Designing of Equipment of Biotechnological Productions (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.00.O.044
Credits: 3.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor Andriy Karkhut
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the discipline is to complete the general engineering training of a specialist, to acquaint him with the main technological processes of post-fermentation processing of culture liquids and the selection of target production products from them, to ensure that students master the principles of modeling and optimization of these processes, calculation methods and the selection of devices for their implementation. The task of the discipline is to provide students with knowledge of the design features of equipment for the post-fermentation treatment of culture liquids and the selection of target products from them, in particular, separation of biomass from native solutions, concentration of native solutions, sorption processes, extraction, drying, as well as the development of practical skills for independent selection of equipment for its use in specific processes based on technological and thermal calculations.
Завдання: Integral competence: - The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions in biotechnology and bioengineering, or in the learning process, which involves the application of theories and methods of biotechnology and bioengineering. General competences: - Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. - Skills in using information and communication technologies. Professional competences: - Ability to use design methodologies for the production of biotechnological products for various purposes, carry out technical and economic evaluation of production, scientific and technical developments. - Ability to choose and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for implementation and control of processes and production of biotechnological products for various purposes. - The ability to draw up technological schemes for the production of biotechnological products for various purposes. - The ability to draw up hardware schemes for the production of biotechnological products for various purposes.
Learning outcomes: • to know the methods of fermentation material and heat balances calculations, identify necessary characteristics of main and auxiliary fermentation equipment, apparatus for preparation and sterilization of culture medium and aeration air. • to know the principles of selection of equipment for post-fermentation treatment of culture fluids and separation of target products from biomass and native solutions, namely filtering equipment, equipment for native solutions concentrating, equipment for liquid and solid extraction, drying, conditioning and packaging of biosynthesis products. • to be able to perform technological and thermal calculations of the main and auxiliary equipment of fermentation and post-fermentation processes. • to be able to develop technological schemes of biotechnological enterprises.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: General Biotechnology (p.1 and 2), Processes and Equipment of Biochemical Engineering, Processes and Equipment of Biotechnological Industry, Mathematical Modelling of Microbiological Processes. Co-requisites: Automation and Control of Biotechnological Industry.
Summary of the subject: Execution of course project, preparation of explanatory note and graphical part. Preparation for the presentation and defense of the course project. Course project should be done and designed as a project document based on laboratory methods that involves the development or simulation of new technology and manufacture. Experimental-calculation research work which based on experimental research in the scientific group that includes: a review of literature data, processing of experimental data, experimental methods and results of mathematical calculations using computer programs, proposed technology.
Опис: The coursework consists of a calculation and graphic part. During the execution of the calculation part, the following tasks must be solved: - Compile the integral stoichiometric equation and the material balance of fermentation agreed with the given capacity and find the volume and required number of fermenters. - Perform a thermal calculation of the fermenter for suitability for use in this process. - Determine the type and quantity of equipment for separation of biomass from the native solution. - Determine the type and quantity of equipment for concentrating native solutions containing target products. - Determine the type and quantity of drying equipment. The graphic part consists of a drawing of the main apparatus (fermenter) and a drawing of the hardware and technological scheme of the process.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control over the student's performance of each stage of the course work is carried out by the teacher during consultations. Semester control during course work is carried out in the form of differentiated credit during the presentation and defense of the course work.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • content and correctness of calculations and drawings - 50 points, the use of modern references – 5 points, precision of execution - 5 points. • final control (defense of course project, test) – 40 points (oral form).
Recommended books: 1. Процеси і апарати мікробіологічної та фармацевтичної промисловості / Ю.І. Сидоров, Р.Й. Влязло, В.П. Новіков, Львів: Інтелект-Захід, 2008. – 736 с. 2. Процеси і апарати хіміко-фармацевтичної промисловості / Ю.І. Сидоров, В.І. Чуєшов, В.П. Новіков, Вінниця: Нова книга, 2009. – 816 с. 3. Яворська Г. В., Ґудзь С. П., Гнатуш С. О. Промислова мікробіологія. Львів, вид. центр Львів. нац. ун-ту ім. І Франка, 2008. 256 с. 4. Engineering and Manufacturing for Biotechnology Series: Focus on Biotechnology / Hofman, M., Thonart, P. (Eds.) – Springer, 2001. – Vol. – 4496 p. 5. Стасевич М.В., Милянич А.О., Стрельников Л.С., Крутських Т.В., Бучкевич І.Р., Зайцев О.І., Гузьова І.О., Стрілець О.П., Гладух Є.В., Новіков В.П. – Львів: «Новий Світ – 2000», 2018. – 410 с. 6. Загальна (промислова) біотехнологія: навчальний посібник / М.Д. Мельничук, О.Л.Кляченко, В.В.Бородай, Ю.В.Коломієць. – Київ: ФОП Корзун Д.Ю., 2014. - 252 с. 7. Промышленная микробиология / под редакцией проф. Н.С. Егорова, М.: Высшая школа, 1989. – 688 с. 8. Чуешов В.И., Сичкарь А.А., Гладух Е.В., Костюк Г.В. та ін. – Винница: Нова книга, 2010. – 272 с. 9. Лещинская И. Б. Современная промышленная микробиология / Соросовский образовательный журнал. – 2000. – Т. 6, № 4. – С. 14. 10. Чуешов В.И., Мандрыка Л.А., Сичкарь А.А. и др. Основы проектирования производств в химико-фармацевтической и биотехнологической промышленности: Учеб. для студентов вузов. – Харьков, 2004. 11. Биотехнология (в восьми томах) / под редакцией Н.С. Егорова и В.Д Самуилова, М.: Высшая школа, 1987.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: Karpinsky st., 2/4, 1st educational building, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
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Designing of Equipment of Biotechnological Productions

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.00.O.041
Credits: 4.50
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна