Equipment and Progressive Methods of Formation| of Details

Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.E.079
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Novitskyi Y.Y.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline "Equipment and progressive methods of molding parts" is to provide students with knowledge of modern highly effective methods of processing structural materials and to acquire practical skills for working with electrophysical and electrochemical processing equipment and generative molding technology
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation and development of students' competencies in accordance with the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 131 Applied Mechanics for the first level of higher education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 865 dated June 20, 2019): General competencies (GC): GC2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area, understanding of professional activities. GC3. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems. GC4. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. GC6. Determination and perseverance in tasks and responsibilities. GC7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge. GC10. Skills to carry out safe activities. GC12. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. GC13. Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed. Special (professional, subject) competencies (PC): PC1. Ability to analyze materials, structures and processes based on the laws, theories and methods of mathematics and natural sciences, including applied mechanics. PC2. Ability to evaluate the performance parameters of materials, structures and machines in operating conditions and find appropriate solutions to ensure a given level of reliability of structures and processes, including in the presence of some uncertainty. PC4. Ability to make the optimal choice of technological equipment, complete set of technical complexes, have a basic understanding of the rules of their operation. PC10. Ability to describe and classify a wide range of technical objects and processes based on a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic mechanical theories and practices, as well as basic knowledge of related sciences.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes LO1. Select and apply suitable mathematical methods to solve problems of applied mechanics. LO2. To use knowledge of the theoretical foundations of mechanics of solids, liquids and gases, heat engineering, electronics and electrical engineering to solve professional problems. LO9. To know and understand related fields and be able to identify interdisciplinary links of applied mechanics at the level necessary to fulfill other requirements of the educational program. LO14. To make the optimal choice of basic technological equipment and complete technical complexes. LO16.Communicate fluently on professional issues orally and in writing in the state and foreign language, including knowledge of special terminology and interpersonal skills.
Required prior and related subjects: mechanical engineering technology, interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements, machine parts, technological fundamentals of mechanical engineering. diploma design in mechanical engineering technology
Summary of the subject: As a result of studying the discipline, the specialist should know: development of technological processes for the manufacture of products of electrophysical and electrochemical processing, design of tools, equipment and accessories for the effective implementation of such technologies. A trained specialist should be able to: design technological processes for processing workpieces on individual machines
Опис: 1. Introduction. Classification of modern highly effective methods of processing structural materials. The content and meaning of the discipline "Equipment and progressive methods of forming parts" (OPMFD). The relevance of studying the discipline. Classification of highly effective methods of processing structural materials. Advantages and disadvantages. Stages of development of highly effective methods of processing structural materials. 2. Electrodischarge processing of materials. Basic information about the theory of electric discharge processing. Physical basis of electrical erosion. Thermal processes on electrodes. General description of the process. Palatnyk phase transformation criterion as an indicator of electroerosion resistance of materials. 3. Electroerosion processing of materials. Features of the EDM process. Technological indicators of electroerosion processing. Productivity, accuracy and surface quality. Designing technological processes of electroerosion processing. Design, calculation and manufacture of an electrode tool. Electroerosion equipment. Technology of stitching holes. Contour processing of curved surfaces during EDM. Thermal strengthening of the surfaces of parts during electroerosion processing. 4. Electrocontact and abrasive-erosion processing of parts. Features of the electrocontact processing process. Equipment and tools. Processing modes. Typical operations of electrical contact processing. Basic schemes of abrasive-erosion processing. Advantages and disadvantages of methods in comparison with traditional processing methods. 5. Electrochemical processing of materials Electrochemical mechanical and electrochemical hydraulic processing. Phenomenon of hydrolysis and electrolysis. Methods of removing anodic dissolution products. The phenomenon of passivation and methods of its avoidance. Selection of electrolyte. Materials of the electrode tool and electrolyte during ECHO. ECHO equipment. Features of the functioning of technological equipment. Accuracy, quality and productivity of processing. Design of ECHO technological processes. Design and calculation of the electrode tool. Typical technological operations of ECHO 6 Ultrasonic processing of materials. The process of ultrasonic dimensional processing. Processing scheme. The phenomenon of magnetostriction. Advantages and disadvantages of the method. Accuracy, quality and productivity of the process. Modernization of traditional methods of processing structural materials. Processing schemes. Design of technological processes of ultrasonic processing of materials. 7. Radiation methods of processing materials. Classification of beam processing methods. Laser processing (LP) of materials. Physical foundations of LP. Radiation generators. Processing schemes. Accuracy, performance and quality of LP. Equipment for LP. Typical technological operations of 8. Hydroabrasive processing of materials. Classification of hydraulic and hydroabrasive methods (HAM) of material processing. Fluid pressure generators at Physical foundations of layer-by-layer build-up of materials from liquid, solid and gaseous phases. 3D CAD modeling and creation of an electronic model of a multilayer product. Classification and features of the technology of the main generative methods of materializing 3D CAD models of products (laser stereolithography, modeling by melting, deposition from the gas phase, 3D Printing, hybrid technologies of layer-by-layer build-up).
Assessment methods and criteria: Diagnostics of students' knowledge based on the results of the discipline is carried out as follows. 1. Defense of the results of practical work and tests. It is conducted orally by questioning on the topic, methodology and main results obtained during the work. 2. Defense of the results of calculation and graphic work. It is conducted orally by questioning on the topic, methodology and main results obtained during the work. The maximum number of points is 20. 3. Credit control on the results of studying the discipline. The written component consists of three-level theoretical tasks and is conducted in test form in the Virtual Learning Environment. The oral component is based on the results of the written component for a more thorough assessment of knowledge
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control. The current score is formed on the basis of the defense of reports for practical, laboratory and calculation-graphic works in oral form by questioning theoretical material on the methodology and results of research. The maximum possible number of points for the current control is 30 points. Credit control. Semester control is realized by solving tasks of the third level. Tasks of the first level of complexity (provide control of knowledge approximately on the verge of "unsatisfactory-satisfactory" and are evaluated by the same number of points: 3 points - correct answer, 0 points - incorrect answer. The maximum possible number of points in case of providing correct answers to all questions of the task of the first level of difficulty is 15 points. The tasks of the second level of difficulty provide control of knowledge on the verge of "satisfactory-good" and are evaluated in the range of 0 ... 10 points, depending on the accuracy, conciseness and completeness of the question posed in the task. The maximum possible number of points in case of providing correct answers to all questions of the task of the second level of difficulty is 20 points. The task of the third level of difficulty provides control of knowledge on the verge of "good-excellent" and is evaluated in the range of 0 ... 15 points, depending on the logic and sequence of solving the problem, completeness of explanation, providing the necessary diagrams and the ability to use reference literature. The maximum possible number of points for a correct answer is 15 points. The maximum possible number of points for the semester control is 60 points. Oral component The oral component, which is assessed at 10 points, is introduced to provide students with the opportunity to supplement the answer to the controversial tasks of the semester control and improve their overall grade.
Recommended books: Educational and methodological support 1. Methodical instructions for practical work "Designing of the technological operation of ultrasonic processing" Compiler Stupnytskyi V.V. - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2011, 9 p. 2. Methodical instructions for practical work "Designing a technological operation of laser processing of materials" Compiled by V. Stupnytskyi - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018, 11 p. 3. Methodical instructions for laboratory (practical) work "Design of technological operation of electrical discharge machining on electrical discharge piercing machine model 183" Compiler Stupnytskyi V.V. - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012, 13 p. Recommended literature 1. Stupnytskyi V.V. Equipment and progressive methods of forming products / Stupnytskyi V.V., Hrytsai I.E., Slipchuk A.M. // Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House - 2012. 360 p. 2. Kovalenko VS. Electrophysical and electrochemical methods of material processing: K., Higher School, 2016, 222 p. 3. Non-traditional methods of mechanical processing of materials: lecture notes / compiled by: B.A. Stupin, O.V. Ivchenko, O.D. Dynnyk, R.M. Zinchenko - Sumy: Sumy State University, 2016. 149 p.. Auxiliary. 1. Lecture notes on the discipline "Equipment and advanced methods of forming parts" // Compiler Stupnytskyi V.V. - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014, 86 p. 2. Integrated generative technologies: a textbook / A.I. Grabchenko, Y.N. Vnukov, V.L. Dobrovskok [et al. - Kharkiv: NTU "KHPI", 2011. - 416 с. 9. Information resources Electronic educational and methodical complex "Equipment and advanced methods of parts forming" in the VNS of Lviv Polytechnic National University