Ecological Control

Major: Environmental Control and Audit
Code of subject: 7.101.02.E.018
Credits: 6.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor Liuta Oksana
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program Competencies: • Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of nature in professional activity or learning, involving research and / or innovation and characterized by complex and uncertain conditions and requirements. • The ability to recognize environmental violations. Learning Outcomes: • Assess environmental risks in the face of insufficient information and conflicting demands, and analyze the impact of anthropogenic influences on the environment.
Required prior and related subjects: • Rational nature management and resource conservation • Standardization and Prognostication of Industrial Pollution Emissions • Environmental inspection, • Legislation of Ukraine in the field of environmental management.
Summary of the subject: Theoretical and applied aspects of environmental control. The purpose and procedure of environmental control. Basic requirements for the organization of environmental control work. Types of liability for violations of environmental legislation. Application of measures to influence violations of environmental legislation. Documentation of the implementation of environmental controls. Implementation of state control over the protection and rational use of natural resources. Implementation of state control over the protection and rational use of the subsoil. Implementation of state control over the use and protection of land. Implementation of state control over the generation, disposal and use of waste. Implementation of state control over hazardous waste management. Implementation of state control in the field of protection, use and reproduction of forests and other plant resources. Implementation of state control in the field of protection, use and reproduction of wildlife. Implementation of state control over the state of the conservation fund. Environmental control at the state border.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Actual control - 30 points • Examination control: 1. written part - 60 points 2. oral part - 10 points.
Recommended books: 1. Костров М.М., Сівак В.К., Солодкий В.Д. Державний екологічний контроль, Чернівці, Зелена Буковина, 2006 – 386с. 2. Костров М.М., БондарО.І., Солодкий В.Д. Помічник екологічного інспектора.– Київ, ДЕА, 2009. 3. Коренчук А.М., Солодкий В.Д. Збірник методичних рекомендацій про державний контроль за дотриманням вимог екологічного законодавства, - Чернівці., Зелена Буковина,1996.

Ecological Control (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Environmental Control and Audit
Code of subject: 7.101.02.E.019
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor Liuta Oksana
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Program Competencies: • Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of nature in professional activity or learning, involving research and / or innovation, characterized by complex and uncertain conditions and requirements; • Ability to determine the amount of economic losses due to environmental pollution and its compensation. Learning Outcomes: • Be able to assess the prospects for the implementation of the project of economic activity, taking into account the economic priorities of regional development and the dynamic adaptation (self-restoration) of the ecosystem to anthropogenic pressures.
Required prior and related subjects: • Rational nature management and resource conservation • Standardization and Prognostication of Industrial Pollution Emissions • Environmental inspection, • Legislation of Ukraine in the field of environmental management.
Summary of the subject: The order of registration of inspection files, instructions, protocols and decisions on violations. Calculation of the amount of damage caused to the state by pollution of surface waters, selfish use of water, and excessive wastewater discharges. Calculating the amount of penalties and damages caused by air pollution. Calculation of the amount of damage caused by pollution and clogging of soil resources. Calculation of the amount of compensation for damage caused by violation of environmental legislation in the territories and objects of the Nature Protection Fund of Ukraine.
Assessment methods and criteria: • final control (oral defence of course project) : 100 points
Recommended books: 1. Костров М.М., Сівак В.К., Солодкий В.Д., Державний екологічний контроль, Чернівці, Зелена Буковина, 2006– 386с. 2. Костров М.М., Бондар О.І., Солодкий В.Д. Помічник екологічного інспектора.– Київ, ДЕА, 2009. 3. Сівак В.К. Природоохоронне інспектування: методичні вказівки до практичних занять з курсу. - Чернівці: ЧНУ, 2009.