Home/ Majors directory/Micro and Nanosystems of the Internet of Things/Quantum Electronics, part 1
Quantum Electronics, part 1
Major: Micro and Nanosystems of the Internet of Things
Code of subject: 6.153.03.O.023
Credits: 5.00
Department: Semiconductor Electronics
Lecturer: Dr.Sc., Prof. Ihor P.Ostrovskii
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: As a result of studying the discipline, a specialist should know: the physics of phenomena and processes that take place in semiconductor lasers and optoelectronic devices, the principles of operation of elements of quantum and optical electronics and methods of calculating their parameters and characteristics.
A trained specialist must be able to: apply knowledge of physical phenomena that underlie optical electronics to develop new electronic devices - semiconductor lasers, photoresistors, photodiodes, phototransistors and LEDs, measure the main characteristics of a laser beam, navigate modern laser and optoelectronic technology.
Learning outcomes:
• Learning outcomes As a result of the discipline learning the student has to acquire the following learning outcomes:
R3. Apply knowledge and understanding of physics, relevant theories, models and methods to solve practical problems of synthesis of devices of micro- and nanosystem technics.
R4. Evaluate the characteristics and parameters of materials of devices of micro- and nanosystem technics, know and understand the basics of solid-state and optical electronics, nanoelectronics, electrical engineering, analog and digital circuit processing, microprocessor technics.
R5. Use information and communication technologies, applied and specialized software products to solve the problems of designing and debugging solar energy equipment, physical and biomedical electronics devices.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: physics, quantum mechanics and statistical physics
co-requisites: solid state elecronics
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Quantum electronics. Part 1" is devoted to the study of the physics of phenomena and processes that take place in semiconductor lasers and optoelectronic devices, the principles of operation of elements of quantum and optical electronics and methods of calculating their parameters and characteristics. The material taught in this discipline is necessary for the practical activities of both a student and a bachelor's specialist in the specialty 176 "Micro- and nanosystem engineering".
Опис: Open optical resonators, kinetic theory of lasing, properties of the laser beam, main types of modern lasers
Assessment methods and criteria: Lectures, practical and laboratory classes - information-receptive method, reproductive, heuristic method, problem presentation method, independent work - reproductive method, research method
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current checkups 30% – checkups on the practical classes, tests and individual tasks
• Final test 70% – Exam (written answers and oral examination)
• Learning language Ukrainian
Recommended books: Ptashchenko O.O. Fundamentals of quantum electronics: teaching. manual / O. O. Ptashchenko. – Odesa: Astroprint, 2010. – 392 p
Matkovstky A.O. Materials of quantum electronics. – Lviv: Liga - Press, 2000. – 286 p.
Modeling and optimization of solid-state microchip lasers [Text]: monograph / O. Bury A., Ubizskyi S. B.; National Lviv Polytechnic University. - L.: View in Lviv. polytechnics, 2013. - 199 p.
Semiconductor quantum generators with nanostructures [Text]: academic. manual for special students 171 Electronics, 153 Micro- and nanosystem technology / O. G. Pashchenko, O. B. Galat, O. Yu. Babichenko; Kharkiv. national University of Radio Electronics. - Kharkiv: Khnure, 2019. - 234 p.
Laser technologies /Y.V. Bobytskyi, G.L. Matviyishyn. - Tutorial. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. - 320 p.