Home/ Majors directory/Computer Technologies and Systems for Publishing and Printing Industry/Data Warehouses of Multimedia Systems
Data Warehouses of Multimedia Systems
Major: Computer Technologies and Systems for Publishing and Printing Industry
Code of subject: 7.186.01.E.017
Credits: 4.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Kovalchuk A.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education:
general competences:
? Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
? Ability to make informed decisions.
professional competences:
? The ability to comprehensively evaluate the influence of the environment of the functioning of technological and production processes for the improvement of product parameters.
? The ability to develop and implement new technological processes, in particular resource- and energy-saving technologies, and types of products in the field of publishing and printing, to optimize production processes in accordance with the requirements.
? Ability to apply modern methods and tools for research in the field of publishing and printing, as well as product quality assurance
? The ability to assess potential threats in publishing and printing systems and multimedia publishing houses and to use cryptographic protection of information.
? The ability to demonstrate various methods for establishing and identifying the requirements and expectations of all subjects of economic activity regarding the results of management and administration.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:
? Ensure the quality of printed and electronic publications, packaging, multimedia information products and other types of publishing and printing products.
? Manage the processes of preparation, substantiation, implementation, organization and control of the production of electronic multimedia publications, use knowledge of modern technologies for their production.
? Knowledge and understanding of the basics of analysis and assessment of problems and tasks, the solution of which contributes to increasing the efficiency of the use of information resources in the field of printing and multimedia.
? Know and understand the principles of construction and functioning of integrated systems of intelligent data analysis and the features of the application of their components in polygraphy.
? Use modern information sources of the national and international level to assess the state of study of the object of research and the relevance of the scientific problem.
? The ability to formulate and improve an important research problem, to collect the necessary information for its solution, and to formulate conclusions that can be defended in a scientific context.
? Ensure the quality of printed and electronic publications, packaging, multimedia information products and other types of publishing and printing products.
? Manage the processes of preparation, substantiation, implementation, organization and control of the production of electronic multimedia publications, use knowledge of modern technologies for their production.
? Knowledge and understanding of the basics of analysis and assessment of problems and tasks, the solution of which contributes to increasing the efficiency of the use of information resources in the field of printing and multimedia.
? Know and understand the principles of construction and functioning of integrated systems of intelligent data analysis and the features of the application of their components in polygraphy.
? Use modern information sources of the national and international level to assess the state of study of the object of research and the relevance of the scientific problem.
? The ability to formulate and improve an important research problem, to collect the necessary information for its solution, and to formulate conclusions that can be defended in a scientific context.
? To develop and implement projects of publishing and printing productions and their engineering and technical support systems, taking into account engineering, legal, economic, environmental and social aspects,
? provide them with informational and methodical support.
? Manage complex activities in the field of publishing and printing, organize and improve the activities of publishing and printing industries, develop plans and measures for their implementation, ensure quality, and calculate the technical and economic efficiency of production.
? Conduct research and/or carry out innovative activities in order to obtain new knowledge and create new technologies and products in the field of publishing and printing and in wider multidisciplinary contexts.
? Apply modern experimental and mathematical methods, information technologies and specialized software for research and development in the field of publishing and printing.
? Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish);
? Ability to use various methods, including modern information technologies, for effective communication at professional and social levels.
? Obtaining knowledge for organizing communication interaction and solving conflict situations in the process of forming and implementing electronic design products, using modern information, communication and innovative technologies.
? Ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen acquired and acquire new professional knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines:
• Automation of text and graphic information processing
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline will provide students with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of design, development of data warehouses, the use of modern database query languages, optimization methods used in the process of database operation, as well as an increase in the level of theoretical knowledge about the basics of databases.
Опис: First launch. Structure of the main window. Creating a new base. Access desktop. Structure of the Access desktop.
Objects of MS Acces. Protection of information in the database. Conversion of database formats. Improvement of the database structure
Data types. Creating tables in the "Table Designer" mode. Creating tables in "Table" mode. Import a table from an existing database. Import table from a text file. Import table from MS Excel file
Form creation. Creating split forms.
Using the Form Wizard. Creating an empty form.
Control elements. Working with the form designer.
Form Designer modes. Creating a subordinate form.
Creating a report
Queries and filters.
Using macros. Creating a simple macro.
Adding macros to a macro. Move macros within a macro.
Removing macros from a macro. Creating a built-in macro. Creating nested macros.
Creating an isolated macro.
Concept of data storage (SD), definition of SD, requirements for data storage, components of data storage, software tools of data storage, language and technical tools of SD.
Requests Create queries using the Query Wizard.
Classification of SD, classification of DB, classification of DBMS, classification of SD according to economic and organizational characteristics.
Subject area, structuring, SD and DBMS, access to DB, concept of data, field, record, file, relationship properties.
Database configuration planning. General model of the subject area. Logical data model. Hierarchical data model. Physical data model. Database and applications.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (PC) is carried out during laboratory and individual counseling classes in order to check the level of assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of the student. PC is conducted in the form of protection of laboratory work (LR) during training sessions and assessment of calculation and graphic work (RGR).
The curriculum provides for a semester control in the discipline "Web programming" in the form of an exam.
The exam (EK) contains theoretical questions, tasks that require a creative approach and the ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge and apply it in solving practical tasks, based on the material provided by the work curriculum of the discipline. EC on the academic discipline is made in written and oral form. During the oral component, the teacher records the questions and evaluates the answers on the student's work.
For the academic discipline for which the exam is provided, the final grade is set based on the results of the PC (laboratory work and RGR) and the assessment of the learning results during the control measures (exam).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The maximum score in points is 100;
Current control (laboratory work) – 30;
Current control (calculation and graphic work) – 10.
Examination control (written component) – 50.
Examination control (oral component) – 10
Recommended books:
1. Пасічник В.В.Організація баз даних та знань: підручник для ВНЗ/ В.В. Пасічник, В.А. Резніченко.– К.: Видавнича група BHV,2006.-384с.
2. Завадський І.О. Основи баз даних: [Навч. посіб.] / І.О. Завадський. – К. : Видавець І.О. Завадський, 2011. – 192 с.
3. Гайна Г.А. Основи проектування баз даних: Навчальний посібник / Г.А. Гайна. ? К. : КНУБА, 2005. – 204 с.
4. MSAccess - Reddit - режим доступу / https://www.reddit.com/r/MSAccess/
Data Warehouses of Multimedia Systems (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Computer Technologies and Systems for Publishing and Printing Industry
Code of subject: 7.186.01.E.018
Credits: 3.00
Department: Publishing Information Technologies
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна