Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Social work
Code of subject: 7.231.01.O.013
Credits: 3.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: D. ped.Sc.,Associate Professor Klos L.Ye.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know: the essence and main tasks of various areas of social work; how to organize and expand theoretical knowledge on solutions to social problems through research of organizations and institutions, information media; how to rationally choose the direction of practice, skillfully operate the concepts and values inherent in the profession of social worker; • be able to: carry out scientific research in solving tasks, articulate and justify current methods of social work in a particular direction; compare different approaches and practical achievements of domestic and foreign social workers; in the field (in the immediate work social worker in a particular organization, institution) show gained during training and internship knowledge and skills to think critically, respond adequately; formulate conclusions, specific proposals for the use of other social workers.
Required prior and related subjects: • Theory and methods of social work;
Summary of the subject: The main aspects of organizational performance bachelor qualification work, scientific management, stages of work. Qualifying work as a scientific and practical research: requirements for work, study the content of research, theoretical and methodological framework and empirical scientific work; Preparation work for the protection, requirements for registration, the constituent elements of common rules for citations and references to the scientific sources used, preparing students for the protection and process protection.
Assessment methods and criteria: defense of master's thesis (100%)
Recommended books: • Методичні поради щодо виконання наукових робіт для студентів спеціальності «Соціальна робота» / Укл.: М.І.Сварник, Н.М.Гайдук, Л.Д. Климанська та ін. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2008. – 40 с. • Соціальна робота / За ред. Семигіної Т.В., Григи І.М. У 3-х ч. — К.: КМ Академія, 2004. — 178 с. • Соціальна робота в Україні: перші кроки / За ред.В.Полтавця. — К.: КМ Academia, 2000. — 236 с.