Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Management
Code of subject: 7.073.00.O.027
Credits: 1.50
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Management
Code of subject: 7.073.00.O.028
Credits: 1.50
Department: Management and International Business
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Management
Code of subject: 7.073.00.O.029
Credits: 1.50
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Examination Board: The chief of E.C.: Maziy Nataliia Members of E.C.: Oleh Karyy Yosyf Petrovych Ihor Novakivskyi Liubov Halkiv Secretary of E.C.: Ohinok Solomiya
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: .
Завдання: .
Learning outcomes: • ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of scientific research methodology and tools; • ability to demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to organizational management and administration (by economic activity), principles, laws, technologies, methods of organization management, decision-making, leadership and management styles, conflict resolution features in the process of solving problems in professional activity; • ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economics to effectively manage entities in a market economy; • ability to disclose the nature of the socio - economic phenomena and processes of business organizations, to assess the impact on economic processes of external factors, trends in the global economy, to have a holistic view of the development system of the organization, to analyse and use historical experience in solving actual problems of the national economy; • ability to communicate in native and foreign language with broad professional community and the public in oral and writing forms;
Required prior and related subjects: The master’s program accomplished and successfully passed semester control measures of master’s preparation education program for this specialization. prerequisites: Successfully passed state exam on specialization
Summary of the subject: Annotation. Introduction (importance of the subject; the purpose, object and subject of research; research methods; scientific novelty elements; practical significance). Research and Analysis chapter. Projected and recommendation chapter. Conclusions. References. Applications.
Опис: .
Assessment methods and criteria: public defense of master’s qualification work in front of the examination board (100%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: .
Recommended books: 1. Ефективність стратегічного управління підприємствами: сучасні проблеми та перспективи їх вирішення: монографія / В.П. Мікловда, І.Г. Брітченко, Н.Ю. Кубіній, Ю.О. Дідович - Полтава: ПУЕТ, 2013. - 218 с. 2. Ковалев В. В. Финансовый менеджмент: теория и практика / В. В. Ковалев. – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М. : Проспект, 2013. – 1094 с. 3. Brigham, E. F. Financial Management: Theory and Practice: 13th Edition / Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt. – USA : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. - 1152 р. 4. Управління проектами: процеси планування проектних дій [Текст]: підручник / І.В. Чумаченко, В.В. Морозов, Н.В. Доценко, А.М. Чередниченко. – К.: Університет економіки та права «КРОК», 2014. – 673 с. 5. Фесенко Т.Г. Управління проектами: теорія та практика виконання проектних дій: навч. посібник / Т.Г. Фесенко. – Харків: ХНАМГ, 2012. – 181 с.

Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Management
Code of subject: 7.073.00.O.026
Credits: 1.50
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Olha H. Melnyk
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: To determine the level of a student's preparedness for solving a complex of scientific and applied problems in accordance with a generalized object of activity based on the application of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the entire period of study. The defense of the master's qualification work provides: systematization, consolidation, expansion and application of the student's knowledge in the performance of specific research and applied tasks; development of independent work skills; mastering the research methodology in solving scientific and applied problems.
Завдання: The defense of the master's qualification work provides for the formation and development of the following competencies among students: - integral: The ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the field of management or in the learning process, involving research and/or innovation under uncertain conditions and requirements. - general: GC2. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other branches of knowledge/types of economic activity); GC3. Skills in the use of information and communication technologies; GC6. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity). - special: SC5. Ability to create and organize effective communications in the management process.
Learning outcomes: • In-depth knowledge of theoretical and methodological, methodical and applied principles of specific management or economic sphere of enterprises. • In-depth knowledge of domestic and international experience in specific management or economic sphere of enterprises. • In-depth knowledge of normative and legal support of specific management or economic sphere of enterprises. • Ability to perform the analysis of enterprise’s activity on the basis of development of the general characteristics of enterprise’s production and commercial activities and its management system, diagnozing the enterprise’s production, commercial and foreign economic activities, analyzing the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise, identification and grounding the problems in specific management or economic sphere of enterprise. • Ability to research the influence factors, retrospective and perspective tendencies of development of the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise. • Ability to develop the constructive measures for improving the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise on the basis of grounding the adequate complex measure and developing its complex characteristics, preparing the technological and organizational support for the complex measure, forming the financial and economic grounding of the complex measure for improving the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: The analysis of enterprise - the research object: general characteristics of enterprise’s activity, characteristics of management system, diagnozing the enterprise’s production and commercial activities, analyzing the enterprise’s foreign economic activity, analyzing the research management or economic sphere of enterprise, identification and grounding the problems in research management or economic sphere at enterprise. Research of the influence factors, retrospective and perspective tendencies of development of the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise. Development of measures for improving the research management or economic sphere at enterprise: grounding and characteristics of the complex measure for improving the specific management or economic sphere of enterprise, preparing the technological and organizational support for the complex measure, financial and economic grounding of the complex measure for improving the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise.
Опис: Title page, tasks for the master's qualification work, extended abstracts in Ukrainian and English, table of contents, introduction, theoretical section, analytical section, recommendation section, conclusions, list of used sources, appendices (if necessary), illustrative material.
Assessment methods and criteria: Examination control (100 points). The master's qualification work should be characterized by logic, evidence, argumentation and meet the following requirements: • contain an in-depth analysis of the researched tasks; • contain calculations made using modern software; • contain well-founded proposals for improving certain areas of the object's marketing activity, based on the materials of which the bachelor's qualification work is being performed; • have proper registration; • have all the necessary accompanying documents.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The masters's qualification work is evaluated by the supervisor and the reviewer
Recommended books: 1. Дипломна кваліфікаційна робота (ОР «магістр»): метод. вказівки до дипломної магістерської роботи зі спеціальності 8.03060104 «Менеджмент зовнішньоекономічної діяльності» для студентів усіх форм навчання / укл. О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник, Ю.Л. Чиркова, М.Є. Адамів, А.В. Тодощук. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 72 с. 2. Кузьмін О.Є. Теоретичні та прикладні засади менеджменту: [навч. посібн.] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – 3-є вид. доп. і перероб. – Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», «Інтелект-Захід», 2007. – 384 с. 3. Кузьмін О.Є. Економічна діагностика: [навч. посіб.] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – К.: Знання, 2012. – 318 с. 4. Бюджетування зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: [навч. посібник] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник, О.В. Мукан, М.Є. Адамів, А.В. Тодощук. – Львів: Видавництво «Растр-7», 2014. – 242 с.