CAD of Cuttings Instruments of Equipment and Technological Processes

Major: Robotics and Industrial Engineering
Code of subject: 6.131.07.E.092
Credits: 4.50
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Yurchyshyn Ihor
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Providing students with knowledges on the use of basic systems of automated designing and applied specialized graphic systems of CAD-systems in order to acquire skills in automating the technological preparation of the production of a modern machine-building enterprise.
Завдання: General competencies. GC1. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. GC2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area, understanding of professional activity. GC3. Ability to identify, pose and solve problems. GC4. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. GC6. Determination and persistence in relation to assigned tasks and assumed responsibilities. GC7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge. GC9. Skills in using information and communication technologies. GC12. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. GC13. The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed. Special (professional, subject) competences. SC6. Ability to perform technical measurements, obtain, analyze and critically evaluate measurement results. SC7. Ability to use computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM), engineering calculation (CAE) systems, and specialized application software to solve engineering problems in applied mechanics. SC8. Ability to think spatially and reproduce spatial objects, structures and mechanisms in the form of projection drawings and three-dimensional geometric models. SC9. The ability to present the results of one's engineering activities in compliance with generally accepted norms and standards. Special (professional, subject) competencies of a professional direction. PSC6. The ability to design all types of metalworking tools and other means of technological equipment, technological processing processes using modern software products for automated design and computer engineering. PSC3.8. Ability to program numerical software control systems of automated technological equipment.
Learning outcomes: General learning outcomes. LO8. Know and understand the basics of information technologies, programming, practical use of applied software to perform engineering calculations, information processing and experimental research results. LO12. Have the proffesional skills in the practical use of computer-aided design (CAD), production preparation (CAM) and engineering research (CAE). LO16. Communicate freely on professional matters orally and in writing in the national and foreign languages, including knowledge of special terminology and interpersonal communication skills. Learning outcomes (professional line «Mechanical Engineering Technology»). PLO3.2. To know the basic principles, tasks and requirements for the technological preparation of production, the basic regularities of building highly efficient technological processes of mechanical processing of machine parts, to be able to synthesize the technological processes of manufacturing products according to technical and economic indicators. PLO3.7. To understand the basics of the CAD methodology for the construction of cutting tools, equipment and technological processes, to be able to design and construct the means of technological equipment and draw up appropriate sets of design documentation using specialized CAD, to know and understand the possibilities and features of automating the design and technological preparation of the production of a mechanical processing enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous educational courses. Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics. Computer-Aided Design. Technology of Manufacturing Machine Parts. Programming of CNC Technological Equipment. Designing and Technology of Manufacturing Metal-Cutting Instruments. Technological Equipping. Concomitant and next educational courses. Bachelor Thesis Completion.
Summary of the subject: The educational course is intended for familiarization with the basic methods of solving the problems of technological preparation of a modern machine-building enterprise with the help of CAD of a design and technological nature, as well as with the basics of the methodology of CAD construction of cutting tools, equipment and technological processes.
Опис: 1. Introduction. Objectives and content of the course. Concepts (Computer Aided Design, CAD) in engineering. Basic concepts. History. Features and trends of industrial CAD/CAE/CAPP/CAM-systems. The tasks and content of courses). 2. Basics of methodology of CAD metal-cutting instruments, equipment and technological processes (Tasks of design automation. Basic requirements for CAD and means of implementation. Levels of design work automation in the CAD. The typical structure of software and information and linguistic support CAD. Typical computational processes in CAD. Classification CAD software. Software-methodical complexes CAD. Technological processing in CAD. Requirements for facilities design in CAD). 3. CAD on the modern enterprise (Main stages of design. Place CAD at modern machine-building enterprise. The main developers of software used in Ukraine engineering). 4. Computer-aided design of production preparation (Background. Modern integrated business process automation pre-production design, purpose, main features. Overview of the major MCAD-systems used in machine-building enterprises of Ukraine). 5. Vectoring and processing of scanned images. 6. Engineering analysis and calculations. 7. Automation of technological preparation of production (Technological problems for computer design. Modern integrated business process automation of technological preparation of production: purpose, main features. Systems creation of programs for processing on CNC machines. Technological programming machining processes. Automation of formation cutting cards and creation of programs for equipment, mechanical, thermal, laser cutting and guillotine. Adaptation CNC machine tools to modern conditions IT. Overview of the major classes of CAPP and CAM, which are used in Ukraine). 8. Integrated automation systems of manufacturing processes (Tasks of integrated production process automation systems (MES). The main functions of MES-systems. MES-systems as the core of enterprise integration. The main advantages of MES-systems. MES or ERP? Examples of MES-systems that work at machine-building enterprises of Ukraine).
Assessment methods and criteria: Defense of Lab classes results (is occurring an orally). Defense of calculation and graphic work results (is occurring an orally). Exam on course completion (the written component is composed of three-level theoretical tasks; an oral component is made on the results of written components for thorough evaluation of knowledge).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control. The current score is formed on the basis of the defense of reports for laboratory class and calculation and graphic work in oral form by surveying the theoretical material according to the methodology and research results. The maximum possible number of points for the current control is 30 points (lab classes - 20 points and calculation and graphic work - 10 points). Semester control is implemented by solving tests, which consists of tasks of 3 levels. The maximum possible number of points for the test is 60 points. Oral component, which is valued at 10 points, is introduced to give students the opportunity to supplement the answer to the controversial tasks of the semester control and improve their overall grade.
Recommended books: 1. Юрчишин І.І. Конспект лекцій з дисципліни “Системи автоматизованого проектування різальних інструментів, оснащення та технологічних процесів, 2022. 2. Основи роботи в системі просторового тривимірного моделювання. Guidance for laboratory class №1 of the course "CAD of Cuttings Instruments, Equipping and Technological Processes" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2022. 3. Розроблення й оформлення креслярської документації за допомогою конструкторських САПР. Guidance for laboratory class №2 of the course "CAD of Cuttings Instruments, Equipping and Technological Processes" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2022. 4. Основи параметризації в конструкторських САПР. Guidance for laboratory class №3 of the course "CAD of Cuttings Instruments, Equipping and Technological Processes" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2022. 5. Складання керуючої програми циклу роботи токарного РТК. Guidance for laboratory class №4 of the course "CAD of Cuttings Instruments, Equipping and Technological Processes" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak J. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2022. 6. Розроблення керуючої програми для оброблення деталей на фрезерному верстаті з ЧПК. Guidance for calculation and graphic work of the course "CAD of Cuttings Instruments, Equipping and Technological Processes" by students specialty 131 "Applied Mechanics" all education forms / Compiled by Yurchyshyn I., Lytvynyak J., Novitskyi Y. – Lviv: “Львівська політехніка”, 2019. - 36 p. 7. Electronic educational and methodological complex "CAD of Cuttings Instruments, Equipping and Technological Processes" in the Virtual educational environment of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" / Developer: Ihor Yurchyshyn.