Home/ Majors directory/Robotics and Industrial Engineering/The Technology of Packaging and Storage the Packing Products
The Technology of Packaging and Storage the Packing Products
Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.E.094
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Volodymyr Borovets
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: General competences:
1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity (ZK2).
2. Ability to identify, put and solve problems (ZK3).
3. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations (ZK4).
4. The ability to learn and master modern knowledge (ZK7).
5. Skills of use of information and communication technologies (ZK9).
6. Skills of safe activity (ZK10).
7. Ability to search, process and analyze information from different sources (ZK12).
8. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed (ZK13).
Professional competences:
1. The ability to evaluate the parameters of the performance of materials, structures and machines in operational conditions and to find appropriate solutions to ensure a given level of reliability of structures and processes, including in the presence of some uncertainty (FC2).
2. Ability to optimally select technological equipment, complete the technical complexes, have basic ideas about the rules of their operation (FC4).
3. The ability to perform technical measurements, to obtain, analyze and critically evaluate the results of measurements (FC6).
4. The ability to present the results of their engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted standards and standards (FC9).
5. The ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes based on deep knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences (FC10).
6. The ability to develop typical technological processes of packaging of various products and the ability to choose on the basis of the properties of the product of the necessary packaging materials or containers (FCS 4.5).
Learning outcomes: - to know the basic technological processes of products packaging;
- to know the principles of choosing and application of equipment in technological processes;
- to know the techniques of storage of packed products;
- to be able to substantiate the choosing of optimal technologies and types of equipment for organizing of the packaging and storage of various kinds of products or certain materials;
- to be able to compose and analyze the design and structure diagrams of machines;
- to be able to analyze the processes from the point of view of production rate and efficiency of usage of packaging machines;
- to be able to use the optimal methods of storage of packed products.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Machines and equipments of industry; Fundamentals of automation of manufacturing processes.
Co-requisites: Packaging equipment; Automation of packaging; Equipment and materials for the packaging manufacture.
Summary of the subject: Packaging equipment. Containers (packages) for products packing. Their kinds and classification. Classification of packaging equipment. Manufacturing of soft market containers with a help of filling and packing automatic machines. Types of packaging equipment. Mechanisms of film feeding and welding. Typical structure diagrams of equipment for dosing and filling of viscous (pasty) products. Equipment for dosing and filling of small-peace and peace products. Structure peculiarities of dosing and filling equipment in gaseous medium. Equipment and machines for vacuum packaging. Forming of packages on the basis of semirigid flatly folded workpiece. Equipment for hermetic sealing of glass market containers for tinned food. Equipment for hermetic sealing of metal market containers for tinned food. Equipment for labelling. Typical technological schemes of labelling machines. Equipment for multipack forming with a help of thermocontractable films. Equipment for multipack forming with a help of stretchable films.
Опис: In this course of lectures, packaging equipment, packaging packaging, its variety and classification are considered. The functional purpose of the packaging is given. Functional systems of different types are also considered, namely, rationalization, dose, protective, transport, storage, regulatory and legal and operational. The classification of packaging equipment and the influence of packaging material on the technological process is presented. Various types of packaging equipment, filing mechanisms and welding mechanisms, as well as technological features of soft consumer packaging on packaging and packaging machines are considered. The technological processes of postal packaging of products in film materials are considered, depending on the geometric parameters of products. The technologies of packaging of viscous and paste -like products and features of equipment to provide the process are considered. The technology of packaging products in soft containers is given, followed by putting it into cardboard packs. .
The general principles of creation of group packaging with the help of heat and tight materials are presented. The peculiarities of the dosage and packing of liquids, as well as packaging for these products on the basis of paper, cardboard, glass and polymeric materials are considered.
The features of storage and transportation of products are given. The factors that ensure the quality of goods, ways of prevention and reduction of losses of goods during storage are considered.
Name of topics:
1. Packaging equipment. Container for packaging products of its variety and classification
2. The functional purpose of the packaging
3. Classification of packaging equipment
4. Types of packaging equipment. Film supply and welding mechanisms
5. Technological features of production of soft consumer containers on packaging and packaging machines
6. Technological processes of postal packaging of products in film materials
7. Technology of packaging and paste -like products
8. Product packaging technology in soft packaging followed by packing cardboard
9. Product packaging technology in cardboard packaging
10. General principles for creating group packages with shrinkage films
11. Technological features of dosage and packaging of products
12. Packaging for liquid products in containers based on paper and cardboard
13. Technological features of packing liquid products in glass containers
14. Storage and transportation of products
Assessment methods and criteria: - written reports of laboratory works, oral examination, assessment task (30%); - final test (exam): written and oral form (70%).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control of lectures is carried out in order to identify the student's readiness for classes in the following forms:
Selective oral survey before starting classes
Assessment of student activity in the process of classes, proposals made, original decisions, clarifications and definitions, amendments of preliminary answers, etc.
Control questions are divided into:
a) test tasks - choose the right answers;
b) Problem - Creating Problem Situations
c) replicas-identify cause and effect;
d) situational tasks - to determine the answer according to a particular situation;
e) issues of reproductive nature - determination of practical value.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points - (“excellent”) exhibited for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies) of the educational material of the component contained in the basic and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interconnection and development clearly, concisely, logically, consistently to answer the questions posed, the ability to apply theoretical positions when solving practical problems; 87-71 points - ("good") set out in general the correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 - 50 points - ("satisfactorily") are set for weak knowledge of the educational material of the component, inaccurate or little reasoned answers, with violation of the sequence of presentation, for poor application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of re -preparation of semester control) is set out for ignorance of a large part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answers to questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re -study) is exhibited for ignorance of a large part of the educational material of the component, significant mistakes in answers to questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of basic fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Borovets VM Technology of packing and storage of packaged products: textbook / VM Borovets, OS Lanets. - Drohobych: Posvit, 2019. - 192 p.
2. Havva O.M., Bezpalko A.P., Volchko A.I. Pakuvalne obladnannia v 3 kn. -1 kn. Obladnannia dlia pakuvannia produktsii v spozhyvchu taru / Za red.. O.M. Havvy. – Kyiv: IATs «Upakovka», 2008. -436 s.
3. Hava O.M., Bespalko A.P., Volchko A.I. Pakuvalne obladnannia. Obladnannia dlia hrupovoho pakuvannia / Za red. A.I. Volchka. – Kyiv: IATs «Upakovka», 2007. 136 s.
4. Sokolenko A.I., Yarovyi V.L., Piddubnyk V.A., Vasylkivskyi K.V., M 74 Shevchenko O.Iu. Modeliuvannia protsesiv pakuvannia./ Za redaktsiieiu Sokolenka A.I./Pidruchnyk. – Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2004 – 272s.
5. Efremov N.F. Tara y ee proyzvodstvo.Ch.1. Proyzvodstvo tarы yz polymernыkh plenok y lystov.: uchebnoe posobye/. N.F. Efremov; Mosk. Hos.un-t pechaty - M.: MHUP. 2009.—341s.
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