Machine Tools

Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.O.031
Credits: 4.50
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Volodymyr Borovets
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the discipline is to form in students the ability to navigate in a variety of metal-cutting equipment, to analyze kinematic schemes and structural features of metal-cutting equipment, to draw up the equations of the kinematic balance of chains, to determine the formulas for tuning chains, to choose the necessary equipment to perform a specific technological operation, to calculate the number of teeth of gears of variable guitars wheels of division chains, differential, feed, main drive, screw-cutting and others.
Завдання: General competences: 1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity (ZK2). 2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations (ZK4). 3. Determination and persistence in relation to assigned tasks and assumed responsibilities (ZK6). 4. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge (ZK7). 5. Skills of performing safe activities (ZK10). 6. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources (ZK12). 7. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of performed works (ZK13). Professional competences: 1. The ability to evaluate the performance parameters of materials, structures and machines in operational conditions and find appropriate solutions to ensure a given level of reliability of structures and processes, including in the presence of some uncertainty (FC2). 2. The ability to make the optimal choice of technological equipment, complete set of technical complexes, have a basic understanding of the rules of their operation (FK4). 4. The ability to present the results of one's engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted norms and standards (FC9). 5. The ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes, which is based on deep knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences (FC10).
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes in accordance with the educational program, learning and teaching methods for achieving learning outcomes: 1. Perform geometric modeling of details, mechanisms, and structures in the form of spatial models and projection images and prepare the result in the form of technical and working drawings (RN5). 2. Carry out geometric modeling of details, mechanisms and structures in the form of spatial models and projection images and formalize the result in the form of technical and working drawings (RN6). 3. Know and understand the basics of information technology, programming, practically use specialized application software to perform engineering calculations, process information and the results of experimental research (RN8). 4. Know the design, methods of selection and calculation, the basics of maintenance and operation of drives of machine tools and robotic technical equipment (RN10). 5. To understand the principles of operation of automated control systems of technological equipment, in particular microprocessor ones, to choose and use optimal means of automation (RN11). 6. To have professional skills in the practical use of computerized design systems (CAD), production preparation (CAM) and engineering calculations (CAE) (PH12). 7. Make the optimal choice of equipment and equipment of technical complexes (RN14).
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: - Theory of cutting and cutting tools; - Electrical engineering and electric drive. - Welding technology. Co-requisites: Hydropneumatic drive and hydropneumatic automation. ChPK systems of technological equipment.
Summary of the subject: In this course of lectures, the peculiarities of the kinematic structure of the main nodes (main drive and feed drive) of metal-cutting machines, as well as kinematic schemes of machines of various technological groups are considered. The basic information about the basics of construction and characteristics of technological equipment is provided. Functional systems of machine tools, shaping of surfaces, types of different movements in machine tools, namely, forming, dividing, setting, cutting, are also considered. The purpose, characteristics and classification of metalworking equipment, types of machines are presented, their structure, principles of operation, possible processing schemes, machined surfaces are described, kinematic schemes and chains of the main movements of the machines are given. Typical mechanisms for stepless and stepless adjustment of the speed of rotation of shafts, mechanisms of the phantom of rectilinear motion, summing mechanisms for performing periodic movement, reversing mechanisms, mechanisms for stepless and stepless adjustment of the frequency of rotation of shafts, mechanisms for turning rotary motion into translational, summing mechanisms. Ranges of speed and feed adjustment, drives with step regulation, geometric series of rotation and feed frequencies, grapho-analytical method of kinematic calculation of gearboxes, construction of a structural grid and graph of spindle rotation frequencies and feed values, gearboxes with a conventional multiple and compound structure, calculation of the gear ratio are considered. boxes, determination of the number of teeth of gear wheels of boxes, methods of stepless adjustment. Design features, kinematic diagrams of machines of various groups and peculiarities of their adjustment are given. Various classes of metal-cutting equipment are presented and the features of the kinematics of this equipment, movements during the forming of products and the expediency of using these machines in the technological process of manufacturing products are given. The purpose, processes that take place during electrophysical and electrochemical methods of processing difficult-to-process materials are given. Electroerosion machines, for electrochemical processing, ultrasonic machines are considered. The principles of their operation, schematic diagrams of machines are shown.
