Economic Analysis

Major: Economics
Code of subject: 6.051.00.O.64
Credits: 4.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Associate Professor Zagoretska Olena Yaroslavivna
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student should be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - solve analytical problems using progressive methods and techniques of economic analysis; - analyze the production and sale of products, costs and cost of the enterprise, use of labor, material resources and long-term assets of the enterprise, its financial condition and financial results; - use accounting and statistical forms of reporting when solving practical problems; - draw up analytical tables, find out cause-and-effect relationships between individual processes and draw analytical conclusions, as well as use these data to make management decisions; - analyze financial statements and use the results of the analysis to make effective management decisions; - research, evaluate and mobilize identified reserves; - to develop measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise; - evaluate and analyze the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products.
Required prior and related subjects: Financial environment and financial activity of business entities Information systems and technologies at the enterprise Justification of business decisions and risk assessment Planning and control of the activities of economic entities
Summary of the subject: Subject, object and tasks of economic analysis. Types of analysis and its information support. Method and methodological techniques of economic analysis. Analysis of production. Analysis of labor resources of the enterprise. Analysis of the company's fixed assets. Analysis of production costs and production costs. Analysis of financial results and financial condition of the enterprise. Methodology of complex economic analysis and its structural elements.
Assessment methods and criteria: • solving tasks, oral questioning, benchmarking (30%) • final control (70%, control measure, exam): writing-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Enterprise economics: education. Guide / V.V. Kozik, O.Yu. Yemelyanov, O.Ya. Zagoretska, V.M. Melnyk, O.I. Hudz– Lviv: Prostir-M Publishing House, 2017. – 406 p. 2. Kindratska G. I., Zagorodniy A. G., Kulinyak Yu. I. Analysis of economic activity: a textbook. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2019. 320 p. 3. Kindratska G. I., Zagorodniy A. G., Kulinyak Yu. I. Analysis of economic activity: workshop. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2018. 156 p. 4. Economic analysis: teaching. manual / E. P. Kozhanova and others. Kharkiv: VD "INZHEK", 2017. 344 p. 5. Kovalchuk T. M. Theory of economic analysis: teaching method. manual Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2016. 392 c. 6. Kozak I. I. Economic analysis: teaching. manual Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2016. 217 p. 7. Nepochatenko O. O. Theory of economic analysis: academic. manual Kyiv: TsUL, 2020. 272 ??p. 8. Basics of economic analysis: teaching method. manual / V. M. Mykytyuk et al. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2018. 440 p. 9. Petryaeva 3. F., Khmelenko G. G. Organization and methodology of economic analysis: teaching-method. manual for self studied disciplines Kharkiv: KHNU, 2016. 236 p. 10. Simenko I.V. Analysis of economic activity: teaching. manual Kyiv: TsUL, 2017. 384 p.