Management of the Fluvial Processes

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.01.E.87
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Hnativ.R.M.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PH2. To determine the ways of solving engineering and technical problems in professional activity, to interpret their results with arguments. PH4. Describe the structure of objects of professional activity, explain their purpose, principles and modes of operation. PH6. Identify and take into account climatic, engineering-geological, hydrogeological, hydrological and ecological features of territories in the design, construction and operation of professional activities. PH7. Perform engineering calculations of soil foundations and structures of professional activities. PH9. To find optimal engineering solutions when choosing water technologies, constructions of objects, energy saving measures in the field of professional activity. PH10. Use modern information technologies in the design, construction and operation of professional activities. PH12. Organize and manage technological processes of construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of professional activities, in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection. PH14. Identify measures for the rational use, protection and reproduction of water and land resources, improving the hydrological and ecological condition of surface and groundwater, natural landscapes. PH15. Carry out hydrological, hydraulic and hydraulic calculations using modern software packages and specialized databases. PH16. Identify, summarize and solve problems that arise in the process of professional activity, be responsible for the work performed. PH18. Apply technical regulations and legal norms in the operation of hydraulic facilities. PH1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of the composition, requirements and methods of implementation of project documentation of water management networks and structures. PH1.3. Be able to use the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of open and pressure fluid flows in structures of water management and hydraulic systems. PH1.4. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles, methods and means for the implementation of technological processes and modes of operation of equipment and facilities of water management systems. PH1.5. Demonstrate the ability to control pressure and non-pressure flows in natural channels and engineering systems. PH1.6. Demonstrate knowledge of methods and procedures for controlling the use of water resources.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: 1. Higher mathematics. 2. Physics. 3. Engineering geodesy. 4. Resistance of materials. Related and the following disciplines: 1. Hydraulic structures. 2. Hydraulics of open channels. 3. Basics of land reclamation. 4. Soil mechanics, foundations and foundations.
Summary of the subject: 1. General information about river sediments. Suspended sediments and sediments that move along the bottom with the flow. Classification of sediments by their size. Sedimentation of soil particles in water, hydraulic size. 2. Initial speed of bottom movement. Volumes of sediment that move with water. Diffusion and other theories of sedimentation and sediment movement. 3. The transport capacity of the flow, the balance of sediments and their distribution along the length of the flow. Distribution of turbidity along the flow depth. Active layer of the channel, bottom ridges. 4. Deformation of riverbeds. Dynamic classification of riverbed profiles. The relationship between morphometric parameters and hydraulic regime in the self-regulation of channel processes. Longitudinal profile of a dynamically stable channel. 5. Reformation of river banks and artificial reservoirs under the influence of water currents, waves, etc. 6. General deformations of the channel with a decrease in the base. Detailed method of calculating channel deformations on a short section of the river. 7. Method of calculating the siltation of the reservoir with river water flowing into it. 8. Calculation of dynamic stability of oblique fastening of river banks and reservoirs. 9. Basic provisions for the design of fortifications of rivers and reservoirs. The action of forces and loads on the shores. 10. The main types of shore fortifications in the underwater part (thrust belt). Sloping, stepped and lattice fastenings of shores. 11. Construction of coastal sheet pile walls, anchor sheet pile walls, two-storey reinforced concrete walls. 12. Calculation of the load on the shore sheet pile walls. 13. Issues of hydrodynamics of lakes and reservoirs. Parameters of river waves, methods of their calculation. Balance of wave energy and formulas of drift, gradient and mixed currents. 14. Coastal undulating current, thefts and water flows. Processes of formation of shores of reservoirs. 15. Operational problems of coastal zones of river floodplains.
Assessment methods and criteria: Work in practical classes, control work (30%). Final control (70%, control measure, exam): written and oral form (70%).
Recommended books: Basic 1. Hydraulic structures. / A.F. Dmitriev, M.M. Khlapuk, V.D. Shuminsky and others. - Rivne: RDTU Publishing House, 1999.- 328 p. 2. DBN V. 1.1- 25-2009. Engineering protection of territories and buildings from flooding and inundation. Kiev. Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine. 2010. 3. DBN B. 1.1- 3-97. Protection against dangerous geological processes. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from landslides and landslides. Substantive provisions. 4. DBN B.2.4-3: 2010 Hydraulic structures. Substantive provisions. Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2010. - 41 p. 5. Water Code of Ukraine. - K .: IVA, "Astrea", 1995, -60p 6. Khlapuk M.M., Shinkaruk L.A., Demyanyuk A.V., Dmitrieva O.A. Waterworks. Tutorial. -Rivne: NUVGP, 2013. - 241 p. 7. Lyapichev Yu.P. Hydraulic structures. Textbook. - М .: RUDN, 2008. - 302 p. 8. Konstantinov, Yu.M. Engineering hydraulics. - Kyiv: Slovo Publishing House, 2006. 432 p. 9. Winter T.I. Hydraulic structures: textbook. way. : Europe. credit transfer system: for students. direction of preparation. 6.060103 / T. I. Zima, M. M. Khlapuk; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Nat. University of Waters. households and nature management. - Rivne: NUVGP, 2010. - 211 p. Auxiliary 1. Hydraulic construction; Forest culverts; Anti-erosion hydraulic structures // Terminological dictionary-reference book on construction and architecture / R.A. Shmyg, V.M. Boyarchuk, I.M. Dobryansky, V.M. Barabash; for general ed. R. A. Schmig. - Lviv, 2010. - P. 65-66. 2. Bogoslavchik P.M., Kruglov G.G. Design and calculations of hydraulic structures. Textbook. -Minsk: Higher School, 2018. - 367 p. 3. Hydraulic structures: Dedicated. 200th anniversary of Lviv Polytechnic: textbook. way. / V.V. Chernyuk, O.G. Gvozdetsky, AV Musienko. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic, 2017. - 208 p. 4. Engineering geology (with the basics of geotechnics): a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Team of authors: V.G. Suyarko, V.M. Velychko, O.V. Gavrilyuk, V.V. Sukhov, O.V. Nyzhnyk, V.S. Biletsky, A.V. Matveev, etc .; for general ed. prof. VG Suyarka. - Kharkiv: Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, 2019. - 278 p. 5. Nesterov M.V. Hydraulic structures. Textbook. - Мн: Novoe znanie, 2006. - 616 с 6. Guide to the design of coastal fortifications on inland waters M .: Stroyizdat, 1984.-110p. 7. Kirienko II, Chimeric YA Hydraulic structures. - К .: Vyshcha shkola, 1987. 8. SniP 2.06.01-86 Hydraulic structures. Basic design provisions. -M .: Stroyizdat, 1987 9. SniP 2.06.04-82. Loads and impacts on hydraulic structures. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1986 10.SniP 3.07.01-85 Hydrotechnical constructions river .. -M .: Stroyizdat, 1986.