Опис: . Status, basic concepts, and varieties of metalworking machines 2. The working system of the machine 3. Movement control mechanisms 4. Classification of metal cutting machines 5. Drives of metal cutting machines and kinematic calculation 6. Features of kinematic calculation 7. Machine tools of the turning group 8. Lathe-turret machines and automatic machines 9. Drilling machines 10. Purpose and main types of boring machines 11. Milling machines 12. Planing and tanning machines 13. Drawing machines 14. Cutting machines 15. Grinding and sharpening machines 16. Gear cutting machines 17. Machines for electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods
Assessment methods and criteria: Current monitoring of lecture classes is carried out in order to identify the student's readiness for classes in the following forms: a selective oral survey before the start of classes evaluation of the student's activity in the course of classes, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc. Control questions are divided into: a) test tasks - choose the correct answers; b) problematic – creating situations of a problematic nature c) questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; e) issues of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Examination control (Current control -30%, Written component 50%, oral component -20%) Protection of course project. Differential calculation. (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Kipcharsky V.P. Metal-cutting machines: textbook / V.P. Kipcharsky. - Mariupol: SHEI "PDTU", 2018. - 143 p. 2. Burek YA. Verstatne obladnannya : navch. posib. / YA. Burek, I.V. Hurey, Z.A. Stotsko – Lviv: Vyd-vo un-tu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2014. – 168 s. 3. Bochkov V. M. Obladnannya avtomatyzovanoho vyrobnytstva: navch. posib. / Bochkov V. M., Silin R.I. – Lviv: Vyd-vo un-tu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2000. – 380 s. 4. Bochkov V.M. Metalorizalni verstaty: navch. posib. / Bochkov V.M., Silin R.I., Havrylchenko O.V. - Lviv: Vydavnytstvo NU “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2009.- 268 s. 5. Bochkov VM, Silin RI, Gavrilchenko OV Calculation and design of metal-cutting machines: a textbook / ed .. Silina RI - Lviv: Beskid Bit Publishing House, 2008.-448 p

Machine Tools (курсова робота)

Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.O.035
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of machine design and avtomotive engineering
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Machine Tools (курсова робота)

Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.O.036
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Volodymyr Borovets
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the discipline is to form in students the ability to navigate in a variety of metal-cutting equipment, to analyze kinematic schemes and structural features of metal-cutting equipment, to draw up the equations of the kinematic balance of chains, to determine the formulas for tuning chains, to choose the necessary equipment to perform a specific technological operation, to calculate the number of teeth of gears of variable guitars wheels of division chains, differential, feed, main drive, screw-cutting and others.
Завдання: General competences: 1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity (ZK2). 2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations (ZK4). 3. Determination and persistence in relation to assigned tasks and assumed responsibilities (ZK6). 4. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge (ZK7). 5. Skills of performing safe activities (ZK10). 6. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources (ZK12). 7. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of performed works (ZK13). Professional competences: 1. The ability to evaluate the performance parameters of materials, structures and machines in operational conditions and find appropriate solutions to ensure a given level of reliability of structures and processes, including in the presence of some uncertainty (FC2). 2. The ability to make the optimal choice of technological equipment, complete set of technical complexes, have a basic understanding of the rules of their operation (FK4). 4. The ability to present the results of one's engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted norms and standards (FC9). 5. The ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes, which is based on deep knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences (FC10).
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes in accordance with the educational program, learning and teaching methods for achieving learning outcomes: 1. Perform geometric modeling of details, mechanisms, and structures in the form of spatial models and projection images and prepare the result in the form of technical and working drawings (RN5). 2. Carry out geometric modeling of details, mechanisms and structures in the form of spatial models and projection images and formalize the result in the form of technical and working drawings (RN6). 3. Know and understand the basics of information technology, programming, practically use specialized application software to perform engineering calculations, process information and the results of experimental research (RN8). 4. Know the design, methods of selection and calculation, the basics of maintenance and operation of drives of machine tools and robotic technical equipment (RN10). 5. To understand the principles of operation of automated control systems of technological equipment, in particular microprocessor ones, to choose and use optimal means of automation (RN11). 6. To have professional skills in the practical use of computerized design systems (CAD), production preparation (CAM) and engineering calculations (CAE) (PH12). 7. Make the optimal choice of equipment and equipment of technical complexes (RN14).
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: - descriptive geometry and engineering graphics; - theory of machines and mechanisms. Co-requisites: Operation and maintenance of machines. Automation of production processes. CNC systems of technological equipment
Summary of the subject: In this course of lectures, the peculiarities of the kinematic structure of the main nodes (main drive and feed drive) of metal-cutting machines, as well as kinematic schemes of machines of various technological groups are considered. The basic information about the basics of construction and characteristics of technological equipment is provided. Functional systems of machine tools, shaping of surfaces, types of different movements in machine tools, namely, forming, dividing, setting, cutting, are also considered. The purpose, characteristics and classification of metalworking equipment, types of machines are presented, their structure, principles of operation, possible processing schemes, machined surfaces are described, kinematic schemes and chains of the main movements of the machines are given. Typical mechanisms for stepless and stepless adjustment of the speed of rotation of shafts, mechanisms of the phantom of rectilinear motion, summing mechanisms for performing periodic movement, reversing mechanisms, mechanisms for stepless and stepless adjustment of the frequency of rotation of shafts, mechanisms for turning rotary motion into translational, summing mechanisms. Ranges of speed and feed adjustment, drives with step regulation, geometric series of rotation and feed frequencies, grapho-analytical method of kinematic calculation of gearboxes, construction of a structural grid and graph of spindle rotation frequencies and feed values, gearboxes with a conventional multiple and compound structure, calculation of the gear ratio are considered. boxes, determination of the number of teeth of gear wheels of boxes, methods of stepless adjustment. Design features, kinematic diagrams of machines of various groups and peculiarities of their adjustment are given. Various classes of metal-cutting equipment are presented and the features of the kinematics of this equipment, movements during the forming of products and the expediency of using these machines in the technological process of manufacturing products are given. The purpose, processes that take place during electrophysical and electrochemical methods of processing difficult-to-process materials are given. Electroerosion machines, for electrochemical processing, ultrasonic machines are considered. The principles of their operation, schematic diagrams of machines are shown.
Опис: 1. Status, basic concepts, and varieties of metalworking machines 2. The working system of the machine 3. Movement control mechanisms 4. Classification of metal cutting machines 5. Drives of metal cutting machines and kinematic calculation 6. Features of kinematic calculation 7. Machine tools of the turning group 8. Lathe-turret machines and automatic machines 9. Drilling machines 10. Purpose and main types of boring machines 11. Milling machines 12. Planing and tanning machines 13. Drawing machines 14. Cutting machines 15. Grinding and sharpening machines 16. Gear cutting machines 17. Machines for electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods
Assessment methods and criteria: Current monitoring of lecture classes is carried out in order to identify the student's readiness for classes in the following forms: a selective oral survey before the start of classes evaluation of the student's activity in the course of classes, submitted proposals, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc. Control questions are divided into: a) test tasks - choose the correct answers; b) problematic – creating situations of a problematic nature c) questions-replies - to identify cause-and-effect relationships; d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a certain situation; e) issues of a reproductive nature - determination of practical significance.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Examination control (Current control -30%, Written component 50%, oral component -20%) Protection of course project. Differential calculation. (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Kipcharsky V.P. Metal-cutting machines: textbook / V.P. Kipcharsky. - Mariupol: SHEI "PDTU", 2018. - 143 p. 2. Burek YA. Verstatne obladnannya : navch. posib. / YA. Burek, I.V. Hurey, Z.A. Stotsko – Lviv: Vyd-vo un-tu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2014. – 168 s. 3. Bochkov V. M. Obladnannya avtomatyzovanoho vyrobnytstva: navch. posib. / Bochkov V. M., Silin R.I. – Lviv: Vyd-vo un-tu “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2000. – 380 s. 4. Bochkov V.M. Metalorizalni verstaty: navch. posib. / Bochkov V.M., Silin R.I., Havrylchenko O.V. - Lviv: Vydavnytstvo NU “Lvivska politekhnika”, 2009.- 268 s. 5. Bochkov VM, Silin RI, Gavrilchenko OV Calculation and design of metal-cutting machines: a textbook / ed .. Silina RI - Lviv: Beskid Bit Publishing House, 2008.-448 p