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Theory of Metal-Work Distruction.
Major: Welding Technologies and Equipment
Code of subject: 7.131.05.O.003
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding
Lecturer: Nazar Ihor
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: General:
1. Ability to evaluate activities in terms of professional and civil safety, environmental protection (GC8).
1. Ability to abstract thinking, generalization, analysis, systematization, synthesis and forecasting (PC1);
2. Ability to speak and use a foreign language in the professional field (PC4);
3. Ability to acquire and constantly supplement basic knowledge of the basic sciences to the extent necessary for the development of modern general professional and professionally oriented disciplines (PC7);
4. Ability to understand and take into account social, environmental, ethical, economic aspects that affect the formation of current and future decisions (PC11);
5. Ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, analyze and summarize external and internal management information for planning, organizing, motivating, controlling employees and departments of enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering, welding and related processes (PC12);
6. Ability to apply modern methods and means of determining the performance characteristics and residual life of structures, equipment, choose methods and means of measurement, participate in the organization of diagnostics of processes and structures, equipment, tools and control systems of mechanical engineering and welding production (PC16);
7. Ability to search for optimal solutions in the design, control, technical diagnostics, creation of products, development of technologies of their elements, selection of hardware and software tools and systems, taking into account the requirements of quality, cost, deadlines, professional and civil safety, ecology (PCC10);
8. Ability to solve the problems of mechanics of deformable bodies with cracks under the influence of given loads and temperature fields for real structural elements (PCS14);
9. Ability to estimate the residual life and predict the reliability of welded structures based on the results of non-destructive testing (PCS17);
10. Ability to understand the fundamental problems of brittle and ductile fracture mechanics of materials, to analyze physical concepts and computational models of crack initiation and propagation in deformable bodies (PCC18).
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes:
1. Principles of planning and organization of innovation activities; methods of feasibility study for the implementation of scientific, technical, technological, design projects at the enterprise;
2. Patterns of wear and destruction of parts; basics of mathematical modeling of failure processes of parts and machines; features of modern technological methods of increasing the durability and reliability of products;
3. Methods and techniques of mathematical modeling of processes in technological systems, welding and restoration processes, the functioning of tools, tooling and equipment in the manufacture of products in mechanical engineering, construction of mathematical models, their analysis, evaluation and application to optimize the technological support of production processes in the manufacture of products in mechanical engineering;
4. Perform a reasonable choice of optimal parameters, make calculations in the design of technological equipment and transport systems for the manufacture of products at machine-building enterprises.
Required prior and related subjects: Resistance of materials. Construction and repair of main pipelines. Materials science. Study of physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of welded joints. Physics
Summary of the subject: During the study of this discipline, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge of calculating the strength and durability of welded structures with crack-like defects. The concepts of fracture of welded structural elements under static, cyclic, and dynamic loads are discussed in detail.
Опис: Introduction to the mechanics of fracture of solids. The main tasks of fracture mechanics.
Types of defects in solids. Dislocations and dislocation mechanisms of crack formation.
Concentration of stresses. Kirsch's problem.
Stress distribution near an elliptical cutout. Stress distribution in and around a spherical cavity. Lame's problem.
Fracture mechanics criteria. Energy criteria. Force criteria. Deformation criteria.
Fracture theory of Alan Griffiths. Irwin's correction for the plastic zone in front of the crack tip.
Stress concentration coefficients in welded joints with butt and corner seams.
General concepts and basic definitions of material fatigue.
Load variability and its main characteristics. Hard and soft load cycles.
Construction of the fatigue curve. Weller's curve.
Kinetic diagram of fatigue failure of materials. Principles of construction of FEA.
Complex stress state.
Influence of factors caused by welding on the fatigue resistance of materials.
Determination of cyclic crack resistance of welded joints.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods are used to diagnose students' knowledge:
1. Defense of reports for laboratory work in oral form by questioning theoretical material on the topic of work and research methods.
2. Conducting a written exam based on the results of the discipline, which consists of three-level theoretical and practical tasks.
3. Conducting an oral component based on the results of the exam, the questions of which are based on the content of practical tasks.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Defense of reports for laboratory work in oral form by questioning theoretical material on the topic of work and research methods
(30 points);
Exam and oral component - 70 points.
Recommended books: 1. Panasyuk V.V. Methods for assessing the crack resistance of structural materials / V.V. Panasyuk, A.E. Andreikiv, S.E. Kovchik. - Kyiv: Nauk. dumka, 1977 -277 p.
2. Panasyuk V.V. Fundamentals of mechanics of fracture of materials / V.V. Panasyuk, A.E. Andreikiv, V.Z. Parton - Kyiv: Nauk. dumka, 1988.- 488 p.
3. Experimental mechanics of materials. Part 1 / O.E. Andreikiv, S.T. Shtaiura - Lviv: LNU, 2003 - 274 p.
Theory of Metal-Work Distruction. (курсова робота)
Major: Welding Technologies and Equipment
Code of subject: 7.131.05.O.006
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна