Medical Biotechnology

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.01.M.024
Credits: 5.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor Hubrii Zoriana
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Knowledge of methods and techniques of modern biotechnology, the basics of technology of microbiological production in order to create biomedical drugs; 2. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and production processes of industrial technology of pharmaceutical industries; modern technological processes and methods of production of new medicinal substances and drugs; 3. Knowledge of the basics of standardization of biopharmaceutical evaluation, methods of improving dosage forms, the impact of storage conditions and type of packaging on the stability of drugs
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry; Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology; Microbiology; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Chemistry and Technology of Drug Substances Co-requisites: Industries Technology of Pharmaceutical Production; Quality Control of Medicines; Modeling and Design of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Companies in GMP system
Summary of the subject: Getting of biodrugs. Bases of Immunobiotechnology and Immunochemistry, especially of biotechnological processes to produce antibiotics, amino acids and vitamins that are used as medicines or veterinary medicines. Technologies for producing vaccines and serums. The problems of isolation and purification of biologics. Microbial transformation of organic compounds to produce biologically active substances - substances of medicines.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports from workshops, oral interviews, control work (30 points); • final evaluation - 70points (control measure, test): written-oral form
Recommended books: 1. Кантере В.М. Теоретические основы технологии микробиологических производств / Кантере В.М. - М.:Агропромиздат, 1990. – 272с. 2. Егоров Н.С. Основы учения об антибиотиках / Егоров Н.С. - М.:Наука, 2004.- 525 с. 3. Посохова К.А., Вікторов О.П. Антибіотики / Посохова К.А., Вікторов О.П. – Т.:Укрмедкнига, 2005. - 296с. 4. Л.М.Буценко. Технології мікробного синтезу лікарських засобів / Л.М.Буценко, Ю.М. Пенчук, Т.П.Пирог. - К.:НУХТ, 2010. – 323с.