Practicum on Security Studies

Major: International Information
Code of subject: 7.291.02.M.17
Credits: 5.00
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: Candidate of Political Sciences, Iryna Chervinka.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of security aspects of the development of modern international relations system and Ukraine's place in it; 2. the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the essence and peculiarities of implementation of legal, diplomatic, peacekeeping and other mechanisms of ensuring security; 3. the ability to predict the possible effects of crises and conflicts, to apply knowledge to select the best strategies and means of their settlement; 4. the ability to think systematically and interpret creatively phenomena and events on the global, regional and local levels including modern challenges and threats to international security, for example, ethnopolitical separatism and nationalism taking into account the historical background of their emergence and development; 5. the ability to apply scientific skills for the successful conducting of theoretical and applied research in the group of analytical experts in international relations, in particular in the sphere of ensuring international peace and security; 6. the ability to explain/simulate the actual processes and situations in ensuring military security, to analyze the role of intelligence in ensuring military security; 7. the ability to search, analyze, summarize, evaluate information in order to study the military, economic, information, energy, environmental, and other components of security strategy of Ukraine, to offer strategies of ensuring internal and external security of Ukraine including ways of resolving and forecasts of the dynamics of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict; 8. the ability to defend in communications patriotic statehood position concerning Ukraine's place in international relations system.
Required prior and related subjects: . Prerequisites: International and European security, Actual problems of foreign policy of Ukraine and international relations. - Corequisites: Analysis and prognostication of foreign policy, National and ethnic problems in international relations, Regionalism and regional security systems.
Summary of the subject: Legal and diplomatic mechanisms of ensuring security. Peacekeeping activities of international organizations as a mechanism of ensuring security. Strategies and means for the settlement of international crises and conflicts. Ethnopolitical separatism and nationalism as security challenges in contemporary world politics. The military dimension of security. The role of intelligence in ensuring military security of a state. Information, energy, environmental and other types of security. The Security Strategy of Ukraine: challenges, threats, strengths and weaknesses. Russian-Ukrainian conflict as a threat to Ukraine’s security.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (40%): oral questioning, reports on seminars, writing essays, analytical reports. - Final control (60%, exam): 3-level testing.
Recommended books: 1. Butkevych V. H. Mizhnarodne pravo: Osnovni haluzi: Pidruchnyk dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. za spets. «Mizhnarodne pravo», «Mizhnarodni vidnosyny» / V. H. Butkevych, S. A. Voitovych, O. M. Hryhorov, L. H. Zablots'ka, O. V. Zadorozhnii. – K.: Lybid', 2004. – 814 s. 2. Diurozel' Z.-B. Istoriia dyplomatii vid 1919 roku do nashykh dniv / Per. z fr. – Kyiv: Osnovy, 1995. – 903 s. 3. Yevtukh V. B. Etnichnist': entsyklopedychnyi dovidnyk / V. B. Yevtukh ; Nats. ped. un-t imeni M. P. Drahomanova, Tsentr etnohlobalistyky. – K.: «Feniks», 2012. – 396 s. 4. Kapitonenko M. Mizhnarodni konflikty. – K.: Lybid', 2009. – 352 s. 5. Lipkan V. A. Natsional'na bezpeka Ukrainy: navchal'nyi posibnyk / V. A. Lipkan. –2-e vyd. – K.: KNT, 2009. – 576 s. 6. Martynenko A. K., Martynenko B. A. Mizhnarodni vidnosyny 1945-1975 rokiv: Navchal'nyi posibnyk – Kyiv: Lira-K, 2007. – 366 s. 7. Marushchak M. Y. Istoriia dyplomatii XX stolittia: Kurs lektsii. – L'viv: Viis'kovyi instytut, 2000. – 403 s. 8. Mizhnarodne pravo: Navch. posibnyk / Za red. M. V. Buromens'koho – K.: YurinkomInter, 2005. – 336 s. 9. Mizhnarodni vidosyny ta zovnishnia polityka (1945-70-ti roky): Pidruchnyk / V. A. Manzhola ta in. – Kyiv: Lybid', 1999. – 558 s. 10. Mizhnarodni vidnosyny ta svitova polityka 1945-1980: navchal'nyi posibnyk / V. Y. Krushyns'kyi, V. A. Manzhola. – Kyiv: Lybid', 2007. – 200 s. 11. Novitnia istoriia krain Yevropy ta Ameryky (1918-2007): navchal'nyi posibnyk dlia samostiinoi roboty studenta / L. M. Mytsyk, Y. V. Kuz'menko. – Kyiv: Akademvydav, 2008. – 543 s. 12. Pyk S. M. Taiemna dyplomatiia i rozvidka u mizhnarodnykh vidnosynakh: navch. posib. / S. Pyk, L'viv. nats. un-t im. I. Franka. – L'viv: LNU im. I. Franka , 2012.– 513 s. 13. Stratehiia natsional'noi bezpeky Ukrainy [Elektronnyi resurs] // Ofitsiinyi veb-portal Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. – Rezhym dostupu: 14. Tykhomyrova Y. B. Konfliktolohiia ta teoriia perehovoriv: pidruchnyk / Y. B. Tykhomyrova, S. R. Postolovs'kyi. – Rivne: Perspektyva, 2007. – 389 s. 15. Tsiurupa M. Osnovy konfliktolohii ta teorii perehovoriv: Navchal'nyi posibnyk. – K.: Kondor, 2012. – 169 s.