Home/ Majors directory/Restoration of Monuments of Architecture and Town Planning and Reconstruction of Architectural Objects/Modern Conceptions and Innovations in Architecture and Urban Planning
Modern Conceptions and Innovations in Architecture and Urban Planning
Major: Restoration of Monuments of Architecture and Town Planning and Reconstruction of Architectural Objects
Code of subject: 7.191.04.O.4
Credits: 3.00
Department: Urban Planning and Design
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Ihor Cherniak
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and profession;
• The ability to learn, perceive the acquired knowledge in the subject area and integrate them with already available; the ability to search and analyze information from different sources;
• Basic knowledge of fundamental sciences in the necessary ex-tent for the general professional subjects mastering;
• Competence in the modern architectural theories and doctrines;
• Basic knowledge in architecture and urban planning needed for professionally oriented disciplines mastering;
• Competence in the modern concepts in urban planning;
• The ability to determine the territorial organization and evaluate the resource potential of the areas, their current state and development prospects.
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of Urban Planning
• History of Urban Planning and garden art
• Modern architectural theories and doctrines
• Urban Sociology
Summary of the subject: The course examines the peculiarities of urban ideas incipience during the beginning of XXI century, focusing on the process of global concepts of sustainable territorial development, globalization and urban debate of the twentieth century.
Assessment methods and criteria: Test, written-oral form (70%)
Calculation and graphic work (30%)
Recommended books: 1. Криворучко Ю.І., Воронич Є.А. Сучасні концепції містобудування:конспект ле-кцій для студентів Ін-ту архітектури/М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка" .-Львів:Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2014 .-104с.
2. Верменич Я. В. Історична урбаністика в Україні: теорія містознавства і методика літочислення. — К.: Інститут історії України НАН України, 2011. — 306 с
3. Черкес Б. С., Лінда С. М. Архітектура сучасності: остання третина ХХ – початок ХХІ століть. Навч. Посібник. 2- видання. - Львів: Вид-во НУ «ЛП», 2014.- 384с.
Modern Conceptions and Innovations in Architecture and Urban Planning (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Restoration of Monuments of Architecture and Town Planning and Reconstruction of Architectural Objects
Code of subject: 7.191.04.O.9
Credits: 3.00
Department: Restoration of Architectural and Artistic Heritage
Lecturer: Docent, PhD. inz. - Myron Demkiv
Docent - Yurij Dubyk
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline the student must be
able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
• Conduct historical and architectural research of ensembles of monuments of architecture and urban planning and their separate parts;
• conduct field architectural research and inventory
components of monumental architectural complexes and ensembles;
• to study the current State building norms and standards for work with historical architectural ensembles and in their protected areas;
• perform historical and architectural reference plans of urban historical complexes;
• carry out restoration projects, renovation of ensembles of architectural monuments;
• to defend the adopted project decisions at the meetings of advisory, scientific-methodical, town-planning councils of state and local monument protection institutions
Required prior and related subjects: Pre-requisites: Architectural design of KP (2nd semester), Renovation of buildings, Comprehensive research and scientific principles of regeneration of historic urban complexes and ensembles of architectural and urban planning object.
Co-requisite: Methodology of research and design process
preservation of the historic city, Reconstruction and restoration of architectural objects, protection of architectural monuments.
Summary of the subject: Discipline "Modern concepts and innovations in architecture and urban planning (CP)." is based on the following sections - preliminary study of the design object, research work with the object, study of scientific and practical principles of restoration design of ensembles of architectural monuments, formation of the concept and implementation of restoration projects of monumental urban complexes.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (25%)
- written (graphic) component (60%);
- oral component, work protection (15%).
Recommended books: Navchal`no-metody`chne zabezpechennya
1. Metody`ka restavraciyi pam'yatok arxitektury` / Pid red. M.Fexnera.
2. Pry`byega L.V. Kam'yane zodchestvo Ukrayiny`. Oxorona ta restavraciya. – K.,1993.
3. Doly`ns`ka M.L. Osnovni grupy` dzherel ta yixnij arxivny`j poshuk (grafichni dzherela): Metody`chni vkazivky`. / NU “L`vivs`ka politexnika”. – L`viv, 2003.
Rekomendovana literatura
1. V. Sichy`ns`ky`j. Istoriya ukrayins`koyi arxitektury`. Arxitektura. NTSh v Amery`ci. NyuJork. 1956.
2. V. Sichy`ns`ky`j. Pam`yatky` ukrayins`koyi arxitektury`. I. Filadel`fiya. 1952.
3. Vechers`ky`j V.V.,. Spadshhy`na mistobuduvannya Ukrayiny`. Ky`yiv: NDITIAM. 2003
4. Pry`byega L.V.,. Istory`chni arealy` poselen`: sutnist` ta metodologichni zasady` oxorony`. Ukrayins`ka akademiya my`stecztva. Vy`p. 8., 2001, s. 113-130.
5. Pry`byega L.V.,. Oxorona ta restavraciya ob'yektiv arxitekturno-mistobudivnoyi spadshhy`ny` Ukrayiny`: metodologichny`j aspekt. 2009
6. Doly`ns`ka M.L. Lokalizaciya l`vivs`koyi istory`chnoyi zabudovy` na stadiyi peredproektny`x doslidzhen`: Metody`chni vkazivky`. / NU “L`vivs`ka politexnika”. – L`viv, 2001.
7. Ignacy Drexler. Odbudowanie wsi i miast na ziemi naszej. Wydawnictwo zakladu nar. im. Ossolinskich. Lwow - Warszawa - Krakow – 1921/
8. Borusiewicz W. Konserwacja zabytkow budownictwa murowanego. – Warszawa, 1985.
9. Malachowicz E. Konserwacja i rewaloryzacja architektury w zespolach I krajobrazie – Wroclaw, 1994.
1. Doly`ns`ka M.L. Osnovni grupy` dzherel ta yixnij arxivny`j poshuk
(kartografichni dzherela): Metody`chni vkazivky`. / NU “L`vivs`ka politexnika”.– L`viv, 1999.
2. Volody`my`r Vujcy`k. LEOPOLITANA . /VNTL-Klasy`ka.- L`viv. 2012.
3. Volody`my`r Vujcy`k. LEOPOLITANA 2. /VNTL-Klasy`ka.- L`viv. 2013