Innovative Information Technology

Major: Information Control Systems and Technologies
Code of subject: 7.122.01.O.001
Credits: 7.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Lecturer of the department
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form a system of knowledge in the field of organization and functioning of information systems of innovation, as well as methodology for solving complex management problems.
Завдання: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must acquire the following skills: - develop intelligent components using neural network technologies - to evaluate data from sensors in conditions of interference and incomplete information, compression and recognition of images and scenes. - ability to use storage tools (databases, warehouses and data spaces), operational analytical and intelligent data processing and network technologies in the development of information management systems and technologies. - apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of development of information management systems and technologies, using known methods. - apply knowledge to solve problems of synthesis and analysis of information management systems; - to think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas in information and management systems and technologies. - to apply knowledge of technical characteristics of components of information and management systems, technological features of processing various types of information; - combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop a strategy for the development of information management systems and technologies, taking into account human values, social, state and industrial interests. As a result of studying the discipline, the student must acquire the ability to realize the responsibility for the development of professional knowledge and practical skills, the need for lifelong learning.
Learning outcomes: • Be able to develop intelligent components using neural network technology for the evaluation of data from sensors in terms of noise and incomplete information kompresuvannya and recognition of images and scenes. • Be able to use protections (databases, storage space and data), online analytical processing and intelligent data networking technologies and the development of information management systems and technologies. • Be able to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of information control systems and technologies using known methods. • Be able to apply knowledge to solve problems of analysis and synthesis of information and control systems; • Be able to think systematically and apply creativity to the formation of innovative ideas in information control systems and technologies. • Be able to apply knowledge of the technical characteristics of the component information and control systems and technological features of processing different types of information; • Be able to combine theory and practice, and make decisions and develop a strategy of information control systems and technologies on the basis of human values, social, civil and industrial interests. • Possession sufficient knowledge in information technology, which will allow the situation to critically analyze information and control systems and technologies and identify key trends of improvement and development; • Understanding the tools and strategies relevant to the diagnosis and analysis of the development of information management systems and technologies at a level that will allow job specialty, ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice in the creation and implementation of information management systems and technology; • Theoretical and practical knowledge of information management systems and technology at the newest achievements that are the basis for original thinking and innovation, particularly in the context of research; • Knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines 122 specialty "Computer science and information technology; • Gain knowledge that will provide the ability to analyze and critically interpret problems and problems with the development of information management systems and technologies. • Professional and specialized knowledge requirements for the formulation and development of intelligent control systems and technology, problem-oriented and embedded computer systems, computer systems digital signal processing, evaluating their options and reliability. • Knowledge and understanding of design methodologies and modernization of information management systems and technologies in accordance with the regulations applicable standards and specifications; • Obtaining adequate knowledge and understandings relating to 122 specialty "Computer science and information technologies", the scale of which will be sufficient to successfully organize and conduct research on the subject of information control systems and technologies, generate results and represent the profession.
Required prior and related subjects: Сo-requisites: • Mathematical methods of knowledge representation • Neural network adaptive systems and components
Summary of the subject: The main tasks of studying the discipline "Innovative information technologies" are study of information technologies in innovative activities, processing systems management information, organization and methodology of solving relevant complexes of tasks; acquiring the ability to use basic software tools and application packages software packages.
Опис: 1. The purpose of the study and structure of the course "Innovative inforomatsiyni technology." 1.1. Basic concepts. 1.2. Literature for work on a separate course. 2. Avtomatyzatsiya cluster analysis in innovation. 2.1. Cluster analysis. 2.2. Areas of use cluster analysis. 3.Avtomatyzatsiya factor analysis in innovation. 3.1. The main purpose of factor analysis. 3.2.Holovna purpose of factor analysis. 4.Avtomatyzatsiya optimization modeling in innovation. 4.1. Stage econometric study: 4.1.1 formulations muvanoyi-supported hypothesis; 4.1.2. supported the hypothesis testing; 4.1.3. solution based on specific criteria or evaluation are satisfactory and reliable; 4.1.4. to determine the suitability of the model predictions. 5. Avtomatyzatsiya of simulation in innovation. 5.1. Simulation. 5.2. A simulation model. 5.3. Applications simulations. 5.4. Methods of simulation 6. Automation forecasting innovation. 6.1. Prognostication. 6.2. Stage forecasting process: 6.2.1. Formulation of job development forecasts; 6.2.2. Prediction object; 6.2.3. Verification. 6.4. Classification of forecasts.
Assessment methods and criteria: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (40%) final control (control measure), written-oral form (60%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (40%) final control (control measure), written-oral form (60%)
Recommended books: • Тоцька О. Л. Інформаційні системи в інноваційній діяльності : [зб. тестів] / О. Л. Тоцька. – Луцьк : Волин. нац. ун-т ім. Лесі Українки, 2010. – 64 с. • Тоцька О. Л. Інформаційні системи в інноваційній діяльності : [навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] / О. Л. Тоцька. – Луцьк : Волин. нац. ун-т ім. Лесі Українки, 2010. – 184 с. • Тюрин Ю. Н. Анализ данных на компьютере / Ю. Н. Тюрин, А. А. Макаров ; под ред. В. Э. Фигурнова. – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М. : ИНФРА-М, 2003. – 544 с., ил.

Innovative Information Technology (курсова робота)

Major: Information Control Systems and Technologies
Code of subject: 7.122.01.O.005
Credits: 2.00
Department: Automated Control Systems
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна