Home/ Majors directory/Robotics and Industrial Engineering/Information Processes and Systems in Manufacturing
Information Processes and Systems in Manufacturing
Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.E.064
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Ihor Zelinskyi
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies in accordance with the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" for the First Level of Higher Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 865 of June 20, 2019):
Integral Competence (INT): The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and solve practical problems in the field of applied mechanics or in the learning process, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of mechanical engineering and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
General competences (CG):
ZK1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
ZK2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area, understanding of professional activity.
ZK3. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
ZK4. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
ZK7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
ZK9. Skills in using information and communication technologies.
ZK10. Skills of performing safe activities.
ZK12. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
ZK13. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed.
Special (professional, subject) competences (FC):
FK1. The ability to analyze materials, structures and processes based on the laws, theories and methods of mathematics and natural sciences, including – applied mechanics.
FC7. Ability to use computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM), engineering calculation (CAE) systems, and specialized application software to solve engineering problems in applied mechanics.
FC9. The ability to present the results of one's engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted norms and standards.
FC10. The ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes, based on a deep knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences.
Professional competences of a professional direction (FCS)
Professional line 1. Robotic systems and complexes
FCS1.3. The ability to use existing and the ability to develop new means of automating production processes and their management systems.
Professional line 2. Logistics systems engineering.
FCS2.9. Ability to program and debug technological equipment as part of logistics systems and complexes using the latest management tools.
Learning outcomes: PH8. Know and understand the basics of information technologies, programming, practically use specialized application software to perform engineering calculations, process information and experimental research results.
PH11. To understand the principles of operation of systems of automated control of technological equipment, in particular microprocessor ones, to choose and use optimal means of automation.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines
- Physics
- Electrical engineering and electric drive
- Electronics and microprocessor technology
Associated and subsequent academic disciplines
- Bachelor qualification work
Summary of the subject: The subject of study of the discipline is the theory and practice of using information devices, means of digital signal processing and modern microprocessor control systems for technological processes and equipment in mechanical engineering.
All information presented in the course corresponds to modern trends in the construction of control systems for various equipment
Опис: Structural diagrams of control systems. Measurements, basic concepts and terms
Characteristics of random processes.
Static and dynamic characteristics of measuring circuits
Electromechanical transducers of force, pressure, and temperature. Tensor resistance transducers. Measurement scheme.
Tensoaccelerometer. Resistive sensors.
Potentiometric transmitters in remote data transmission systems. Inductive transducers of displacements of single and differential types.
Transformer (mutually inductive) transducers. Inductive tachometer.
Inductive vibration transducers. Inductive slip sensors.
Inductive fluid flow sensors. Hall donors.
Systems with selsyn-transmitters. Magnesin angle transmission system.
Rotary transformer transducers. Linear and rotary inductors.
Magnetoelastic force transmitters.
Devices with lasers for measuring geometric quantities. Optical location range finders.
Optical sensors in information systems. Encoders.
Capacitive transmitters. Piezo transducers. Piezoelectric vibration transmitter.
Ultrasonic transducers. Radiation donors.
Electric resistance thermometers. Thermoelectric thermometers. Quartz theormometers.
Optical pyrometers. Radiation pyrometers. Photoelectric pyrometers.
Representation of analog signals in digital form using pulse-code modulation. Direct conversion ADC.
ADC with time interval code conversion. Digital phase meters. ADC balancing and combined balancing.
ADC of integrating type. Digital measuring devices with sawtooth voltage generators
Representation of analog signals in digital form using delta modulation. LDM and DIKM are encoders
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control is carried out during laboratory and practical classes in order to check the student's readiness to perform specific work and the level of assimilation of lecture material.
2. Protection of the results of laboratory work. It is conducted orally by means of a survey on the topic, method of implementation and the main results obtained during the performance of the work.
3. Protection of the results of practical works. It is conducted orally through a survey on the topic and the main results obtained during the performance of the work.
4. Examination based on the results of studying the discipline. The written component is conducted in a test form in the Virtual Primary Environment. The oral component is conducted based on the results of the written component for a more thorough assessment of knowledge.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control
laboratory 15
priactic 15
Examination control
Written component 60
Oral component 10
Total for discipline 100
Recommended books: Basic
1. Волочій, Богдан Юрійович Передавання сигналів у інформаційних системах: Навч. посіб.для підготовки студ. вузів. Ч. 1/ Б. Ю.Волочій .– Л.: Львівська політехніка, 2005.– 196 c.
2. В.О. Погрібний, І.В. Рожанківський., Ю.П. Юрченко Основи інформаційних процесів у роботизованому виробництві: / За ред.. В.О. Погрібного. – Львів: Світ, 1995. 304 с., іл..
3. Iнформацiйнi та процесорнi пристрої роботiв i систем управлiння /Учб. посiбник В.О.Погрiбний.- Київ: УМКВО, 1990-136 с.
1. Основи технології напівпровідникових матеріалів: навчальний посібник / І. В. Курило, С. К. Губа; Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2012. - 237 с.
2. Схемотехніка электронних схем: У 3 кн. Кн.3 Мікропроцесори та мікроконтролери: Підручник / В.І.Бойко, А.М.Гуржій, В.Я.Жуйков та ін. – 2-ге вид., допов. і переробл.—К.: Вища шк.., 2004.- 399 с.
3. Дмитрів В.Т., Шиманський В.М. Електроніка і мікросхемотехніка. Навчальний посібник. Львів:
Information Processes and Systems in Manufacturing (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.E.069
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Ihor Zelinskyi
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies in accordance with the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" for the First Level of Higher Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 865 of June 20, 2019):
Integral Competence (INT): The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and solve practical problems in the field of applied mechanics or in the learning process, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of mechanical engineering and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
General competences (CG):
ZK1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
ZK2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area, understanding of professional activity.
ZK3. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
ZK4. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
ZK7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
ZK9. Skills in using information and communication technologies.
ZK10. Skills of performing safe activities.
ZK12. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
ZK13. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed.
Special (professional, subject) competences (FC):
FK1. The ability to analyze materials, structures and processes based on the laws, theories and methods of mathematics and natural sciences, including – applied mechanics.
FC7. Ability to use computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM), engineering calculation (CAE) systems, and specialized application software to solve engineering problems in applied mechanics.
FC9. The ability to present the results of one's engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted norms and standards.
FC10. The ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes, based on a deep knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences.
Professional competences of a professional direction (FCS)
Professional line 1. Robotic systems and complexes
FCS1.3. The ability to use existing and the ability to develop new means of automating production processes and their management systems.
Professional line 2. Logistics systems engineering.
FCS2.9. Ability to program and debug technological equipment as part of logistics systems and complexes using the latest management tools.
Learning outcomes: PH8. Know and understand the basics of information technologies, programming, practically use specialized application software to perform engineering calculations, process information and experimental research results.
PH11. To understand the principles of operation of systems of automated control of technological equipment, in particular microprocessor ones, to choose and use optimal means of automation.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines
- Physics
- Electrical engineering and electric drive
- Electronics and microprocessor technology
Associated and subsequent academic disciplines
- Bachelor qualification work
Summary of the subject: The subject of study of the discipline is the theory and practice of using information devices, means of digital signal processing and modern microprocessor control systems for technological processes and equipment in mechanical engineering.
All information presented in the course corresponds to modern trends in the construction of control systems for various equipment
Опис: Structural diagrams of control systems. Measurements, basic concepts and terms
Characteristics of random processes.
Static and dynamic characteristics of measuring circuits
Electromechanical transducers of force, pressure, and temperature. Tensor resistance transducers. Measurement scheme.
Tensoaccelerometer. Resistive sensors.
Potentiometric transmitters in remote data transmission systems. Inductive transducers of displacements of single and differential types.
Transformer (mutually inductive) transducers. Inductive tachometer.
Inductive vibration transducers. Inductive slip sensors.
Inductive fluid flow sensors. Hall donors.
Systems with selsyn-transmitters. Magnesin angle transmission system.
Rotary transformer transducers. Linear and rotary inductors.
Magnetoelastic force transmitters.
Devices with lasers for measuring geometric quantities. Optical location range finders.
Optical sensors in information systems. Encoders.
Capacitive transmitters. Piezo transducers. Piezoelectric vibration transmitter.
Ultrasonic transducers. Radiation donors.
Electric resistance thermometers. Thermoelectric thermometers. Quartz theormometers.
Optical pyrometers. Radiation pyrometers. Photoelectric pyrometers.
Representation of analog signals in digital form using pulse-code modulation. Direct conversion ADC.
ADC with time interval code conversion. Digital phase meters. ADC balancing and combined balancing.
ADC of integrating type. Digital measuring devices with sawtooth voltage generators
Representation of analog signals in digital form using delta modulation. LDM and DIKM are encoders
Assessment methods and criteria: Protection of term paper. It is conducted orally, through a short presentation by the student of the results obtained in the course of the work.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Oral component 100
Recommended books: Basic
1. Волочій, Богдан Юрійович Передавання сигналів у інформаційних системах: Навч. посіб.для підготовки студ. вузів. Ч. 1/ Б. Ю.Волочій .– Л.: Львівська політехніка, 2005.– 196 c.
2. В.О. Погрібний, І.В. Рожанківський., Ю.П. Юрченко Основи інформаційних процесів у роботизованому виробництві: / За ред.. В.О. Погрібного. – Львів: Світ, 1995. 304 с., іл..
3. Iнформацiйнi та процесорнi пристрої роботiв i систем управлiння /Учб. посiбник В.О.Погрiбний.- Київ: УМКВО, 1990-136 с.
1. Основи технології напівпровідникових матеріалів: навчальний посібник / І. В. Курило, С. К. Губа; Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2012. - 237 с.
2. Схемотехніка электронних схем: У 3 кн. Кн.3 Мікропроцесори та мікроконтролери: Підручник / В.І.Бойко, А.М.Гуржій, В.Я.Жуйков та ін. – 2-ге вид., допов. і переробл.—К.: Вища шк.., 2004.- 399 с.
3. Дмитрів В.Т., Шиманський В.М. Електроніка і мікросхемотехніка. Навчальний посібник. Львів: