshyn, M.V.Hnatyuk, I.B. Mentyns"ka, I.D.Shmilyk. 10-e vyd.,dopovn. i vyprav. – L"viv: Vy-vo L"vivs"koyi politexniky, 2019.– 308 s. 2) Mykytyuk O. Kul"tura movlennya: osoblyvosti, zavdannya, cikavynky: navch. posibnyk/ Oksana Mykytyuk. – L"viv: Vyd-vo L"vivs"koyi politexniky, 2014. – 236 s. 3) Serednyc"ka A.Ya., Kun"ch Z.J. Ukrayins"ka mova za profesijnym spryamuvannyam: Navch. posib. / Za red. kand. filol. nauk H.L. Voznyuka. – K.: Znannnya, 2010. – 211 s. 4) Farion Iryna Movna norma: znyshhennya, poshuk, vidnova (kul"tura movlennya publichnyx lyudej). – Ivano-Frankivs"k: Misto NV, 2013. – 330 s.