Professional Practical Training

Major: Environmental Protection Technology
Code of subject: 6.183.00.O.73
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity
Lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Ivanovych Mokry
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program competencies: ability to substantiate, select, calculate, design, modify, prepare for work and use modern machinery and equipment for protection and rational use of air and water environments, land resources, waste management; ability to conduct observations and instrumental and laboratory control of the environment, the impact of external factors, with sampling (sampling) of natural components .. Program results: be able to use information technology and communication networks for environmental tasks; substantiate environmental technologies based on the understanding of the mechanisms of human impact on the environment and the processes occurring in it; be able to develop projects on environmental activities and manage complex actions for their implementation.
Required prior and related subjects: Ecological safety of production technology Technologies for the protection of protected areas Ecological safety Economics of nature management Standardization of anthropogenic load on the environment Environmental legislation and environmental law Engineering methods of environmental protection Environmental monitoring Fundamentals of labor protection and life safety Ecology of urban systems
Summary of the subject: Industrial practice is a practical stage of studying disciplines and is an important job to perform a bachelor's degree. The practice involves the expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of environmental technologies, their application in solving applied problems defined by the bachelor's degree program, consolidation of experience and direct practical preparation for independent highly effective work in the specialty; collection of materials for bachelor's work.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control, oral examination - (30%); Final control (control measure, credit): written form - (70%).
Recommended books: Petrushka I.M., Kret, K.I. Petrushka, A.S. Zaverbny, Z.S. Lyulchak, “Energy efficiency and energy saving: economic, technical-technological, and ecological aspects: a collective monograph. , V. Ya. Bunko, M.S. Malovany, O.A. Nagursky. - Poltava: PP "Astraya", 2019. - 603 p. 2. Chaika O.G. Zapovidna sprava: navchalnyi posibnyk / O.G. Chaika, V.I. Mokryi. - Lviv: "Lviv Polytechnic", 2017. - 144 p. 3. Kapustyanik VB Applied spectroscopy: textbook. way. / В.Б. Kapustyanyk, VI Wet. - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Center, 2009. - 320 p.